  • 除非我们能得到更多的帮助,否则我们的计划会失败。
    Our plans will collapse unless we get more help.
  • 轮椅摺叠起来放在船上。
    He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat.
  • “这里的经济正在垮台,谁也没有办法挽救,”一位观察南斯拉夫经济多年的西方外交官说。“我确信会彻底瓦解。”
    "The economy here is collapsing, and there is nothing anyone can do about it," said a Western diplomat who has monitored the Yugoslav economy for years. "I'm convinced it is going to come apart in a big way."
  • 没有人能明确知道,如果下令轰炸旅馆,这些飞机会炸死什么人,但情报分析家确信,“基地”组织的高层官员正在旅馆里开会,塔利班在全国山崩瓦解的时候,他们下一步采取什么行动。
    Nobody knew precisely who they would kill if the order to attack the hotel was given, but intelligence analysts felt certain that senior Al - Qaeda officials were meeting in the hotel to consider their next moves as the Taliban regime was collapsing all over the country.
  • 他将大衣领扣紧。
    He fastened down the collar of his coat.
  • 新版本与旧版本做详细核对
    collate a new edition with an earlier one
  • 日内电工来收取这个月的电费。
    The electrician will come round to collect the electricity fee for the month one of these days.
  •  (三)私人收藏的文物私自卖给外国人的,由工商行政管理部门罚款,并可没收其文物和非法所得。
    selling cultural relics in private collections to foreigners without permission, for which the persons involved shall be fined by the departments for the administration of industry and commerce, and the cultural relics in question and the illegal earnings derived therefrom may be confiscated.
  • 先后编辑出版了《中国戏曲志-西藏卷》、《中国民间歌谣集成-西藏卷》、《中国民族民间舞蹈集成-西藏卷》、《中国谚语集成-西藏卷》。有关西藏曲艺、民族民间歌曲、戏曲音乐、民间故事的文艺集成也正在编纂之中,即出版。
    On this basis, the History of Chinese Operas and Story-telling Ballads: Tibet Volume, Collection of Chinese Folk Songs: Tibet Volume, Collection of Folk Dances of Chinese Ethnic Groups: Tibet Volume, and Collection of Chinese Proverbs: Tibet Volume have been published, and a series of collections of Tibetan ballads, folk songs, opera music and folk stories are now under compilation and will be published very soon.
  • 经过一些必要的变动后,现在的小组成员会齐心协力开展工作,他对此感到很满意。
    Having made the necessary changes, he was satisfied that he had a team which would collectively handle the task.
  • 国家主义国家从独立发展中受益而不是和其他国家共同发展中受益的信仰,强调国家内部的自标而不是国家间的
    The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
  • 我们要大力在青少年中提倡勤奋学习、遵守纪律、热爱劳动、助人为乐、艰苦奋斗、英勇对敌的革命风尚,把青少年培养成为忠于社会主义祖国、忠于无产阶级革命事业、忠于马克思列宁主义毛泽东思想的优秀人才,来走上工作岗位,成为有很高的政治责任心和集体主义精神,有坚定的革命思想和实事求是、群众路线的工作作风,严守纪律,专心致志地为人民积极工作的劳动者。
    We should strive to inculcate in our young people the revolutionary style of diligent study, observance of discipline, love of labour, pleasure in helping others, defiance of hardships and courage in the face of the enemy. In this way they can become fine and competent people loyal to the socialist motherland, to the proletarian revolutionary cause and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Thus, when they finish their schooling and take up their jobs, they will be workers imbued with a strong sense of political responsibility and collectivism and a firm revolutionary ideology; their style of work will be to seek truth from facts and follow the mass line, and they will observe strict discipline and work wholeheartedly for the people.
  • 一位稀有昆虫采集家给我们看一些他的最新发现。
    A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries.
  • 检票员我的票一斯两半,一半票据给我。
    The ticket-collector rent my ticket in two and handed back the return part.
  • 他们的儿子于一月份开始上大学。
    Their son will start college in January.
  • 美国国家人类基因组研究所所长弗朗西斯·柯林斯宣布了这个消息:“我高兴并荣幸地,也许应该说欣喜地宣布,人类基因组计划的目标即实现。”
    Dr. Francis Collins, who heads the National Human Genome Research Institute, delivered the news, " I' m pleased and honored, perhaps I should say exhilarated to declare the goals of human genome project to be completed."
  • 根据人类全部基因组排序课题的负责人之一弗朗西斯·科林斯的说法,到那时,发达国家的人均寿命达到90岁,疾病在症状出现之前就已经被诊断出来,很多人的基因已经经过了修改,心脏病、癌症或危险传染病的患者接受根据他们各自的基因结构专门开出的药方。
    The average lifespan in the developed world will be 90, diseases will be diagnosed before symptoms appear, many humans will already be genetically modified and patients with heart diseases, cancer or dangerous infections will be treated with prescriptions tailored to their own genetic makeup, according to Francis Collins, one of the leaders of the project to sequence the entire human genome.
  • 政府和工会必发生冲突.
    The Government and the unions are on a collision course.
  • 我们这些葡萄酒邮寄给在科隆的客户,特此函告。
    By this letter we inform you that we shall send these wines to our friends at Cologne.
  • 我们这些葡萄酒邮寄给在科隆的客户,特此函告。
    By this letter we inform you that we shall send these wine to our friend at Cologne.
  • 如果哥伦比亚恢复了更加传统的民主,那么,整个拉丁美洲都关注哥是否能使其奏效。
    If Colombia reverts to more conventional democracy, the rest of Latin America will be waiting to see if she can make it work.
  • 这个伟大的胜利最终结束以葡萄牙帝国统治开始的历经了500年之久的非洲殖民统治的历史。
    That triumph will finally bring to a close a history of five hundred years of African colonization that began with the estab lishment of the Portuguese empire.
  • 农夫本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。
    The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt, but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars, he consented.
  • 下面的哥伦比亚河谷中,洪水砂砾和其他碎屑堆积成战舰大小的山脊。
    Down in the Columbia River valley, the waters piled up gravel and other debris into tidges as big as battleships.
  • 事缘《海峡时报》的一名专栏作者撰文反对这项举措,认为它引起邻国的猜疑,使邻国人错认新加坡为“第三中国”。
    A Straits Times columnist argued against the move, saying that it would arouse suspicion in our neighbours and they might mistake Singapore as “Third China”.
  • 《海峡时报》专栏作者朱莱达·依布拉欣曾经正确地指出,如果作为"中庸回教徒"意味着其他回教徒会认为他们不够虔诚,回教徒很不愿意接受这个标签。
    Zuraidah Ibrahim, Straits Times' columnist, correctly said that Muslims are reluctant to be labelled as "moderate Muslims" if it means that they are defined as being less religious.
  • 约翰希望上大学,来当医生,但父亲去世后,他只得工作,希望破灭了。
    John hoped to go to college and become a doctor some day, but when his father died he had to get a job, and John's dreams coma crashing around his ears.
  • 我们合并这三个系。
    We shall combine the three departments.
  • 因此,中国共产党人必须爱国主义和国际主义结合起来。
    Chinese Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism.
  • 他们两个公司联合起来反对竞争者。
    They will combine their two companies against their competitors.
  • 两个或多个文件合并成一个文件。
    To combine two or more files into one file.
  • 使与氢化合,使氢化与氢的作用相结合,或受氢作用的影响,尤其是(不饱和的油)与氢结合产生一种固体脂肪
    To combine with or subject to the action of hydrogen, especially to combine(an unsaturated oil) with hydrogen to produce a solid fat.