  • "heaven""summerof'69""somebody""onenightloveaffair"和"it'sonlylove"均榜上有
    Besides "Run to You,"Reckless featured five other Top 15singles,including the number one "Heaven,""Summer of '69,""Somebody,""One Night Love Affair,"and "It's Only Love,"a duet with Tina Turner.
  • 叫约翰,拥有公爵的爵位和勇敢的声誉。
    He bears the name of John, the title of duke, and a reputation of courage.
  • 夏天的一个早上,我们的一志愿者问候我时说道,"戴夫,又有人往篱笆墙里扔了一盒小猫仔。
    “Another box of kittens dumped over the fence,Dave,” one of our volunteers greeted me one summer morning.
  • 可是当地总有些人不忍心把不要的猫仔送到官设动物收容站,于是经常把这些小东西从篱笆外面扔进我们的庇养园里,他们知道我们会想办法诱捉它们,为它们做绝育手术,然后再通过我们大约100志愿者的网络体系为它们找一处安身地。
    But somehow,local people who didn't have the heart to take their unwanted kittens to the pound often dumped them over our fence.They knew we'd try to live-trap them,spay or neuter them,and place them through our network of approximately 100 volunteers.
  • 扬四海的水馅包子天津“狗不理”包子铺。
    The dumpling one cannot afford to miss--- Tianjin" Goubuli" Dumpling restaurant.
  • 正如人们所料,1999年"格莱美"提揭晓时,"命运之子"同获两项提:"最佳节奏布鲁斯乐双重或合唱表演奖"和"最佳节奏布鲁斯乐歌曲奖"。
    To no one's surprise,when the 1999 Grammy nominations were announced,Destiny's Child's name was listed in two categories: Best R& B Performance By a Duo or Group with Vocal and Best R& B Song.
  • 而我呢,虽然玛格丽特任何一件用品上都没有我姓的开头字母,可是我刚才承认过的那种出于本能的宽容和那种天生的怜悯,使我对她的死久久不能忘怀,虽说她也许并不值得我如此想念。
    For my own part, though my monogram figured on none of Marguerite's dressing-cases, the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which I have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted.
  • 呼啸山庄是希刺克厉夫先生的住宅称。
    Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr Heathcliff's dwelling.
  • 1952年,文森豪威尔转而从政,并证明他在政治舞台上同样是一出色的领袖。
    Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) Turning to politics in 1952, Eisenhower proved to be a successful commander in that field also.
  • 1952年,1956两年,均被提为民主党总统候选人。但两度为呼声更高的共和党候选人艾森豪威尔击败,以能言善辩著
    Democratic candidate for U.S. president in 1952 and 1956, but defeated by the popular Dwight D.,Eisenhower, known as an eloquent speaker.
  • 他的名声低落了。
    His fame dwindled.
  • 他们问我炸药发明者的字,我说叫诺贝尔-当时这只不过是一种猜测,但碰巧猜对了。
    They asked me the name of the inventor of dynamite. I said Nobel – it was a long shot, but happened to be true.
  • 每个人都有自己的字.
    Each man has his own name.
  • 运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械, 可获得巨额报酬.
    Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment.
  • 完全应当的、诚实的好声;应得的收入;棒球中因为投手责任而得的分。
    a well-earned reputation for honesty; earned income; an earned run in baseball.
  • 名次将由总分决定。
    Placings will be determined according to the total points earned.
  • 有些人工作以求得声为唯一的目标。
    Some people work with the sole object of earning fame.
  • 他们在世界各地巡回演出近4年之久,利双收,及至史密斯小姐决定应适可而止,方才罢休。
    For nearly four years they barn-stormed the world, earning both cash and credit, until Miss Smith decided enough was enough.
  • 美国西部靠近太平洋的一个州;美国的第三大州;以地震多而闻
    a state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakes.
  • 作为一想获得资助的学生,最简易的途径或许就是从学校内部得到帮助。
    For students who want to apply for an assistantship, the easiest way is probably to get some help from within the schools.
  • 复活节的字来源于eostre-主管春季和日出的女神。
    The name Easter comes from Eostre-a goddess of spring-time and sunrise.
  • 尽管她有一双美腿,但与这位新近离异,且大鼎鼎的"母夜叉"并肩作战,尼克显然兴味索然。
    Nick is clearly not too thrilled to work side by side with this recently divorced and reputed “ man eater,” despite her great pair of legs.
  • 声言“须要采取果断步骤”的弗吉尼亚州参议员罗布,今天将三高级助理停职留薪,以待他与怀尔德州长因窃听电话所引起的争端得到解决。
    Saying that "decisive steps are required," Senator Charles S. Robb of Virginia put three top aides on leave today pending resolution of his feud with Gov.L.Douglas Wilder over telephone eaves-dropping.
  • 在他去世之前他的古怪脾气就早已闻遐尔了。
    His eccentricity had become legendary long before he died.
  • 教士会成员教士大会或类似大会的一成员
    A member of an ecclesiastical or similar chapter.
  • 过去她是演员,今日已黯然失色。
    Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse.
  • 她沉默一时期以後,现在又声大噪了.
    After suffering an eclipse, she is now famous again.
  • 她曾经是位著的演员,可是目前已经没那么出了,也不再登台演戏了。
    She used to be a famous actress, but she's now in eclipse; she never appears on the stage now.
  • 这位著的经济学家给我们做了一次演讲。
    The famous economist gave us a speech.
  • 不断增长的失业大军引起了这经济学家的关注。
    The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.
  • 的经济学家布朗教授。
    Professor Brown, the famous economist.
  • 伍德伯里,海伦·劳拉·萨姆纳1876-1933美国社会经济学家,以其对于劳动和妇女选举权的研究而著
    American social economist noted for her studies of labor and woman suffrage.