| - 面向消息的中间件(mom)广义上描述了用于获得bqm的技术手段。
Messaging-oriented middleware (MOM) broadly describes the technical means used to achieve BQM. - 大厅正中,有一座铺着金色锦缎的看台,面对大门,背靠墙壁,并利用那间金灿灿卧房走廊上一个窗户,开了一道特别的入口。这看台是专为弗朗德勒使者们和其他大人物应邀来观看圣迹剧而搭设的。
In the centre of the Hall, opposite the great entrance, they had erected for the convenience of the Flemish envoys and other great personages invited to witness the performance of the Mystery, a raised platform covered with gold brocade and fixed against the wall, to which a special entrance had been contrived by utilizing a window into the passage from the Gilded Chamber. - 阳光射进房间
Sunlight broke into the room. - 晴间多云;间或的阳光。
broken clouds; broken sunshine. - 狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。
A crafty knave needs no broker. - 我和另外一个经纪人,合用一间办公室。
“I share my office with another broker. - 佣金付给中间人的手续费
A fee or commission paid to a broker. - 他们通过中间人做交易。
They had transacted business by the agency of a broker. - 对象请求中介(orb)处理不同组件之间的通信。
The Object Request Broker (ORB) handles the communications among the various components. - 股票经纪人的业务;在买者和卖者收取中间费。
a stock broker's business; charges a fee to act as intermediary between buyer and seller. - 基于这些短期因素来买卖股票不只昂贵(手续费),而且时间也难以拿捏。
Buying and selling stocks based on these short-term trends are not only expensive (brokerage cost) but difficult to time as well. - 早午餐是介於早餐兴午餐的中间餐。
Brunch is a cross between breakfast and lunch. - 北大西洋的一个海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间。
a bay of the North Atlantic between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. - 一天深夜,我正在洗漱准备上床睡觉时,艾莉走到卫生间,手里拿着学校发的小册子,站在门边看着我,我猜想她肯定不喜欢我刷牙的样子。
Late one night, as I'm getting ready for bed she comes to the bathroom door and watches me brush my teeth. For a moment, I think I must be brushing my teeth in a way she doesn't approve of. - 驻布鲁塞尔办事处除了在六月与香港比利时协会联合举行晚宴外,还于六月底及七月初在当地一间酒店举行香港食品周。
In the same month, the office was joint host of a gala dinner with the Belgium-Hong Kong Society and also organised a Hong Kong Food Week in a Brussels hotel in late June and early July. - 驻布鲁塞尔经贸办事处代表香港向欧盟争取经济贸易利益,并监察和促进香港与欧盟以及与英国以外欧盟成员国之间的双边关系。
The Brussels Office represents Hong Kong's economic and trade interests in dealings with the European Union (EU). It also monitors and promotes bilateral relations with the EU and its member states except the United Kingdom. - 十月间,行政长官董建华在访问完布鲁塞尔后,前往伦敦,会见英国首相贝理雅、外交及联邦事务大臣郭伟邦及英国贸易局主席贝嘉晴。
After his visit to Brussels in October, Mr Tung went to London where he met the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair; the Foreign Secretary, Mr Robin Cook and the President of the Board of Trade, Mrs Margaret Beckett. - 听那些最近离婚的人诉说苦衷,很难听到"暴力"及"遗弃"的字眼,却经常听到如下的表述:"我们只是无法很好的交流";"我们之间的教育差别太大了,无法克服";"我感到婚姻关系把我束缚住了";"他不让我成为本来的我";"我们不再有什么共同语言了"。
Listening to the complaints of those recently divorced,one seldom hears of brutality and desertion,but usually something like,“ We just don't communicate very well” ,“ The educational differences between us were simply too great to overcome” ,“ I felt trapped in the relationship” ,“ He won't let me be me” ,“ We don't have much in common anymore”. - 毕竟,如果有人执意要偷你的数据,他们可能用“暴力法”来对付口令,他们是不是衣着像看门人并在夜间偷窃你存档的柜子?
After all, if someone is so intent on stealing your data that they're likely to "brute force" a password, aren't they just as likely to dress like a janitor and rifle through your filing cabinets at night? - 也许目前正在发行的《merdeko》算得上一部。其中二战期间的日本士兵被描述成了印度尼西亚摆脱白种人野蛮的殖民统治的英雄。
Perhaps the current release Merdeka, which paints Japanese World War II soldiers as heroes who save Indonesia from brutish white settlers. - 嘿,布莱恩,你有时间喝一杯咖啡、聊一聊天吗?
Hey, Bryan, do you have time to grab a cup of coffee and catch up on things? - 像所有的泡沫,要把它吹涨需要一段时间,可是轻轻一戮破,它即刻破灭了。
As in all asset bubbles, it took time to propel prices to such outlandish levels, but it only took a single pierce to burst the bubble. - 1974年布加勒斯特国际人口会议通过的《世界人口行动计划》提出,“个人的生殖行为同社会的需要和愿望应该相互协调”。在肯定“所有夫妇和个人都享有负责地自由决定其子女人数和生育间隔以及为达此目的而获得资料、教育与方法的基本人权”的同时,明确指出“夫妇和个人在行使这种权利时,应考虑他们现有的子女和将来的子女的需要,以及他们对社会的责任”。
The "World Population Plan of Action," approved at the International Population Conference held in Bucharest in 1974, states: "Individual reproductive behaviour and the needs and aspirations of society should be reconciled.... All couples and individuals have the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information, education and means to do so; the responsibility of couples and individuals in the exercise of this right takes into account the needs of their living and future children, and their responsibilities towards the community." - 快一点,我们没有多少时间了。
Buck up, we haven't got much time. - 时间不多了,你最好快点。
There is not much time , you would better buck up. - 储藏小柜一个位于汽车上凹背坐椅之间的储藏小柜
A small storage compartment mounted between bucket seats in an automobile. - 比哈尔印度中东部一地区,恒河从其间穿过。释迦牟尼(释迦牟尼(佛陀))的早期岁月在此度过
A region of east-central India crossed by the Ganges River. Buddha spent his early days in the area. - 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. - 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。
The oyster's secret was partially fathomed as early as the 5th century, when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell. - 西藏佛教组织和宗教界人士积极开展同外国宗教团体和宗教界人士之间的友好往来活动。
Buddhist organizations and religious circles in Tibet have actively carried out friendly exchanges with their counterparts abroad. - 在柬埔寨,吸烟在僧侣中间十分盛行,甚至在佛教典礼仪式上,一包包的香烟已经成为普遍的供品了。
The habit is so prevalent that packets of cigarettes are a common offering at Cambodian Buddhist ceremonies. - 他们既确知了他还在迦太罗尼亚人的村里。便在长着嫩叶的梧桐树下和大枫树底下坐下来。头上的树枝间,小鸟们正在动人地合唱着,歌唱春天的好时光。
and assured that he was at the Catalans, they sat down under the budding foliage of the planes and sycamores, in the branches of which the birds were singing their welcome to one of the first days of spring.