Chinese English Sentence:
  • 发生于一个县或在一个县延伸的。
    occurring or extending throughout a county.
  • 1924年,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,将溥仪逐出宫禁,同时成立“清室善后委员会”,接管了故宫,对宫文物进行清点。
    In 1924, during a coup launched by the warlord Feng Yuxiang, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City and the management of the palace fell to the charge of a committee set up to deal with the concerns of the deposed imperial family. The committee began a sorting and counting of the imperial treasures.
  • 法老的臣子看见她,就把她举荐给法老,于是她就被带去收进法老的宫中。
    Pharaoh's courtiers saw her and praised her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into Pharaoh's household.
  • 蒙特罗斯苏格兰国民誓约派成员,英国战中转而效忠查理一世(1643年),率领高地军取得一系列军事胜利
    Scottish Covenanter who changed allegiance(1643) and led a force of Highlanders in a series of military victories on behalf of Charles I during the English Civil War.
  • 担保的内容是什么?
    What does the guarantee cover?
  • 损失不包括在我方承保的范围
    The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us.
  • 你公司的保险业务容齐全,你们是怎样订保险费率的呢?
    Your insurance coverage is quite comprehensive.How, do you fix the premium rates?
  • 保护部表面的保护层。
    a covering that protects an inside surface.
  • 在一个摇篮清洗;一般指淘洗金子。
    wash in a cradle; of gold.
  • 泊满了各式各样的船只。
    The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.
  • 一九九九年,该局的技术员、技工及操作工全日制或部分时间制训练课程,共训练了3587名学员。
    In 1999, 3 587 people were trained at technician, craftsman and operative levels on full-time and part-time basis.
  • 除开办全日制课程训练建筑业的技工、操作员及技术员外,也为业人士开办部分时间制持续教育课程。
    Full-time courses are offered to train up craftsman operators and technicians in the construction field; and part-time courses for the continuing education of in-service construction personnel.
  • 一九九九年九月,制造业75%技工及操作工人的日薪为250元或以上,25%为410元或以上。
    At the craftsman and operative levels in the manufacturing sector, 75 per cent of workers received a daily wage of $250 or more in September 1999; while 25 per cent received $410 or more.
  •  真正最见工夫的细活,莫过于对窟壁画病害的防治和修复了。
    Nothing can compare with the prevention and control of the decay of the murals and the restoration of damaged ones in the grottoes, which can best represent true craftsmanship.
  • 系统供应商继续将更多的功能塞进核。
    System vendors continue to cram more functions into their kernels.
  • 但是,这种社会主义按其实际容来说,或者是企图恢复旧的生产资料和交换手段,从而恢复旧的所有制关系和旧的社会,或者是企图重新把现代的生产资料和交换手段硬塞到已被它们突破而且必然被突破的旧的所有制关系的框子里去。
    In its positive aims, however, this form of Socialism aspires either to restoring the old means of production and of exchange, and with them the old property relations, and the old society, or to cramping the modern means of production and of exchange, within the framework of the old property relations that have been, and were bound to be, exploded by those means.
  • “我也不知道为什么,但是在我的心有一个响亮的声音告诉我,我应该把这只金纸鹤交给你。
    " I don't know why, but there's very loud voice inside me telling me I'm supposed to give you this golden crane.
  • 内燃机轴系扭转振动
    torsional vibration of engine crankshaft
  • 冲程向的冲程,尤指从曲轴移回的活塞冲程
    An inward stroke, especially a piston stroke moving away from the crankshaft.
  • 曲柄轴箱在往复式发动机将曲柄轴和相关部件包住的金属箱子
    The metal case enclosing the crankshaft and associated parts in a reciprocating engine.
  • 活塞在气缸部上下运动使得机轴在发动机旋转。
    an engine in which the crankshaft is turned by pistons moving up and down in cylinders.
  • 树哗啦一声倒入窗内.
    The tree crashed through the window.
  • 莱昂尔·汉普顿,1908年生于肯塔基州的路易斯维尔,他在早年就热衷于敲打鼓和钹。
    Born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1908, Lionel Hampton was drawn to the thumping of drums and crashing of cymbals at an early age.
  • 因此在一周尽量减少爱吃食品的摄入量,看看体水分含量、情绪、体力是否有所改善——你一定会感到万分惊诧。
    Therefore, for one week, try cutting out any foods you crave and just see what happens to your fluid levels, your mood and your energy you could be seriously amazed.
  • 我们观察到一定体积的气体,由于温度升高,气体部的压力就会增加。
    We have observed that an increase in the temperature of a volume of gas produces an in- crease in the internal pressure within the gas.
  • 腹股沟,鼠蹊两大腿侧和躯干相连接的折皱或凹陷,包括相近部位,通常也包括外生殖器
    The crease or hollow at the junction of the inner part of each thigh with the trunk, together with the adjacent region and often including the external genitals.
  • 矿物燃料的浪费性消费带来了海外的政治债务、国的空气污染和全球性气候变暖。
    Wasteful consumption of fossil fuels creates political liabilities overseas,air pollution at home and global warming.
  • 弹跳可以促进体循环。
    Jumping up and down improves the flow, creating better circulation.
  • 对被代理人发明创造的容,除专利申请已经公布或者公告的以外,负有保密责任。
    In respect of the contents of its clients' inventions-creations, except for those that have been published or announced, the agency shall bear the responsibility of keeping them confidential.
  • 2.数据或其他材料的汇编,无论采用机器可读形式还是其他形式,只要其容的选择或安排构成智力创作,即应予以保护。
    2. Compilations of data or other material, whether in machine readable or other form, which by reason of the selection or arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations shall be protected as such.
  • 其实东西方文化对创新的涵有不同理解和定义。
    There is a difference in understanding and definition of creativity between the East and the West.
  • 专利权政府授予发明者在一定时期制造、使用和销售其发明品的唯一的权力
    A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.