  • 然后他们给带到一个房,简单介绍了一下情况。
    Then they were shown into a room for a short briefing.
  • 他同那个组织有过短时的联系。
    He was briefly associated with that organization.
  • 将头或身体短时浸入水中
    To submerge the head or body briefly in water.
  • 引起注意吸引并短时吸引住(如注意力);吸引
    To capture and hold briefly(the attention, for example); engage.
  • 这个车的青年们组成了突击队。
    The young people in the workshop have formed themselves into a shock brigade.
  • 里有了花显得满室生辉.
    Flowers brighten (up) a room.
  • 我们需要在房里摆上一些室内盆栽植物就能使它的格调明快起来。
    We could do with one or two houseplants in this room to brighten it up.
  • 在计算机图形学中,显示图象和该图象在其中显示的区域之亮度或颜色上的差别。
    In computer graphics, the difference in brightness or color between a displayimage and the area in which it is displayed.
  • 反差在摄影或电视图象的画面中明处和暗处之的亮度差别
    The difference in brightness between the light and dark areas of a picture, such as a photograph or video image.
  •  奥运会期在主体会场燃烧的火焰即是奥林匹克圣火,象征着光明、团结、友谊、和平、正义。
    The torch burning in the main stadium during the Olympic Games is Olympic flame symbolizing brightness, solidarity, friendship, peace and fair play.
  • 牺牲虽大,时虽长,但是永久和平和永久光明的新世界,已经鲜明地摆在我们的前面。
    However great the sacrifice and however long the time needed to attain it, a new world of perpetual peace and brightness already lies clearly before us.
  • 一个星球的所谓“等级”,即从地球上看到的它们的亮度,取决于三个因素,即它和地球之的距离,它的温度和大小。
    Three factors are responsible for the so-called magnitude of a star, -- that is, for its brightness as seen from the earth, namely, its distance from the earth, its temperature and its size.
  • 伦敦与布莱顿之火车班次很多。
    There are frequent trains running between London and Brighton.
  • 伦敦与布赖顿之的一条很好的道路
    A good road between London and Brighton
  • 每年中有一部分时女王住在布赖顿。
    For part of the year, the Queen takes up residence at Brighton.
  • 在速度、光亮或者时短暂方面像流星一样。
    like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience.
  • 里灯火辉煌,宾客满堂。
    The room is brilliantly light up and full of guest.
  • 在雨中工作很长时可能使人发高烧。
    Working out in the rain for a long time may bring on a fever.
  • 幼儿园的老师们花了几个月的时才把男孩子的班级整顿好。
    It took the nursery teachers months to bring their class of boys under control.
  • 白宫和新闻界之的一些相互争斗
    Some bristly exchanges between the White House and the press.
  • 白宫和新闻界之非常敏感的交流;他变得敏感、爱记恨;对他的同事揶揄、刻毒。
    bristly exchanges between the White House and the press; he became prickly and spiteful; witty and waspish about his colleagues.
  • 那个房间长宽相等。
    This room is as broad as it is long.
  • 详细的没时谈了,就说个概况吧!
    he spoke in broad generalities.
  • 有很大的空或者按很大的空(分布等)。
    with or by a broad space.
  • 这频道的播映时是什么时候?
    When do this channel broadcast?
  • 这频道的播映时是什么时候?
    When does this channel broadcast?
  • 他们的到来使公司更加重视详实而新颖的广播新闻,使之同夜播出的集锦节目同时播出。
    Their participation make the company pay more attention to detailed and original broadcasting news and make it broadcasting at the same time with collection programs at night.
  • 现在正在预报飞机的起飞时
    Now it is broadcasting the take-off time for the planes.
  • 广播时无线电广播或电视台广播的时
    The time that a radio or television station is broadcasting.
  • 一周休息一天时,上班族只能有时勉强安排家务。
    With only one day off in a week working people had barely enough time to arrange the household.
  • 日本和香港之若能建立更广泛的经济伙伴关系,不会只是令两地人民受惠,其他地区都会有所裨益。
    For the broadening of the economic partnership between Japan and Hong Kong will benefit not just our own peoples.
  • 于是“知识经济”前所未有地鼓励人的学习探索精神与行为,推崇有技能、有素养的劳动者,要求不断的知识与技能更新。
    Thus the KBE wholeheartedly promotes the human learning spirit and behaviors, favors those workers with higher skills and educational qualifications, and requires continuous upgrading and broadening of skills and knowledge.