  • "市长答应调查这次冲突是预先计划好的,还是偶发生的。"
    "The mayor promised to look into whether the clash was designed, or it just happened by accident."
  • 大熊猫肯定是当今最为人们熟悉的人与自冲突的象征。
    Today, the giant panda must be one of the most familiar symbols of the clash between man and nature.
  • 韩相淳是一个未婚妈妈庇护所(名叫阿宛)的负责人,她说:"我们现在正在目睹韩国社会价值观的冲突,堕胎就是它的后果。
    "We are seeing a clash of values in Korean society," says Han Sang-soon,, director of Aeranwon, a shelter for unwed mothers. "Abortion is the result."
  • 买办阶级和地主阶级虽也住在中国的土地上,可是他们是不顾民族利益的,他们的利益是同多数人的利益相冲突的。
    The comprador and the landlord classes also live on Chinese soil, but as they have no regard for the national interests, their interests clash with those of the majority.
  • 当然是经济舱。
    Economy class, of course.
  • 现代教育有三大内容-古典文学、现代历史和文学、以及自科学。
    There are three great constituents of modern education- the classics, modern history and literature, and science.
  • 这些过冬的毛衣人们依在穿,就像任何很有特点的传统女装一样,它们永远不会过时,人们今年穿、明年穿、有朝一日还穿。
    These winter woollies are still available and like any highly individual combination of classics, they never go out of fashion: wear them this year, next year, sometime.
  • 图书馆的新书必须先行分类后才上架供读者使用。
    In the library new books have to be classified before they are put on shelves for reader's use.
  • 今天早上我偶碰到了一位老同学。
    I ran into an old classmate this morning.
  • 我昨天偶碰到了一位老同学
    I ran up against an old classmate yesterday.
  • 而你必须把曾为罗马帝国一半之统治者的安东尼和十人执政之一及立法者阿皮亚斯·克劳底亚斯作为例外;
    You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius the half partner of the empire of Rome,and Appius Claudius the decemvir, and lawgiver.
  • 只有罗马的安东尼和克劳底亚是例外。前者本性就好色荒淫,而后者却是严肃多谋的人。
    You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man:
  • 我们必须彻底讨论这些条文,后决定是否将它们取消。
    We must discuss these clauses thoroughly before we decide to cross them out or not.
  • 妙主意突想到的聪明计划或主意
    A sudden clever plan or idea.
  • 他虽考试成绩不佳,却仍盲目相信自己的小聪明。
    In spite of his bad results in the examination, he has a fond belief in his own cleverness.
  • 明白她笑话的含义。
    Her joke suddenly clicked.
  • "演说的人给大家讲了个笑话,使我们一下子恍大悟,于是我们都哈哈大笑起来。"
    The speaker gave us a humorous joke which suddenly clicked with us and we all laughed.
  • 双击我的电脑,后双击软驱图标。
    Double-click My Computer, then double-click the floppy drive icon.
  • 在安装/卸载标签上,单击windows95,后按删除。
    On the install/uninstall tab, click window95, and then click remove.
  • 点击设置、控制面板,后在用户图像上点击鼠标左键。
    Click on Setting, Control panel, and click with your left mouse button on the Users icon.
  • 在“安装/卸载”标签上,单击oldwindows3.x/ms-dossystemfiles,后单击删除。
    On the install/uninstall tab, click old window3.x/ms-dos system files, and then click remove.
  • 在"安装/卸载"标签上,单击oldwindows3.x/ms-dossystemfiles,后单击删除
    On the install/uninstall tab, click Old Window 3.x/MS-DOS System Files, and then click remove
  • 后单击<<yourapp>>窗口中的某处,例如其它的工具栏按钮
    Then click somewhere in the<< yourapp>> window, such as another toolbar button
  • 被告的律师辩称其委托人显是无辜的。
    Counsel for the defence submitted that his client was clearly innocent.
  • ,内部网也可以描述成一种客户机/服务器系统,因为客户机/服务器的定义是如此的不严格。
    An intranet, of course, can be described as a client/server system because client/server is so loosely defined.
  • 后此客户机与les接触,它用于控制客户机正在加入的仿真局域网(elan)的功能。
    The client then contacts the LES, which serves to control the functions of the emulated LAN (ElAN) that the client is joining.
  • 他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。
    His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
  • 悬崖在那突变得陡峭起来。
    The cliff drops away at that point.
  • 山崖到此突十分陡峭,留神点。
    The cliff drops off suddenly here, be careful.
  • (指天气或者气候)大自的严厉。
    (of weather of climate) physically severe.
  • (指天气或者气候)大自的温和。
    (of weather or climate) physically mild.
  • 香港的地理环境和气候良好,使木本和草本植物生长茂盛,为多种动植物提供自生长环境。
    Hong Kong's physical and climatic environment provides woody and grassy habitats for a wide variety of animals and plants.