  • 这种材料很易熔化。
    This stuff melts very easily.
  • 对我妹妹来说,做衣服是非常易的事。
    Making clothes is kids' stuff to my sister.
  • 我读到的内把我惊呆了.
    I was stupefied by what I read.
  • 正文内部的部分内的标题。
    a heading of a subsection printed within the body of the text.
  • 但这种年龄的象不易顺从于人,因此在调驯的初期必须雇用相当成熟的老手。
    But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages.
  • 他们的书中没有什么实质性的内
    There is not anything of real substance in their book.
  • 甚佳,但文体甚糟。
    The substance is good, but the style repellent.
  • 内容贫乏的议论
    an argument of little substance
  • 首期工程是机场核心计划的其中一环,已在一九九七年年中大致完成,以期在东涌纳约二万名居民。
    Phase 1 was included in the Airport Core Programme and was substantially completed in mid-1997 to accommodate about 20000 residents at Tung Chung.
  • 这主题的内基本接近实情
    This meat substitute approximates the real thing.
  • 历史经验证明,用大搞群众运动的办法,而不是用透彻说理、从讨论的办法,去解决群众性的思想教育问题,而不是用扎扎实实、稳步前进的办法,去解决现行制度的改革和新制度的建立问题,从来都是不成功的。
    Historical experience has shown that no problem of mass ideological education was ever solved by launching a mass movement instead of organizing exhaustive persuasion and calm discussion, and that no currently functioning systems were ever reformed or new ones established by substituting a mass movement for solid, systematic measures.
  •  所谓“公共经济”,老实说,它的内应当没有别的,只是属于某些指定国家的经济,也就是真正的政治经济;如果萨依在向我们说明他所说的政治经济是什么(实际上没有别的,只是世界主义的、世界范围的或属于全人类的经济)以后,使我们知道当他谈到一些学说的原则时他唤作“公共经济”的是什么,那么这种在名词上的代用,原也可以存而不论。
    This substitution of terms might be passed over if Say, after having explained what he calls political economy (which, however,is nothing else but cosmopolitical or world-wide economy, or economy of the whole human race), had acquainted us with the principles of the doctrine which he calls '閏onomie publique,'which however is, properly speaking, nothing else but the economy of given nations, or true political economy.
  • 识破或被看穿的。
    easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety).
  • 他们批评他纵颠覆分子。
    They had him on the pan for coddling subversives.
  • 他们批判他纵颠覆分子。
    They put him on the pan for coddling subversives.
  • 简明的,简洁的,简要的仅用少量词语表达多内的;清晰和简洁的
    Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct.
  • 如果说商人们不惜花本钱做广告的话,那一定是因为他们知道人们易接受新闻媒介所提供的劝告。
    If businessmen spend as much as they do on advertising, it must be because people are known to succumb to persuasion through the media.
  • 易被金衡碧眼的女子吸引。
    He is a sucker for blondes.
  • 移动胃中量的吸气泵。
    a suction pump used to remove the contents of the stomach.
  • 易突然、不可预料的改变。
    liable to sudden unpredictable change.
  • 我不能忍这种行为。
    I will not suffer such conduct.
  • 他勉强被许留在这里。
    He is here on sufferance.
  • 针孔可两友;两敌不共戴天。
    The space of a needle's eye suffice for two friends, while the universe itself is not wide enough for two enemies.
  • 针孔可两友;两敌不共戴天。
    The space of a needle 's eye suffice for two friends, while the universe itself is not wide enough for two enemies.
  • 易对建议和影响作出反应。
    readily reacting to suggestions and influences.
  • 她为自己的过失无地自而自杀。
    She was so ashamed of her fault that she committed suicide.
  • 我们有个多余的手提箱, 但是不太易拿出来.
    We've got a spare suitcase but it's not very get-at-able.
  • 中国军事立法在坚持符合本国国情、军情的同时,还注重与中国在国际军事领域已经加入的条约、协定相衔接,使军事法的内与国际法准则和惯例相一致。
    While adhering to the principle of suiting military legislation to its national and military conditions, China also lays stress on bringing it into line with the international military-related treaties and agreements that China has acceded to, so as to make China's military laws consistent in content with international legal norms and practices.
  • 杰里米站在她身边,满面怒
    Jeremy was standing by her, looking as sulky as a bear with a sore head.
  • 你会对一位易发怒而又悲观的医生产生信心吗?
    What kind of confidence would you have in a sullen,pessimistic doctor,no matter how many degrees hang on the will?
  • 董事长概要地叙述了他与德国代表团谈判的内
    The chairman gave a summary of his discussion with the german delegation.
  • 这篇文章的内可以用几句话加以概括。
    The contents of the article may be summed up in a few words.