  • 恐怕这个期我们的确没有人手,李先生,我其实很想见您,可是却没有时间了。
    I'm afraid we're really staffed this week, Mr.Li. I'd like to meet you, but I'm sorry I really can't
  • 期一上午9点怎么样?
    How about Monday morning at 9 a.m.?
  • 让我查一下行程表。很抱歉,我的行程表中已经安排了出差。6月的第一个期怎么样?
    Let me check my calendar. Unfortunately, I have plans to travel around that time. How about the first week of June?
  • 让我们看一下上期五的会议记录。
    Let's go over the minutes of last Friday's meeting.
  • 我们下个期就要一部分的订货,所以我们有部份想用空运。
    We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.
  • 有的。我们在三大报的期天版面放了相同的全版广告。
    Yes. We're putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.
  • 我们已经收到了上期天你方寄来的样品。
    We've received the sample which you sent us last sunday.
  • 电视肥皂剧很有趣没错,但如果在现实生活中上演就没那麼好玩。假如你因分手而泪眼婆娑,然后下期又因新恋情而手舞足蹈,将会打坏你的名声。别人对你的爱情生活没那麼感兴趣,而且也会导致他人无法分割你的感情和专业生活。
    Matters of the heart: Soap operas are fun to watch on TV, but they're not fun to live. Your reputation will suffer if you come into the office in tears one day because you broke up with your significant other and then you dance down the hall the next week because you met the love of your life. Your love life isn't as interesting to anyone else as it is to you, and people may be unable to separate your romantic life from your professional one.
  • 你这个期六有空吗?
    Are you free this Saturday?
  • 星星太遥远了。
    The stars are too far away.
  • 天上有很多星星。
    There are many stars in the sky.
  • 期天外,他每天去上班。
    She goes to work every day except Sunday.
  • 期天来和我们共进晚餐好吗?
    Will you come and join us for dinner on Sunday?
  • 星星之火可以燎原
    A single spark can start a prairie fire.
  • 福星高照
    The lucky star is in the ascendant.
  • 急如星火
    extremely urgent.
  • 星星之火可以燎原
    A spark may cause a conflagration.
  • 1992年8月9日,长征二号丁运载火箭在酒泉卫发射中心成功发射第十三颗返回式卫
    On 9th August 1992 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Long March 2C launch vehicle successfully launched the 13th recoverable satellite.
  • 中国是第三个独立发射同步轨道卫的国家。
    China is the 3rd country capable of launching geosynchronous satellite on its own.
  • 汤姆的生日就在这个期。
    Tom's birthday is this week.
  • 期五能不能请你替我个班?
    Can you cover for me on Friday?
  • 我们将在期天上午离开。
    We'll be leaving Sunday morning.
  • 他们星期六开门吗?
    Are they open on Saturdays?
  • 期五晚上我们要聚餐,带一道菜来参加吧!
    We're having a potluck Friday night, so bring a dish to pass.
  • 校园里大家都热切期望着期六的大赛,赢的队伍将成为全国冠军。
    Everybody on campus is pumped up about Saturday's big game. The winning team will get the national title.
  • 我计划呆一个星期。
    I plan to stay for a week.
  • 他下个期就会回来。
    He'll be back next week.
  • 下星期我们去宿营。
    We're going camping next week.
  • 期五之前你能写完那篇报告吗?
    Can you finish the report by Friday?
  • 我非常想去,可是期五我很忙。
    I wish I could come, but I'm busy on Friday.
  • 约翰上星期结婚了。
    John got married last week.
  • 好吧,好吧,下期我还你钱……
    Okay, okay, I'll pay you back next week...