  • 他散布流言蜚语危害很大, 事後才真相大.
    His malicious gossip caused much mischief until the truth became known.
  • 他散布流言蜚语危害很大,事後才真相大
    His malicious gossip caused much mischief until the truth became known
  • 她爱诋毁那些清的人。
    She likes to malign innocent persons.
  • 造血组织的恶性癌症;特征是细胞异常增多。
    malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer.
  • 东半球象鹅的鸭子,比野鸭稍大,多数为黑杂色羽毛,红嘴。
    Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.
  • 用来酿莫瓦西亚葡萄酒的葡萄。
    used to make malmsey wine.
  • 他们用钱买粮食—稻米、小米等等—但很难有蛋质,孩子们的营养不良非常严重。
    ”They use the money to buy food—rice, millet, and the like—but it is so hard to get protein that the children are seriously malnourished.
  • 富含动植物蛋的食物;常用来治疗营养不良,或增加肌肉力量。
    a diet high in plant and animal proteins; used to treat malnutrition or to increase muscle mass.
  • 苹果树欧亚大陆一种落叶乔木(苹果),有互生的单叶及色或粉色的花朵
    A deciduous Eurasian tree(Malus pumila) having alternate simple leaves and white or pink flowers.
  • “听我说,孩子他妈,你必须明
    " Now listen to me, Mama. Understand this!
  • “妈妈,你根本弄错了,”伊丽莎这话一出口,她母亲就红了脸。
    "Indeed, Mama, you are mistaken," said Elizabeth, blushing for her mother.
  • “可是你忘啦,妈妈,”伊丽莎说,“我们将来可以在跳舞会上碰到他的,郎格太太不是答应过把他介绍给我们吗?”
    "But you forget, mama," said Elizabeth, "that we shall meet him at the assemblies, and that Mrs. Long has promised to introduce him."
  • 天他们上班去了的时候,由一个黑人保姆照看他们的儿子。
    During the day, a mammy take care of their son when they go to work.
  • 明白事理的人。
    A man of understanding.
  • 他有一头长而厚密的发。
    He had a mane of thick white hair.
  • 身体为浅棕色或金黄色、鬃毛和尾巴为乳色的马。
    a horse of light tan or golden color with cream or white mane and tail.
  • 牛羚,角马两种非常大的非洲羚羊之一(角马属尾角马或角马属斑纹角马)属,有飘垂的鬃须,长而成簇的尾,雌雄性皆有弯角
    Either of two large African antelopes(Connochaetes gnou or C. taurinus) having a drooping mane and beard, a long tufted tail, and curved horns in both sexes.
  • 锰硅锌矿一种色或彩色的晶体状矿物质,是硅锌矿一个种类,其中的锌部分被锰所代替
    A white or colored crystalline mineral, a variety of willemite, in which the zinc is partly replaced by manganese.
  • 逐渐地揭露或展开;变得明
    be gradually disclosed or unfolded; become manifest.
  • 先生,你也许记得二月份发运的那批货到达马尼拉时,破损严重。
    Mr Bai, as you may recall, the February consignment arrived at Manila seriously damaged.
  • 可以建立页的边缘空;可定义页长;其他凡涉及对字处理的功能都能够执行。
    Margins can be established; page length can be defined; and many other functions that involving the manipulation of the written word can be performed.
  • 树披上了一层霜的服装。
    The trees were clothed in a white mantle of frost.
  • 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念求恩》一文。
    Chairman Mao wrote"In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939.
  • 尽管如此,你却想拥有你自己的电脑公司。过去几个月里,你每天晚上忙着设计空表格程序,建立顾客名单;此外你还策划着新的投资机会。
    But you really want to own your own data-processing business, and for the past few months you've spent your evenings doing spreadsheets, developing customer lists, and otherwise mapping out the new venture.
  • 带褐色条纹的色大理石
    White marble streaked with brown
  • 做成有大理石样花纹;纸一样。
    paint or stain like marble; of paper.
  • 同伊丽莎女王的孩子们不同,玛格丽特的两个孩子婚姻幸福,事业有成。
    Unlike Elizabeth's brood, Margaret's children are happily married and pursuing independent careers.
  • 她还为乔治vi世、伊里莎女皇、菲利普王子及玛格丽特公主演唱歌曲。
    There, she performed songs in front of the King George VI, Queen Elisabeth, Prince Philip and Princess Margaret.
  • 小男孩喜欢在书页空边上做笔记。
    The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
  • 字(词)处理技术中,使打印文件有平齐的左右空边。
    In word processing, to print a document with even right and left margins.
  • 可以建立页的边缘空
    margins can be established;
  • 他在笔记本的空处信手画了许许多多条条道道。
    The margins of his notebook were festooned with doodles.