  • 外生殖器,外阴尤指性的外生殖器官。常用复数
    The human external genitalia, especially of a woman. Often used in the plural.
  • 一个人是男是的决定因素是大脑而并非生殖器。
    The brain, not the genitals, could be the determining factor in whether a person is male or female.
  • 有这类老公,职业性无后顾之忧,是福气。
    Career women who have husbands of this genre should consider themselves lucky as they do not have to worry about tending to their home.
  • 梳子:本公司希望得到供男、及理发用梳子的报价。
    Combs. we shall like to have quotation of cheap quality comb, for gent as well as lady also barber' comb.
  • 我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的妇
    My mother is a kind and gentle woman.
  • 通常, 是男士伸出手来邀请士跳舞。
    As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance.
  • 当他讲演的时候,他以说“士们和先生们”开始。
    When he made a speech, he began by saying ‘Ladies and gentlemen’.
  • 请哪位先生给这位士让个座位好吗?
    Will any gentleman oblige the lady?
  • 一位有教养的淑;一位有教养的绅士
    A proper lady; a proper gentleman.
  • 士们、 先生们: 请别堵住通道. 谢谢诸位大力协助.
    Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
  • 士们、 先生们, 这个只卖50美元, 太便宜啦.'
    Ladies and gentlemen, it's a steal at only $50.'
  • 发言人开始讲话: `主席、 士们、 先生们'.
    `Madam Chairman, ladies and gentlemen,' began the speaker.
  • 士们、先生们,请往这边走。
    Kindly step this way, ladies and gentlemen.
  • 士们, 先生们, 请为威尔士亲王殿下乾杯.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you his Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.
  • 士们、先生们:下午好。
    Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.
  • 导游:早上好,士们,先生们,欢迎到北京来。
    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
  • 侍者:士们、先生们,这边请。
    This way, ladies and gentlemen.
  • 士们,先生们,饭店到了。
    Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are.
  • 先生,士,要喝点什么吗?
    What would you like,ladies and gentlemen?
  • 这里行吗,士们,先生们?
    Will this do, ladies and gentlemen?
  • 士们,先生们,别来无恙吧。
    Ladies and gentlemen, all hail to you.
  • 先生们,士们,我说的这些决非武断之辞。
    Ladies and gentlemen, these are not assertions.
  • 士们,先生们,我给你们上点什么呢?
    What can I offer you, ladies and gentlemen?
  •  主席先生,士们,先生们,下午好!
    Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!
  • 士们,先生们,请下车。
    Let's get off the bus, ladies and gentlemen.
  • 士们,先生们。这是些先进的设施。
    POWELL: Ladies and gentlemen, these are sophisticated facilities.
  • 侍者:晚上好,士们、先生们,欢迎来本餐厅就餐。
    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our restaurant.
  • 请这边走。这里行吗,士们,先生们?
    This way , please. Will this do, ladies and gentlemen?
  • 导游:士们,先生们,我们现在就站在长城上了。
    Here we are on the Great Wall , ladies and gentlemen.
  • 士们,先生们,我请大连市长和诸位见面。
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the mayor of Dalian.
  • 亲和而富于同情心的人的美德。
    womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion.
  • 会员有100人,一半以上是性。
    There are 100 members of whom more than 50 are of the gentler sex.