  • 热馅饼凉了再吃.
    before serving.
  • 什麽饭? 我饿得要命.
    What's for dinner? I could eat a horse.
  • 我数著你已经了五块蛋糕.
    that's five cakes you've had already.
  • 你继续这样拚命干下去, 身体会不消的.
    You'll crack up if you go on working so hard.
  • 在英国, 因社会阶层不同, lunch、 dinner、 supper、 tea这四个词的用法也不尽相同, 而且在一定程度上亦有地区性差别. If the midday meal is called lunch, the evening meal is dinner or supper. 若午餐称作lunch, 则晚餐即为dinner或supper. *In this case tea consists of a drink and cake or biscuits in the afternoon. 在这种情况下, tea则指下午的茶点, 包括饮料和糕点、 饼乾之类. If the midday meal is called dinner then the evening meal is tea or supper. 若午餐称作dinner, 则晚餐即是tea或supper. *In this case supper may be a light snack before bedtime. 这时, supper可能指临睡前的夜宵. At school, children have school dinner/lunch at midday or they may take a packed/sandwich lunch with them. 在校学生中午的要麽是school dinner/lunch(学校午餐), 要麽是自己带去的packed sandwich lunch(盒装[三明治]午餐).
    The use of the terms lunch, dinner, supper and tea varies between social classes in Britain and to some extent between regions.
  • 一顿饭三道菜不到1英镑, 这日子一去不复返了.
    Gone are the days when you could buy a three-course meal for under 1.
  • 我不想在这样的大热天里去散步--我简直不消. > hardness n [U].
    I don't want to go for a walk on such a hot day it's too much like hard work for me.
  • 你好好上一顿饭, 就会觉得好些. Cf 参看 outside2.
    You'll feel better with a good meal inside you, ie when you've eaten a good meal.
  • 散了电影, 咱们去便餐吧. =>Usage at dinner 用法见dinner.
    We'll have a lunch after the show.
  • 宇宙之大令人惊. Cf 参看 boggle sb's mind (boggle).
    Distancesin space are quite mind-boggling.
  • 设若大前提为`男孩儿爱水果', 小前提为`你是男孩儿', 则结论为`所以你爱水果'. Cf 参看 syllogism.
    If the major premise is `Boys like fruit' and the minor premise is `You are a boy', then the conclusion is `Therefore you like fruit'.
  • 说正经的, 你那样做可真要自讨苦了. =>Usage at hopeful 用法见hopeful.
    Seriously though, you could really hurt yourself doing that.
  • 力地走了 20 英里. =>Usage at stump 用法见 stump.
    Hetrudged 20 miles.
  • 他把下去的东西全吐了出来. =>Usage at sick 用法见sick.
    all he had eaten.
  • 你在哪儿吃午饭?
    Where do you have your lunch?
  • 你中午吃些什么?
    What did you have for lunch?
  • 一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。
    I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg?
  • 我在路上吃的早饭。
    I had my breakfast on the way.
  • 我和我的一个朋友一块了午饭。
    I had lunch with a friend of mine.
  • 你们昨天去哪儿的饭?
    Where did you go for dinner yesterday?
  • 他回来吃饭吗?
    Is he coming to dinner?
  • 两片药,好好休息一下。
    Take two pills and have a good rest.
  • 我边早饭边看报纸。
    I read the newspaper over breakfast.
  • 我回家路上买些的。
    I buy some food on my way home.
  • 你想吃点什么?
    What would you like to eat?
  • 你吃的是什么药?
    What sort of medicine do you take?
  • 半夜之后不要喝任何东西,明天早上抽血.
    Don't take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning .
  • 明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚12点之后,请不要喝任何东西。
    anything after 12 o'clock tonight.
  • 你昨天了什么东西?
    What did you eat yesterday?
  • 你吃过什么药吗?
    Have you take any medicine for it?
  • 你吃东西有胃口吗?
    Do you have any appetite?
  • 不过,研究中显示的19个小时差距──相当于每周多两天──确实让人惊。
    The size of the 19-hour gap in this study, however-about two additional workdays a week-is surprising.