  • 朝鲜壬辰卫国战争
    Korean War of Resistance against Japan (1592)
  • 壬辰卫国战争
    Korean Im Jim War of Safeguard State (1592)
  • 反日义兵斗争
    Korean National Armed Struggle of Resistance against Japan
  • 朝鲜战(1950)中的战役;美军登陆仁川。
    a battle in the Korean War (1950); US forces landed at Inchon.
  • 他们由此造成的错误之一就是导致朝鲜战的爆发。
    One of the major errors they made was the one that led to the Korean War.
  • 美国支持南朝鲜进行战,中国人民志愿军伤亡了多少?
    And how many Chinese volunteers were killed or wounded when it supported South Korea in the Korean War?
  • 纽约朝鲜战退伍军人纪念委员会昨天在市政府得到五万元的“强心剂”(补助)。
    The New York Korean Veterans Memorial Commission got a $50,000 shot in the arm at City Hall yesterday.
  • 在海湾战中,中国使馆帮助滞留在科威特的台湾劳务人员安全撤离险境。
    During the Gulf War, the Chinese Embassy helped Taiwanese labour service personnel stranded in Kuwait pull out of dangerous places safely.
  • 她的生活始终受到政治的影响。巴勒斯坦解放组织在海湾战中支持萨达姆·候塞因,使她家被迫离开科威特,这是她受到的最大政治影响。
    Politics affected her life throughout, but rarely more so than when her family was forced to leave Kuwait after the PLO backed Saddam Hussein in the gulf war.
  • 军方已经使用机载雷达探测地面移动目标———例如在海湾战中监视科威特和伊拉克之间号称“死亡高速路”的这条主要公路。
    The military already uses airplane-mounted radar to spot moving ground targets--such as during surveillance of the“Highway of Death, ”the main road between Kuwait and Iraq during the Persian Gulf War.
  • 但是那些议定书的著名评论家们——尤其是华盛顿智囊团的一员,未来资源部的经济学家威廉·皮兹和外交委员会的政治科学家大卫·维克多——论道,最好的应对措施不是销毁《京都议定书》而是增加一个安全阀门。
    Yet prominent critics of the protocol -- notably economist William Pizer of Resources for the Future, a Washington think tank, and political scientist David G.Victor of the Council on Foreign Relations -- have argued that the best response isn't to deep-six Kyoto but to add a safety valve.
  • 在落实政策时,还要注意这样的情况:有些人虽然没有戴帽子,但是批评或者斗过他们,伤了感情;
    In implementing the policies, we should also pay attention to other cases. For example, although some people were not officially labelled, they were criticized or attacked and suffered great mental distress.
  • 但是,对于没有错划的那几个原来民主党派中的著名人士,在他们的结论中也要说几句:在反右派斗前,特别是在民主革命时期,他们曾经做过好事。
    However, in the case of figures formerly prominent in the democratic parties who were correctly labelled Rightists, it should be written into the judgements on their cases that they had performed good deeds before the anti-Rightist struggle, and especially during the period of the democratic revolution.
  • 两条战线的思想斗必须切合于具体对象的情况,决不应主观地看问题,决不应使过去那种“乱戴帽子”的坏习惯继续存在。
    Ideological struggle on the two fronts must suit the concrete circumstances of each case, and we must never approach a problem subjectively or permit the bad old habit of "sticking labels" on people to continue.
  • 无论如何,思想理论问题的研究和讨论,一定要坚决执行百花齐放、百家鸣的方针,一定要坚决执行不抓辫子、不戴帽子、不打棍子的“三不主义”的方针,一定要坚决执行解放思想、破除迷信、一切从实际出发的方针。
    However, in the study and discussion of ideological and theoretical questions, we must always resolutely follow the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend", the principle of the "three don'ts" (don't pick on others for their faults, don't put labels on people, and don't use a big stick), and the principle of emancipating our minds, abandoning blind faith and proceeding from reality in everything.
  • 日本帝国主义的压迫和全民抗战,把劳动人民推上了战的舞台,共产党员应该成为这个战的最自觉的领导者。
    Now that Japanese imperialist oppression and the nation-wide resistance to it have pushed our labouring people into the arena of war, Communists should prove themselves the most politically conscious leaders in this war.
  • 帝国主义时代的阶级斗的经验告诉我们:工人阶级和劳动群众,只有用枪杆子的力量才能战胜武装的资产阶级和地主;
    Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords;
  • 20世纪50年代对尔实验室的研究者在一个叫“核心战”的游戏里实现了冯·纽曼的理论。
    Bell Labs employees gave life to von Neumann's theory in the 1950s in a game they called Core Wars”.
  • 开球在冰球、曲棍球和其它的比赛中开赛的一种方法,一个官员将冰球落在两个球的对手之间
    A method of starting play in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games in which an official drops the puck or ball between two opposing players who contend for its control.
  • 他在自己的研究领域里落后了;在竞消费者方面他们公司落后了。
    fell behind in his studies; their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers.
  • 约克角家族(白玫瑰)和兰凯斯特家族(红玫瑰)为夺英国王位而发起的最终以亨利七世都锋就职君主为结局的战
    struggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII.
  • 晚饭后吵逐渐平息下来了。
    After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence.
  • 为她的离开感到不快乐;对她的升职感到不满;论之后,他们陷入了难过、沉默;在学校里有段不快乐的时间;令人不快(悲伤)的消息;他看起来非常难过。
    unhappy over her departure; unhappy with her raise; after the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence; had an unhappy time at school; the unhappy (or sad) news; he looks so sad.
  • 没有对敌斗,谈不上根据地建设,没有根据地建设,更谈不上对敌斗
    Without the former, the latter would be out of the question; without the latter, the former would be even more doubtful.
  • 我们这样做,对于取小资产阶级将有很大的影响。
    This will be of tremendous importance in winning the latter over.
  • 白俄罗斯,白俄罗斯波兰以东的欧洲东部地区,位于立陶宛和拉脱维亚以南,乌克兰以北。长久以来一直为波兰和俄国所
    A region of eastern Europe east of Poland, south of Lithuania and Latvia, and north of the Ukraine. It was long disputed between Poland and Russia.
  • 这次的实验简直无可比拟,报章杂志相传诵的溢美之辞,为公司免费打了价值逾百万美元的广告。
    The experiment was so unique that newspapers and magazines, gave it more than a million dollars' worth of laudatory publicity.
  • 德州仪器公司总顾问阿格尼奇否认该公司已失竞力,或但求守成。他说,德州仪器1989年所获专利数目名列第十七……。
    Richard J.Agnich, general counsel for Texas Instruments, denied that the company had become uncompetitive or was resting on its laurels. Texas Instruments ranked 17th in the number of patents received in 1989, he said …
  • 政府正在努力与大城市中的目无法律的现象作斗
    The government is trying to fight lawlessness in large cities.
  • 战争指导规律
    laws for directing wars
  • 散,就是权夺利,搞不团结,捏不到一起。
    and that laxity concerning principle consists in contending for power and gain, doing things destructive of unity and refusing to co-operate with others for a common purpose.
  • 只要我们党真正加强马克思主义的领导,坚决克服软弱涣散的状态和自由主义态度,认真开展积极的思想斗,思想战线的上述种种问题都可以解决,也不难解决。
    Provided we make real efforts to reinforce Marxist leadership, to overcome weakness, laxity and the laissez-faire attitude and to wage active ideological struggle, all these problems can be readily solved.