  • 了我相当多的麻烦。
    He gave me considerable trouble.
  • 了我相当多的麻烦。
    He give me considerable trouble.
  • 首相有相当大的授予官职和予荣誉的权利。
    The prime minister have considerable patronage.
  • 我愿替你做这件事, 只消我一点小小的报酬(50英镑).
    I will do it for you for a small consideration (of 50).
  • 把一项任务交付某人
    consign a task to sb.
  • 那位父亲把孩子托付他妹妹照看。
    The father consigned the child to his sister's care.
  • 货物已经由空运发出你。
    The goods have been consigned to you by air.
  • 我们将以快递把货物寄他。
    We will consign the goods to him by express.
  • 委托销售,佣金销售
    To consign( goods) to one; to sell on commission
  • 寄送,托运派遣或寄送(例如船只)代理商店或代理人
    To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor.
  • 如果案件确系侵权已有定论,则成员可授权该主管当局将发货人、进口人及收货人的姓名、地址以及有关商品数量等信息提供权利持有人。
    Where a positive determination has been made on the merits of a case, Members may provide the competent authorities the authority to inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, the importer and the consignee and of the quantity of the goods in question.
  • 官方拘留官方的授权,监狱或心理健康机构
    Official consignment, as to a prison or mental health facility.
  • 监禁法院命令,授权托付监狱
    A court order authorizing consignment to a prison.
  • 让医生我们开药方以获得身心健康、精力充沛和富有成效的生活,我们得到的往往是运动二字。
    Nothing is more consistently prescribed by physicians for a healthy,energetic,and productive life than exercise.
  • 他们写信我们表示慰问。
    They wrote to us offering consolation.
  • 毕竟,天主已经赋予了她懦弱的性格,那么在她承受痛苦生活的重压的时候,为什么就不能她一点安慰呢?
    And after all why should God, who had made her weak and helpless, abandon her without consolation to struggle on beneath the oppressive burden of her life?
  • “那么您就我一点友谊,”我对阿尔芒说,“您就跟我谈谈您为什么这样伤心,把心里的痛苦讲出来,人就会感到轻松一些。”
    By granting me a little of your friendship, ' I told Armand, 'and by telling me the cause of your sorrow. There is consolation in speaking of one's suffering.'
  • 我本不会寻求提名,因为我已志在另一个部门,作为依利诺斯州的最高长官并不是一项无奈的选择,也不是我的一个安慰奖,在那里,我的雄心壮志得到充分地发挥。
    I could not seek it because I aspire to another once, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gifts of the people of Illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.
  • 最近我出席多个大专大学毕业典礼和叁观一些学校,与香港的青年人有机会接触,香港青年人予我总体的印象是一群有理念、有承担感,是对香港回归充满信心,有志向在下一代、在下一个世纪当家作主的青年人,看到这样朝气的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高兴,我们正身处一个大时代之中,在这一个大时代的标志,从香港来说,香港结束了长达一百五十六年的殖民统治,重新回归到祖国的大家庭,从整个国际形势来说,世界从过去两极对峙格局变成多极的发展,和平与及发展成为当今世上的主题,经济更加开放,资讯科技推动了经济,社会和各个领域迅速的变化,制造了更多发展的机会,带我们更加多的挑战。
    During my recent attendance in the graduation ceremonies of a number of tertiary institutions and visits to schools, I had the chance to come into contact with some of our young people. From them I got the overall impression that they are a group of youngsters with their own values and a sense of commitment, who have confidence in Hong Kong after the reunification and are aspiring to be the future masters of Hong Kong. It has given me great consolation and delight to see such a vivacious younger generation. We are now in an era of great historical significance. To Hong Kong, this era marks the end of 156 years of colonial rule and its reunification with the motherland after a prolonged separation. In the international scene, it represents a transformation from the past polarisation to development in all spheres. Peace and development are the main agenda of the world today. Economies have become more open and information technology is propelling rapid changes in economies, societies and other various areas. This in turn has created more opportunities for development as well as brought about more challenges.
  • 当我受到挫折而感到沮丧时,她会我以精神上的安慰;
    She will console me spiritually when I am thwarted and frustrated;
  • 在计算机图形学中,由输入设备在显示控制台上提供操作员的一种关于当前值的立即响应。
    In computer graphics, the immediate notification of the current values provided by an input device to the operator at the display console.
  • 就目前来说,我们感兴趣的只有println()。它的意思是“把我你的东西打印到控制台,并用一个新行结束”。
    For now all we’re interested in is println( ), which in effect means “print what I’m giving you out to the console and end with a new line.
  • 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交了我.
    She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air.
  • 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交了我
    She handed the note to me with a conspiratorial air
  • 我祖父我的那幅画原来是康斯塔伯的作品
    The painting my grandfather gave me turns out to be a Constable
  • 我祖父我的那幅画原来是康斯塔伯的作品.
    The painting my grandfather gave me turned out to is a Constable.
  • 谢谢火焰你光明,但是不要忘了那执灯的人,他是坚忍地站在黑暗当中呢。
    Thank the flame for its light, but do not forget the lampholder standing in the shade with constancy of patience.
  • 他经常当地报纸写文章。
    He constantly writes articles for the local paper.
  • 一个不断她添麻烦的不利条件
    A back condition that bothers her constantly.
  • 一种为专用应用程序而定一个常数值的变量,而且它可以表示该应用程序。
    A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that may denote the application.
  • 要素增加修饰成份;在语法上。
    add a modifier to a constituent; in grammar.
  • 不构成犯罪的,予行政处分。
    if their acts do not constitute a crime, administrative penalties shall be given.