  • 同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识.--------<<琵琶行>>居易
    "Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore. Meeting now, need we have known each other before? --------<<Song Of A Pipa Player>>Bai ju yi
  • 我向他们做了明的解释。
    I made a lucid explanation to them.
  • 故事的语言如此简单明,人人都看得懂。
    The language of the story is so lucid that it is within everyone's grasp.
  • 笑剧古希腊和古罗马的一种戏剧表演形式,剧中类似的人物或情景在舞台上以闹剧表演出来,通常伴有粗俗的对和荒唐可笑的动作
    A form of ancient Greek and Roman theatrical entertainment in which familiar characters and situations were farcically portrayed on stage, often with coarse dialogue and ludicrous actions.
  • 由于她催促他结婚(她的话对他来说即是命令),他便向伊丽莎求婚,举止浮夸,滑稽可笑。
    Since she has urged him to marry(and her word is his command), he proposes to Elizabeth in a ludicrously pompous manner.
  • 由于她催促他结婚(她的话对他来说即是命令),他便向伊丽莎求婚,举止浮夸,滑稽可笑。
    Since she has urged him to marry (and her word is his command), he proposes to Elizabeth in a ludicrously pompous manner.
  • 高大的树,较低处树干的树皮颜色较暗,质地紧密,而较高处的树皮光滑,呈色;成材与欧洲或美洲梣木的成材相似。
    large tree with dark compact bark on lower trunk but smooth and white above; yields lumber similar to that of European or American ashes.
  • 幻日,反假日天空中有时可见的与太阳相对的幻日圈上的色发光光环
    A luminous, white, halolike area occasionally seen in the sky opposite the sun on the parhelic circle.
  • 那位警察不分青红皂地把该区居民统统称作一群盗贼。
    The policeman lumped together the residents of the district and called them a set of thieves.
  • 月亮苍的照在雕像上。
    moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence.
  • 一种蓝色、有光泽的金属元素,常温下易碎,加热可锻造,用于多种合金和镀锌铁中,以硫化物形式见于闪锌矿中。
    a bluish-white lustrous metallic element; brittle at ordinary temperatures but malleable when heated; used in a wide variety of alloys and in galvanizing iron; it occurs as zinc sulphide in zinc blende.
  • 在马丁·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且人也要成为黑人的兄弟。
    In Martin Luther King’s dream, not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb, but white was going to be brother to black.
  • 奢侈的;天或晚上的旅行。
    luxurious; for day or night travel.
  • 碱液漂后的玉米粒。
    hominy prepared by bleaching in lye.
  • 意大利底宗师之一,尼考劳·马基亚委利,也居然有这种自信,几乎明明地写道:“耶教把善良之人做成鱼肉,贡献给那些专横无道的人”。他说这话,因为真的从来没有一种法律、教派或学说曾如耶教一样地尊重过“善”的。
    And one of the doctors of Italy, Nicholas Machiavelli, had the confidence to put in writing,almost in plain terms: That the Christian faith had given up good men, in prey, to those that are tyrannical, and unjust Which he spoke, because indeed there was never law, or sect, or opinion, did so much magnify goodness, as the Christian religion doth.
  • 一种缠绕藤本,原产马达加斯加,栽作温暖地区和温室中的观赏植物,具厚而暗绿色蜡质的叶,花色,蜡质、沿茎呈簇生。
    twining woody vine of Madagascar having thick dark waxy evergreen leaves and clusters of large fragrant waxy white flowers along the stems; widely cultivated in warm regions.
  • 您明白了吗?
    Are you clear, madam?
  • 加那利葡萄酒产于加那利群岛的一种甜葡萄酒,类似马德拉葡萄酒
    A sweet white wine from the Canary Islands, similar to Madeira.
  • 蘑菇和红葡萄酒或马德拉葡萄酒做成的褐色沙司。
    brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or madeira.
  • 马德拉葡萄一种烈性的甜葡萄酒,尤指产自马德拉岛的
    A fortified dessert wine, especially from the island of Madeira.
  • 在这个世纪,希特勒、麦迪逊大道、约翰逊、尼克松。里根,这些政治形象的策划者们和他们手中牵着的笑容可掬的傀儡总统们使我们明:谎撒得越大,人民越容易相信。
    This century, with Hitler and Madison Avenue and Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, the political image-makers and their line of puppet presidents with smiling faces have taught us that.
  • 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、色或带红点的花朵
    Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta-spotted flowers.
  • 日本的一种兰花,叶子上有色斑纹,具有细长、笔直的总状花序,花呈玫瑰红色至红紫色;常为园艺栽培;常归入勃利特属。
    Japanese orchid with white-striped leaves and slender erect racemes of rose to magenta flowers; often cultivated; sometimes placed in genus Bletia.
  • 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳色或粉色至红紫色花,花具多数长度不等的雄蕊。
    widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length.
  • ”玛吉还会用一些润肤露按摩皮肤(她酷爱倩碧和伊利莎亚顿这两个牌子)。
    " Maggie rubs in some extra moisturizer (she's a big Clinique and Elizabeth Arden fan).
  • 质并没有什么魔力。
    There's nothing magical about protein.
  • 一种色固体矿物,天然生成的方镁石,是镁的来源。
    a white solid mineral that occurs naturally as periclase; a source of magnesium.
  • 玉兰一种中国落叶树(玉兰木兰属),因其芳香的杯状大花而常被栽种
    A deciduous Chinese tree(Magnolia heptapeta) often cultivated for its large, cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers.
  • 第四届中国戏剧梅花奖和第四届上海戏剧玉兰主角奖得主。
    Yue Mei-ti is the winner of 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of 4th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize.
  • 木兰任一种生长于亚洲和西半球的属于木兰科的多种常青或落叶树木及灌木,生有芳香的树枝和呈色、粉色、紫色或黄色的很大艳丽花朵
    Any of numerous evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Magnolia of the Western Hemisphere and Asia, having aromatic twigs and large showy white, pink, purple, or yellow flowers.
  • 斯里兰卡和印度南部的护卫灵因被用于马六甲藤的茎干的长度而引人注目。
    climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes.
  • 地说,我对体育不像其他男孩子那么上瘾。
    Frankly speaking, I'm not so interested in sports as most males.