  • 让我们分析一下这道题,看什么地出错了。
    Let's analyse the problem and see what went wrong.
  • 在这些部门工作的同志,也需要经常倾听来自各面的不同意见,分析和改进自己的工作。
    They must listen to differing opinions from various quarters and analyse and improve their work.
  • 在这些面,要运用马列主义结合我们的实际进行分析,有所贡献,有所发展。
    We should analyse these matters by combining Marxism-Leninism with our practice so that we can make new contributions and push things forward.
  • 这是个系统化的股票分析式,认为经济和行业是决定股票回报的重要因素。
    The top-down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyse stocks. It advocates that the economy and effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks.
  • 所以,我们在探讨创新时,应将这两个特点作为历史背景来分析东文化对创新的正面、负面的作用。
    Therefore, when we discuss the issue of creativity, we should take these two traits as a historical backdrop, so as to analyse the positive and negative effects of Eastern and Western cultures on creativity.
  • 第一条就是要同人民一起商量着办事,决心要坚定,步骤要稳妥,还要及时总结经验,改正不妥当的案和步骤,不使小的错误发展成为大的错误。
    First, when handling matters we should consult the people, act resolutely but prudently, analyse our experience from time to time and correct inappropriate plans and methods so as to prevent minor mistakes from becoming major ones.
  • 他们时常分析当事人彼此的言行何以导致冲突,然后责备两造各有不是之处,理由是凡有事端发生,总归是双行为偏差。
    They often analyse the social interaction between the parties that led to the dispute and later chide both parties for their roles in the dispute. The idea is that disputes are the result of both parties behaving incorrectly.
  • 很明显,我们应该也只能采取实事求是、从实际出发、理论和实践相结合的法,总结过去的经验,分析新的历史条件,提出新的问题、新的任务、新的针。
    Obviously, it is the method of seeking truth from facts, of proceeding from reality and of integrating theory with practice in order to sum up past experience, analyse the new historical conditions, raise new problems, set new tasks and lay down new guidelines.
  • 销售分析表明,这两种产品在竞争垄断市场面仍然不分高低。
    Sales analyses show these two products are still vying neck and neck to corner the market.
  • 环境分析方法
    methods of environmental analysis
  • 频谱分析方法建模
    modelling via spectral analysis
  • idc的另一位分析家阿勃那·格玛诺说:“如果ibm在其网络软件升级面很顺利,那么很快就有其他的服务供应商效仿。”
    If IBM has an easy time with their network software upgrade, then other service providers will follow suit very quickly," says Abner Germanow, an analyst at IDC.
  • 分析师诺布尔说,股东面可能有些阻力。兰姆萨斯公司的鲁宾告诉路透社说“优先股股东吃亏了”-该公司拥有哈考特债券和优先股票。
    Mr. Noble, the analyst, said there would probably be some resistance from stockholders, and Jim Rubin of Lamle Sass & Rubin, whose firm owns Harcourt bonds and preferred stock, told Reuters that "preferred shareholders are getting a raw deal."
  • 善于分析的头脑;分析
    An analytic mind; an analytic approach.
  • 分析性实验;分析的法;分析敏锐的人;分析性推理;分析性的头脑。
    an analytic experiment; an analytic approach; a keenly analytic man; analytical reasoning; an analytical mind.
  • 心理表演治疗法一种精神治疗和分析法病人在医师设计的一个戏剧性场景中扮演角色,并自然地表演
    A psychotherapeutic and analytic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist.
  • 这位学者对音乐悟性和分析面的兴趣并不影响她欣赏音乐会
    The scholar's interest in the intellectual and analytical aspect of music didn't prevent her from enjoying concerts.
  • 此外,有关检测食物内含基因改造成分的计划,亦取得良好进展;政府化验所已制定和验证了一套可供使用的分析法。
    A project on testing for genetically modified ingredients in foods was progressing well, with an analytical protocol developed and validated for use.
  • 为确保对其他部门提供有用的环保分析服务,政府化验所致力研究和发展多项化验法,并加强与各大专院校的合作交流。
    Underpinning the laboratory's service to clients is a strong commitment to research and development in analytical chemistry, with increasing collaboration from the academic institutions.
  • 伊拉克面建议核实炭疽热病菌和两种vx神经毒气原料数量的问题可以通过某些技术和分析面来解决,伊拉克面单面宣称这些东西已经被销毁。
    The Iraqi side suggested that the problem of verifying the quantities of anthrax and two VX-precursors, which had been declared unilaterally destroyed, might be tackled through certain technical and analytical methods.
  • 政府化验所为有关政府部门在执行保护消费者权益、监管战略物品和濒危物种贸易等工作面,提供广泛的化验及咨询服务。
    The Government Laboratory provides a broad spectrum of analytical and technical advisory services for other government departments in the areas of consumer protection, trade control of strategic commodities, and trade control of endangered species.
  • 重点开展运动训练的科学监控研究;体育训练信息采集、分析系统研究;先进训练技术综合应用示范;训练比赛及其器材、设备研制;运动员的科学选材研究;运动损伤机理与调节研究;人体创伤快速修复法研究;运动员体能恢复和营养补充;运动性疲劳发生和恢复的机理研究;体能项目运动员膳食rda的制定和科学干预等。
    This project includes as follows: the major study of scientific monitoring of players' training and of collection of physical training information, and of analytical system, and the comprehensive application and demonstration of advanced technique of training, and competition training and its development of equipment and material, and the study of scientific selection of players and of the injury function for sport and its adjustment, and of the method of quick curing of wound of human body, and recovery of players' physical efficiency and supplement of their nutrition, and of the function of occurrence and recovery of sport fatigue, and establishment of the normal of diet RDA players of physical efficiency and scientific interference etc.
  • 让我们分析一下这道题,看什么地出错了。
    Let's analyze the problem and see what went wrong.
  • 别着急,只要你努力练习,你会提高这面的技术,我们来分析一下你罚的球,好吗?
    Don't worry, you'll improve this skill as long as you practise hard, let's analyze it, OK?
  • 不过两个人“从不比较和分析各自的职业生涯”,埃林说,美容护肤用品购买使用面没有什么一定之规。
    Though the two "never compare or analyze career paths," says Erin, borrowing beauty products is not off-limits.
  • 这是个系统化的股票分析式,认为经济和行业是决定股票回报的重要因素。
    The top-down approach offers a systematic and structured way to analyze stocks. It advocates that the economy and industry effects are significant factors in determining the total return for stocks.
  • 书写单位;书写符号代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号
    A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.
  • 另一面,知识是经过编辑、进入文档并以一种使其变得有意义的法分析过的信息,从而,对一个组织来说是有价值的。
    Knowledge, on the other hand, is information that has been edited, put into context and analyzed in a way that makes it meaningful -- and therefore valuable to an organization.
  • 这两个组织发起并资助了一些科学家去分析4500多项主要集中在饮食和患癌关系面的科学研究,通过现有的最佳科学论据,科学家们提出了一些人们应采取的措施来降低患癌的危险,其中包括:
    The two organizations sponsored a team of scientists who analyzed more than 4,500 research studies -- most of which focused on the cancer diet link. Using the best scientific evidence available, the scientists then issued steps people can take to lower cancer risk.Among them:
  • 电泳分离法分离物质,尤指分离蛋白质的法,以及基于在电场作用下处于胶粒悬浮状态的各个成分的运动速度基础上进行的分子结构分析
    A method of separating substances, especially proteins, and analyzing molecular structure based on the rate of movement of each component in a colloidal suspension while under the influence of an electric field.
  • 在分析数据面,我们指望着你的支援。
    As to analyzing the data, I am figuring on your support.
  • 不可否认,在分析混和样本和克服各种各样的污染物面,dna分析比其他鉴定要好的多。
    DNA analysis is undeniably better than other tests in analyzing mixed specimens and overcoming a variety of contaminants.