  • 我的衬衫你帮我送吗?
    Could you have my shirts delivered?
  • 妈的!是她老爸!但愿我挂断电话。
    Shit ! It 's her dad! I wish I could hang up.
  • 如果我去告发我的罪犯朋友,他们会反过来报复我,还可使用暴力。
    If I shit on my criminal friends, they'll turn against me and could be violent.
  • 想到他可遇上一次交通事故我不禁不寒而栗。
    I shiver to the idea (that) he can have meet a traffic accident.
  • 想到他可遇上一次交通事故我不禁不寒而栗。
    I shiver to the idea(that) he could've met a traffic accident.
  • 我告诉你们,上帝从这些石头中为亚伯拉罕造出子孙来。
    I tell you that God can make children for Abraham out of these stones here.
  • 不仅有可测定鱼群的位置,而且可以根据鱼群回声的图象区分出鲱鱼.鳕鱼或其他人们所熟悉的鱼。
    it is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well- known fish, by the pattern of its echo.
  • 顶上有一盏灯的塔,它给过往船只水浅的警报。
    a tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships.
  • 能量沉积产生冲击波
    shock wave induced by energy deposition
  • 被现存媒介所接受的采访活动;波兰有一个二万牧师的公开团体
    Journalistic practices unacceptable to the aboveground press; an aboveground corps of20, 000 priests in Poland.
  • 如果他不通过正当的渠道得到它,他会去偷的;因正当经营著称。
    in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it; was known for dealing aboveboard in everything.
  • 谈论过去可发生的事
    Talking about past possibilities
  • 这只旧鞋不修补了。
    This old shoe won't mend.
  • 把这些支持放进内核,通常会使这些功更快、更强。但是,当把越来越多的功硬塞进内核时,就更难生产出维护、升级和按时提交给客户的操作系统。
    Putting such support in the kernel usually makes those functions faster and more robust. But as more and more capabilities are shoehorned into the kernel, it's harder to produce operating systems that can be maintained, enhanced and delivered to customers on time.
  • 这鞋已经不能穿了。
    The shoes are wornout.
  • 他能穿这鞋吗?
    Can he wear the shoes?
  • 我摇头表示不接受。
    I shook my head in protest.
  • 你的枪命中目标吗?
    Does your gun shoot straight?
  • 弧菌病由弧菌体病菌引起的牛和羊的一种性传染疾病,经常会造成不生育或自动流产
    A venereal infection in cattle and sheep caused by the bacterium Vibrio fetus, often producing infertility or spontaneous abortion.
  • 当然,让我来告诉你吧。射手采用卧姿射击时,平卧腹部着地,用双肘支撑上体,枪托抵住肩部或胛窝,射手只用双手托枪。
    Of course. Let me tell you, in the prone position, the shooter lies flat on his stomach, supporting the upper part of his body on his elbows. The butt of the rifle is against the shooter's shoulder or shoulder blade pit, and he has to hold the rifle with both of his hands.
  • 有些人管它叫“灵巧射手”,这种新式步枪是美国步兵的一种合二为一的武器,它在1000码以内百发百中,而且还够绕开障碍。
    Some call it the Smart Shooter, a new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is accurate up to 1,000 yards and in effect fires around corners.
  • 在事业与爱人之间无法抉择的王储,最后只带着绝望,走上了毁灭自己和他人的道路。
    This apparently led to Friday night's shooting.
  • 用枪射击(关于他们的力)的人。
    a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability).
  • 经过了这个销毁的过程后,我已经够猜出桌子上的那个地名是什么,意识到一切努力都又一次失败了。
    By a process of elimination I could have been able to work out what the name waiting on the table was and the whole mission would have to be aborted again.
  • 因不为大多数州接受,平等权利修宪案於一九八二年夭折了。
    Not accept by most of the state, the equal rights amendment is abort in 1982.
  • 因不为大多数州接受,平等权利修宪案於一九八二年夭折了。
    Not accepted by most of the state, the equal rights amendment was abort in1982.
  • 若是店东一心想关门,顾客也爱莫助,是不是?
    If the shopkeeper himself wants it closed down, the customers cannot help in any way, can they?
  • 你不再继续冒充顾客进商店行窃了,总有一天你一定会被抓住的。
    You can't keep on shoplifting; as sure as fate you'll be caught one day.
  • 现在,买汽车的人可以选择金属蓝色、救火车红色、还有十几种其他颜色,并买到相匹配的内部部件。
    Car shoppers today can pick metalflake blue,fire-engine red, or any of a dozen other colours, with interiors to match.
  • 这样恶劣的天气我不出去。
    I can't go out in this abominable weather.
  • 黛利拉圣经旧约中,参孙的情妇。她将参孙出卖给非利士人,在参孙睡觉时剪掉了他的头发,使参孙丧失了
    In the Old Testament, a mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Philistines by having his hair shorn while he slept, thus depriving him of his strength.
  • 但是,这种社会主义所理解的物质生活条件的改变,绝对不是只有通过革命的途径才实现的资产阶级生产关系的消灭,而是一些行政上的改良,这些改良是在这种生产关系的基础上实行的,因而丝毫不会改变资本和雇佣劳动的关系,至多只减少资产阶级的统治费用和简化它的财政管理。
    By changes in the material conditions of existence, this form of Socialism, however, by no means understands abolition of the bourgeois relations of production, an abolition that can be effected only by a revolution, but administrative reforms, based on the continued existence of these relations; reforms, therefore, that in no respect affect the relations between capital and labour, but, at the best, lessen the cost, and simplify the administrative work, of bourgeois government.