  • 阿勒河瑞士中北部的一条河,发源于伯尔尼阿尔卑斯山区,流程约295里(183英里),在瑞士──德国的边境汇入莱茵河
    A river of central and northern Switzerland rising in the Bernese Alps and flowing about295 km(183 mi) to join the Rhine River at the Swiss-German border.
  • 他们司现在的日子很不好过,困难重重,束手无策。
    Their company is having a hard time, beset with difficulties and at the end of their tether.
  • 但是,有这么多问题——战争、污染、不正等等困扰着整个世界,我觉得很难令人乐观。
    But with so many problems besetting the world, from war to pollution and injustice, I find it difficult to keep smiling.
  • 这家司希望把新工厂设在河边。
    The company wished to locate its new factory beside the river.
  • 它在公园旁边。
    It is beside a park.
  • 对不赞成“法轮功”的,甚至只是稍有微词,李洪志及其“法轮功”组织就以“讨个说法”和“护法”的名义,策划和挑唆进行大规模的非法聚集,围攻、骚扰国家机关、新闻单位、学校,予以报复和向社会示威,严重破坏社会共秩序,扰乱民的正常生活,侵犯他人的言论权利和人身安全。
    Should anyone disapprove of, or just utter some negative remarks about Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong organization would, under the pretext of "seeking a clarification" or "safeguarding Falun Dafa", mastermind and instigate large-scale illegal gatherings to besiege and harass government institutions, media and schools, taking revenge on and staging demonstrations against the society. These activities have seriously disrupted the public order, disturbed the normal life of the people and infringed upon their freedom of speech and personal safety.
  • 众纷纷来信对报社新近发表的社论提出诘问,弄得报社应接不暇。
    The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial.
  • 拉米亚希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典的西北部。该市大约于元前5世纪建立,希腊联邦与马其顿将军安提帕特之间的拉米亚战争(元前323年-322年)就爆发于此地,安提帕特将军在该市被困几个月后最后取得胜利。人口41,667
    A city of east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Founded c. fifth century b.c., it was the site of the Lamian War(323-322 b.c.) between the confederated Greeks and the Macedonian general Antipater, who was besieged in the city for several months before his ultimate victory. Population,41, 667.
  • 过去该司曾受过严厉批评,但现在正在推出新产品。
    In the past the company has taken its lumps, but now it's betting on a brand-new product.
  • 微软也把宝押在java上,但从开发工具的角度看,该司在提供j++java开发环境的同时,也提供了visualbasic和visualc++工具。
    Microsoft is betting on Java, too, but from a development tool perspective, the company still focuses on providing Visual Basic and Visual C++ tools alongside its J++ Java development environment.
  • 贵行人员在伦敦和巴黎之间干时我们常有幸接待,先生。
    We have often times the honour to entertain your gentlemen in their travelling backwards and forwards betwixt London and Paris, sir.
  • 很多司已经推出和提交很多xml应用程序和标准。
    Many vendors have launched and submitted a bevy of XML applications and standards.
  • 数字用户环路(dsl)技术有几种令人疑惑的不同变种,但它们都有一样共的东西——它们用不同的调制技术,把用户房屋和电话司的中心局之间低速的“最后一英里”铜线回路变成高速的数据和话音的载体。
    Digital subscriber line technology comes in a bewildering variety of flavors, but they all have one thing in common -- they use various modulation techniques to turn those plodding "last mile" loops of copper between the customer premises and the telco's central office into high-speed data and voice carriers.
  • 那个老女巫用魔法迷住了主,使她长眠不醒。
    The wicked old woman bewitched the princess, and she fell into a long sleep.
  • 那个邪恶的小精灵对主施了魔法,使她长睡不醒。
    The wicked fairy bewitch the princess and make her fall into a long sleep.
  • 无偏见的无偏见或成见的;平的
    Without bias or prejudice; impartial.
  • 持偏见不良地、不正地或错误地影响;存偏见
    To affect unfavorably, unfairly, or wrongly; bias.
  • 我认为双方组成的仲裁庭比较平。有能力并且不偏不倚地处理纠纷。
    I think such a tribunal consisting of arbitrations from both sides will be fair and able to handle any dispute without bias or partiality.
  • 判决书还说:"尽管还没有事实证据能够证明他确实对微软怀有偏见,但我们认为杰克逊法官的行为严重玷污了地区法院的声誉,使人们对司法程序的正性产生怀疑。"
    ``Although we find no evidence of actual bias, we hold that the actions of the trial judge seriously tainted the proceedings before the District Court and called into question the integrity of the judicial process,'' the court added.
  • 在实践中,实施该项法令的重担落在了单个儿的妇女身上;但要证明这种社会偏见并非偶然现象绝非易事,尽管也取得了一些成功,例如,最近法院裁定给予12名控告司在薪水和升职机会上歧视她们的妇女160万美元的奖励。
    In practice,the burden of enforcing the law falls on the individual woman,and demonstrating systematic bias has proved difficult despite some successes,like a recent ruling upholding the award of $ 1.6 million to 12 women who charged that their company discriminated against them in pay and promotions.
  • 我必须穿上最好的衣服去参加司一年一度的宴会。
    We must wear our best bib and tucker to go to the firm's annual dinner.
  • 厄舍尔,詹姆斯1581-1656爱尔兰圣分会高级教士,学者,他发明的基督教纪年中神的创造天地是在元前4004年发生的
    Irish prelate and scholar who devised a scheme of biblical chronology that placed the Creation in the year4004 b.c.
  • 一九七四年是这司成立二百周年。
    The company's bicentenary was in 1974.
  • 有几家司在投标争取承包建桥工程。
    Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.
  • 有几家司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同。
    Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall.
  • 那些司都应该招标。
    the companies should bid competitively.
  • 有几家司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同
    Several firms have bidden for the contract to build the new concert hall
  • 把某物开卖给最高价竞买人。
    the public sale of something to the highest bidder.
  • 司投标时,投标人要缴纳保证金吗?
    When you call for a bid, shall the bidder make a cash deposit?
  • 司投标时,投标人要缴纳保证金吗?
    When you call for a bid, should the bidder make a cash deposit?
  • 拍卖一种将财产或物品卖给最高出价者的开出售
    A public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder.
  • 开招标油压设备。
    Bidding now open for ill-pressure device