Chinese English Sentence:
  • 美国政府歧视性的对中国出管制政策,不仅使大量中国用户对美国出商失去合作机会,也使美国出商丧失了贸易机会。
    Under the US Government's discriminatory export control policies towards China, not only a large number of Chinese customers are unable to co-operate with US exporters, but US exporters themselves stand to lose trade opportunities.
  • 最近几年,中国仍希望从美国进电子元器件及其生产检测设备,美国政府的歧视性出管制阻碍着美国企业向中国的出
    In recent years, China still hopes to buy electronic components and related manufacturing and testing equipment from the United States. But again, the US Government's discriminatory control policies have prevented US businesses from selling them to China.
  • 中国政府希望美国政府能从发展双边贸易与经济合作的长远利益考虑,切实采取有效措施,放宽乃至取消现行歧视性的出管制政策,为促进中美贸易平衡健康发展多做些有益的工作。
    The Chinese Government hopes the US Government will, proceeding from the long-term interest of bilateral trade and economic co-operation, adopt effective measures to relax or even cancel the current discriminatory export control policies against China so as to usher in a healthy and balanced Sino-US trade relationship.
  • 口蹄疫
    foot and mouth disease
  • 我们应该从右边出下船。
    We should disembark from the right exit.
  • 他曾经设法找各种借
    He has tried all sorts of disguises.
  • 使生厌,倒胃通过提供过量的原本喜欢的东西导致不喜欢、厌恶,尤指油腻或香甜的食物;过量过度
    To cause distaste or disgust by supplying with too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or sweet; surfeit.
  • 这菜口味好。
    The dish tasted nice.
  • 这道菜很爽口。
    This dish tastes very refreshing.
  • 翻开华文报章,想要通过自己的母语洞悉时事脉搏,却发现一大堆的地名、人名,甚至是产品名称都是拗的翻译名词。
    When I flip open the Chinese-language newspapers in the hope of keeping abreast with current affairs through the mother tongue, I am often disheartened to find translated geographical, human or product names that read more like tongue-twisters.
  • 在院子里他们遇见一个人,他长着一双疯狂的眼睛,头发蓬乱,正狂热地设法逮住苍蝇,把它们装在他的袋里。
    They came across one individual in the grounds, with wild eyes, disheveled hair, feverishly endeavoring to catch flies and keep them in his pocket.
  • 那些想法卑鄙得说不出
    Those ideas are so dishonest they will not utter.
  • 此外,人增长与老化引发的问题、市民对房屋的迫切需求,以及经济转型带来的就业困难,我们也必须认真谋求对策。
    We have to face challenges arising from a growing and aging population, meet the pressing demand for more and better housing, and deal with employment dislocation due to the restructuring of the economy.
  • 史密斯先生接到他被解雇的通知时,目瞪呆。
    Mr Smith looked blank, when he was informed of his dismissal.
  • 阿纳翰美国加利福尼亚南部城市,在洛杉矶东南部,迪斯尼乐园在这里1955年对外开放,人266,406
    A city of southern California southeast of Los Angeles. It is the site of Disneyland, opened in1955. Population,266, 406.
  • 为了做好出订单,让货物在星期一发出,他们整个周末都在日夜工作。
    They worked around the clock and over the entire weekend to get the export order ready for dispatch on the Monday.
  • 得知港具备一般设施,这样就打消了我们以前的疑虑。
    Port revealed to have average facilities, our earlier doubt is dispelled
  • 无说服力的缺乏或表现出缺乏雄辩舌的
    Lacking or displaying a lack of eloquence.
  • 那些话一出我就懊悔不已,因为我知道那些话会使他不高兴的。
    No sooner had I uttered the words than I could have kicked myself, for I knew they would displease him.
  • 世界上还有大量的天然富源没有开发,人就是再增十倍或甚至百倍也足以供应;情况既然是这样,这种食料与人两者不能相平的想法,或者用假想的计算、诡谲的论据来证明这种臆说的办法,可以说至少是愚昧的。
    it is at least foolish to assume such disproportion, or to attempt to prove it by artificial calculations or sophistical arguments, so long as on the globe a mass of natural forces still lies inert by means of which ten times or perhaps a hundred times more people than are now living can be sustained.
  • 不合格的药品禁止进
    Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to be import.
  • 不合格的药品禁止进
    Disqualify pharmaceutical is prohibit to is import.
  • 只有在人稀少的农村里,才可能不顾及准时。
    Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.
  • 只有在人稀少的农村里,才可能不顾及准时。
    Only in a sparsely -populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.
  • 这一群不知尊重为何物的十几岁孩子们,会在祈祷的时候大嚼香糖,在学习圣经的时候读杂志。
    This handful of disrespectful teenagers snapped their gum during prayer time and read magazines during Bible study.
  • 此前,我们成功地举办了三届“高交会”,“高交会”集中地展示了一大批我国最新的高新技术成果,展示了国际知名的高科技公司的先进产品和技术,广泛传播世界高科技发展的前沿理念,有效地推动了科技成果向现实生产力的转化,“高交会”已成为中国与世界在高新技术领域的开放窗和交流舞台。
    So far we have successfully organized three such fairs, showcasing a large number of China's high-tech achievements and the state-of-the-art products and technology from other world renowned high-tech companies. All these have helped to disseminate the up-to-date concept and perception heralding global scientific and high-tech development, and effectively facilitating the conversion of scientific and technological achievements into tangible productive forces. The Hi-tech Fair has become a window of opening-up and a stage of interaction between China and the rest of the world in the field of high and new technology.
  • 城市用气人21530.44万人,燃气普及率达到60.23%。截止2001年底,蒸汽供热能力为72242吨/小时,热水供热能力为126090兆瓦。
    The urban population using gas is 215.3044 million ones, the gas dissemination rate being 60.23%. by the end of 2001, the steam heat supply capacity is 72242 tons/hour. The warm water heat supply capacity is 126090 megwa.
  • 良药苦口。
    The medicine is distasteful but good for you.
  • 上述报价在下周三下午四时前有效,但进税率如发生变动,则由你方负担。
    Above offers valid next Wednesday 4 pm but any import tariff changes your risk and account
  • 回教徒也担心,吴总理的谈话可以被一些人当成借,故意忽视回教徒需要履行的宗教义务。
    Muslims are also concerned that PM Goh's comment could be used as a pretext to be insensitive to a Muslim's religious needs if misinterpreted.
  • 与滥调的标语号不同的特殊思想。
    particularized thinking as distinct from stereotyped sloganeering.
  • 头表达的特别方式。
    distinctive manner of oral expression.