  • 出口额已超过8000万镑.
    Exports have topped the 80 million mark.
  • "经过四年的艰苦学习,现在他能用清楚流畅的语表达自己的意思了。"
    He can express himself in good clear English now after four years' hard learning.
  • 格兰西北方辽阔的罗马殖民地;辽阔的耕地。
    an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England; extended farm lands.
  • 这个国谋杀犯被法国警察引渡回国。
    The English murderer was caught by the French police and extradited to Britain.
  • 国一个被洗眼器称为洗眼杯。
    an eyecup is called an eyebath in Britain.
  • 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔――约翰・爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万镑遗产。
    One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane??20, 000.
  • 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔——约翰·爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万镑遗产。
    One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane £20,000.
  • 在(国)足协杯的第一轮比赛中,业余足球队大都被淘汰了。
    In the first round of the FA Cup most of the amateur teams were eliminated (from the competition).
  • 当今,中国人认为“8”字是运气的象征。因为“8”字的汉语发音接近于“发”——语的“幸运”。
    Nowadays, Chinese people think the number "Eight" is the symbol of god luck, because its pronunciation is close to "fa" in Chinese which means fortunate.
  • 国费边主义社会成员。
    a member of the Fabian Society in Britain.
  • 失望角华盛顿西南一海角,位于哥伦比亚河河口北侧。该地由国一名船长在1788年命名,他寻找西方传说中的河,但因找不到宽阔的河口而感到失望
    A cape of southwest Washington on the northern side of the mouth of the Columbia River. It was named in1788 by a British sea captain who was searching for the fabled River of the West and was disappointed when he did not discover a wide river mouth.
  • 在那本书中他是个传奇式的雄。
    He is a fabulous hero in that book.
  • 这群人从大背景的后面移动着一从一座人造水泥山和55尺高的瀑布的下腹部进人雾气绦绕的森林,沿着木制地板小心行进,被华氏85度的温度和95%的湿度问得汗流泱背。
    The group moves from behind the scenes -- from the concrete underbelly of a man-made mountain and its 55-foot waterfall -- out into the steamy forest , walking along wooden boards, sweltering in 85 degrees Fahrenheit, 95 percent humidity.
  • 他的语考试不及格。
    He failed his English examination.
  • 国人通常是白皮肤。
    English people usually have fair skin.
  • 她的语说得相当好。
    She speaks English fairly well.
  • 具有深邃洞察力的国作家吉卜林曾说过:“没有比用西方的准则来评定东方更荒谬的事了。”
    Rudyard Kipling, a sagacious British writer, once commented: “Nothing is more fallacious than to judge the East by the yardsticks of the West.”
  • 不列颠爱鹿协会新发表的一项调查结果显示,国现有6个品种的鹿,它们现在几乎遍布全国,其中,麂鹿、獐鹿和扁角鹿分布的范围尤其广泛。
    A new survey published by the British Deer Society shows that the six species of deer have now spread across almost the entire coutry, with muntjact, roe and fallow deer being particularly widespread.
  • 曾经在想象中千百次成功地扮演了雄的角色,我从不怀疑我能成功。
    Having played hero successfully a thousand times in fantasy, I never doubted I would do it.
  • 我跑过的最长的距离是十里.
    The farthest distance I've run is ten miles.
  • 最远不超过十英里.
    It's ten miles away, at the farthest.
  • 小币有很小价值的一个货币,尤指一个过时的国硬币,值半个法郎
    A coin of very small value, especially an obsolete British coin worth half a farthing.
  • 范·埃克说他对拉登怀着一种狂热的情绪,尽管自美国进攻阿富汗以来拉登就销声匿迹。他认为这种狂热源于这样一种理念,"在一些人眼中,他是魔鬼;但在另一些人眼中,他则是雄。
    Van Eyck said his fascination with bin Laden, missing since the U.S. war in Afghanistan, stemmed from the fact that "for one side he's evil and for the other he's a hero."
  • 在那条路上我开车的速度从不超过30里。
    I never go faster than30 on that road.
  • 他注定英年早逝。
    He was fated to die young.
  • 贝宁因成功地塑造了一个运气不好的大骗子而受到特别褒奖,获得奥斯卡金像奖、纽约影评家奖和国电影学院奖三项最佳女配角提名。
    Bening won special praise for her portrayal of an ill-fated con artist[2], accruing Best Supporting Actress nominations from the Academy, the New York Film Critics Circle, and the British Academy.
  • 这条船沉下四英寻。
    The ship sank in four fathoms.
  • 兹同函寄上贵方往来帐,其上显示我方顺差500镑。
    I hand you, enclosed, your account current, showing a balance in my favour of??500.
  • 勇事绩通常值得表扬的行为;成就或功绩
    A usually praiseworthy act; a feat or exploit.
  • 他的雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。
    His heroic feat make him a legend in his own time.
  • 战事结束宣布和平后的没有多久,史密斯在三十天中,飞行地球半周这件事举世为之震惊,澳洲政府颁赠五万元奖金,皇封授他爵位。
    and shortly after peace was declared, he astonished the world by flying halfway around it in thirty days. No such feat had ever been attempted before. It created a tremendous sensation. The Australian government awarded him fifty thousand dollars;
  • 国十月至二月是猎雉的开放季节
    October to February are the open seasons for pheasant in Britain