  • 对上午7:21以前醒来的那一半早醒者的唾液分析表明,他们体皮质醇的含量比晚醒者的高一些,而且一整天都居高不下。
    Analysis of the saliva from the half who woke earlier-before 7.21 am - showed they had higher levels of cortisol than those who woke later. Their cortisol levels remained high all day.
  • 而当这些人观看该片时,他们体的考的素(一种压力荷尔蒙)含量下降到39%。
    When the men watched the video, levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, fell 39 percent.
  • 研究结果表明,早醒的人体的皮质醇--人体主要的使人精神紧张的荷尔蒙--含量非常高。
    Results showed levels of cortisol, the body's main stress hormone, were highest among those who woke early.
  • 存在于地球磁场由宇宙射线引起的围绕地球的高密度粒子放射带。
    a belt of charged particles (resulting from cosmic rays) above the Earth trapped by the Earth's magnetic field.
  • ,太空馆天象厅放映了3出全天域电影"马雅文明之谜"、"鲸"和"时空之旅",并举办了4项天象节目"轮椅中的宇宙──霍金的黑洞与时间"、"世纪大彗星"、"龙跃五千年"和"火星生命之谜",以及3项学校节目"亲亲星星"、"飞越太阳系"和"星星、月亮、太阳"。
    The museum's Space Theatre presented three Omnimax shows, Mystery of the Maya, Whales and Cosmic Voyage; four sky shows, Cosmos in the Wheelchair - Hawking's Black Holes and Time, Comets of the Century, Dragon in the Sky and Mars: The Quest for Life; and three school shows, The Friendly Sky, The New Solar System and Sun, Moon and Stars.
  • 在科学方面,人类所想要发现的,就是他所居住的地球的部和外层的化学成分,地球四周的空气的密度,那些在空气上层活动着的宇宙线的数量和性质,山与石的构成,以及统御着一般生命的定律。
    The scientific man is interested in finding out the chemical composition of the inside and crust of the earth upon which he lives,the thickness of the atmosphere surrounding it, the quantity and nature of cosmic rays dashing about on the top layers of the atmosphere, the formation of its hills and rocks, and the law governing life in general.
  • 在近海航行的权利。
    navigation in costal waters.
  • 事实上,利用部网代替贵得多的群件和电子邮件软件包可能成为一种趋势。
    Indeed, using intranets to replace much more costly groupware and E-mail packages may become a trend.
  • 建立在开放的、公共的因特网标准上的部网,能使各单位快速使用部应用程序,而无须高成本的专有实施方式。
    Intranets, which are built on open, public Internet standards, enable organizations to quickly deploy internal applications without costly and proprietary implementations.
  • 止咳糖浆是一种服药。
    Cough mixture is an internal medicine.
  • 熟悉...的内幕
    experienced in the coulisses of
  • ,委员会举办了“新世纪学习型家庭运动”,提倡“以家庭为学习单位”的概念,容包括亲子义工计划、家长朋辈辅导计划、为家长教师会提供培训课程以及其他活动。
    In 2001, the committee organised a 'New Century Learning Family Campaign' to promote the concept of 'family as a learning unit'. It includes a wide variety of activities including a 'Parent-child Voluntary Work Scheme', a 'Parent Peer Counselling Scheme', training programmes for PTAs and other activities.
  • 在学科要求的限度,每个学生可与指导教师商议后作出一系列科目的学习安排。
    Within limits imposed by subject requirements, each student may schedule a sequence of subjects in consultation with the faculty counselor.
  • 祖先生:美国人民将从对中国的更多出口机会、国的更多就业机会和更多的海外投资选择中受益。
    Mr. Minister Counselor: Americans will benefit from greater export opportunities in China, more job creation at home, and more diverse options for overseas investment.
  • 别把我算在内。
    Don't count me in.
  • 我们应该抵制党的极端主义。
    We must counteract extremism in the party.
  • 旨在抵消狭窄的专门化教学容而设计了种种智力测验。
    Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization.
  • 一种四方舞造型;成对的人在一圆圈逆时针的前进。
    a square dance figure; couples march counterclockwise in a circle.
  • 当局亦在年草拟法例,把盗版及伪冒商标罪行纳入《有组织及严重罪行条例》附表1之中。
    New legislation to include copyright piracy and trade mark counterfeiting offences under Schedule 1 to the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance was also proposed during the year.
  • 越南外长和法国外长在日瓦举行了一系列非正式会议。
    The vietnamese foreign minister have a series of off-the-record meetings with his french counterpart in Geneva.
  • 国家采取了许多政策和措施支持少数民族教育事业的发展,如赋予和尊重少数民族自治地方自主发展民族教育的权利,重视民族语文教学和双语教学,加强少数民族师资队伍建设,在经费上给予特殊照顾,举办民族院校和民族班,实行定向招生,积极开展地省市对少数民族地区教育的对口支援,全国支援西藏教育事业等。
    The state has adopted many policies and measures to support the development of education among minority peoples. For instance, it respects the autonomous areas' right to develop ethnic education on their own, attaches importance to teaching in minority languages and bilingual teaching, strengthens the building of the ranks of minority teachers, offers special care in terms of funds, runs ethnic institutes, schools and classes that enroll students for future service in specific areas or units, actively starts counterpart educational support between inland provinces and municipalities and minority areas, and mobilizes the whole nation to support education in Tibet.
  • 大部分时间,六个月及以下的短期利率均低于同期美元利率。
    For most of the year, short-term interest rates of six months or less stayed below their US dollar counterparts.
  • 来自哈佛、耶鲁、剑桥等近60所国外名校法学院的院长,以及国著名大学法学院的院长参加了此次论坛。
    Deans from some 60 famous overseas universities, including Harvard, Yale and Cambridge, and their counterparts from domestic universities, attended the forum.
  • 我们会在环保工作上和地,尤其是广东省携手合作,因为环境保护,是地和香港的共同目标。
    We will work closely with our counterparts on the Mainland, particularly in Guangdong Province, to achieve our common goal of improving the environment.
  • 特区政府多个决策局和部门与地对口单位通过访问、会议、研讨会和训练课程等多种交流活动,进一步加深彼此之间的了解。
    Through a wide range of exchanges including visits, meetings, seminars and training programmes, many bureaux and departments of the HKSARG have enhanced mutual understanding with their Mainland counterparts.
  • 千兆位以太网交换机的作用与10兆和100兆位/秒的交换机是有着在的不同,是这类产品的主要不同处。
    The role of a Gigabit Ethernet switch is inherently different from that of its 10M and 100M bit/sec counterparts, and therein lies the main differentiator of this product class.
  • 我们会与地的对口部门携手合作,加强两地在互联网络上的联系,方便香港公司把他们在地的生产和供应程序互相结合。
    Working with our Mainland counterparts, we will improve our mutual Internet links, making it easier for Hong Kong companies to integrate their manufacturing and supply operations on the Mainland.
  • 两国首相昨天在日瓦会晤。
    The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday.
  • 他国家有一些人与敌人勾结,准备推翻女王。
    Some of his countrymen had leagued with the enemy to destroy the power of the queen.
  • 171.主席女士,各位议员,在我制订《施政报告》的整段期间,地同胞在今年夏天奋勇抗洪的场面,始终在我脑海挥之不去。
    171. Madam President, Honourable Members, during the past few months, as I prepared for this Policy Address, images kept flashing through my mind of our countrymen fighting the terrible floods which swept through China this summer.
  • 彼辈不注意敌人而以对为能事,杀人如麻,贪贿无艺,实谣言之大本营,奸邪之制造所。
    Ignoring the enemy and concentrating on our own countrymen, they are committing innumerable murders and insatiably taking bribes;in fact the secret service is the headquarters of the rumour-mongers and a breeding ground of treason and evil.
  • 通电容如下:“南京国民政府军事委员会,全体海陆空军,全国各党、各派、各团体、各报馆,一切不愿意当亡国奴的同胞们:自从中国红军革命军事委员会组织中国人民红军抗日先锋军渡河东征以来,所向皆捷,全国响应。
    The text reads as follows: To the Military Council of the Nanking National Government;to all land, sea and air forces;to all parties, all political groups;all public bodies, all newspapers;and to all fellow-countrymen refusing to be slaves to a foreign nation: After crossing the Yellow River on its eastward expedition, the Anti-Japanese Vanguard of the Chinese People's Red Army, organized by the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Chinese Red Army, was everywhere victorious and won support from all over the country.