| - 贸易发展局另一项突破是全日开放储存了10万间本地公司资料的商贸资料库给海外人士使用,费用全免。
Another breakthrough was the opening of 24-hour access to the TDC's databank of 100 000 local companies to overseas users, free of charge. - (一○)我军实行中间突破,将敌人的阵线打开一缺口后,敌之东西诸纵队便被分离为远距之两群。
If our troops made a breakthrough at the centre and breached the enemy's front, his columns to the east and west would be cut into two widely separated groups. - 胸膛身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛
The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone; the thorax. - 你能屏住气多长时间?
How long can you hold your breath? - 我跑了这么多路需要有时间让呼吸恢复正常。
I need time to get my breath after all this running. - 尽管他花在运动上的时间比学习上要多,他却轻而易举地通过了医大预科各科课程。
Though he spent more time on sports than studies, he breathed through his pre-med courses. - 毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间挥毫以继续白天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。
Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed. - 在夜间,那是城市的呼吸声;
by night, it is the city breathing; - 不要使敌人获得喘息的时间。
The enemy should be permitted no breathing space. - 暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.
The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing space. - 多次发情的在一个交配季节期间有几次求偶期的
Having several estrous cycles during a single breeding season. - 夜间微风逐渐停息了。
The breeze died away at night. - 那些无穷尽的事务和他的日课以及祈祷所余下的时间,他首先用在贫病和痛苦的人身上;
What time was left to him, after these thousand details of business, and his offices and his breviary, he bestowed first on the necessitous, the sick, and the afflicted; - 一项在泰晤士河下从英国下院到费勒斯啤酒厂之间挖一条隧道的建议被一笑置之,不予考虑。
A proposal for a tunnel under the Thames between the House of Commons and Fullers Brewery was laughed out of court. - 他们之间正酝酿着恶作剧。
Mischief was brewing between them. - 他们之间正在酝酿着一场纷争。
There's trouble brewing up between them. - 两国间似乎正在酝酿战争
A war seems to be brewing between the two countries - 但当时的克格勃头目安德罗波夫和苏共总书记勃列曰涅夫之间的通信表明,他们对德国人、西欧国家的东方政策及东西德领导人之间的密切关系感到紧张。
Correspondence between Yuri Andropov, the late KGB chief, and Leonid Brezhnev suggest that there was a deep nervousness about Germany, Ostpolitik and the new intimacy between East and West German leaders. - 我说我要见布赖恩医生。他欠欠身子,露出蒙娜丽莎般的微笑,有所期待似地沉默了一会儿,然后把我引进了一间候诊室。
I said I was to see Dr Brian. With a slight bow, the beginnings of a Mona Lisa smile, and a pregnant silence, he ushered me into a waiting room. - 因为中国的汉奸卖国贼是很多的,并且是有力量的,他们必然想出各种法子来破坏这个统一战线,用他们威迫利诱、纵横捭阖的手段来挑拨离间,用兵力来强压,来各个击破那些比较他们小的、愿意离开卖国贼而同我们联合起来打日本的力量。
Because the traitors and collaborators in China are numerous and powerful and are sure to devise every possible means to wreck the united front; they will sow dissension by means of intimidation and bribery and by manoeuvring among various groupings, and will employ their armies to oppress and crush, one by one, all those weaker than themselves who want to part company with them and join us in fighting Japan. - 如家用电器维修、剪裁缝纫、烹饪、理发、家禽饲养、木工、瓦工、电工、农具维修等,使罪犯在服刑期间掌握一种或几种技能,为刑满就业创造良好的条件。
Through courses which teach subjects such as home appliance repair, tailoring and sewing, cooking, hair-dressing, home poultry raising, carpentry, bricklaying, electricity and agricultural implement repair, prisoners acquire one or more skills during their imprisonment, in preparation for finding employment after their release. - 新婚套间已准备好以接待度蜜月的人.
The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymooners. - 新婚套间已准备好以接待度蜜月的人
The bridal suite is prepared for the reception of the honeymooners - 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁.
Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations. - 一纽约分钟比六十秒要短得多,事实上,几乎就是眨眼之间:“再过一纽约分钟,我就和布利吉德·芳达出去。”
A New York minute is thus much shorter than sixty seconds, indeed, it's almost instantaneous: "I'd go out with Bridget Fonda in a New York minute." - 三方或更多方之间的交互会议需要多点网桥功能。
Interaction among three or more parties requires a multipoint bridging capability. - 虽说私人间的嫉妒有百害而无一利,但公众的嫉妒却还有一点好处,因为它就像陶片放逐法,可除去那些位高专权者,所以它对其他大人物亦是一种制约,可使他们循规蹈矩。
There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. And therefore it is a bridle also to great ones, to keep them within bounds. - 短暂的间歇;一刹那
A brief interval; a twinkling. - 持续显著的简短的时间的。
lasting for a markedly brief time. - 使用简短的时间看某物。
see something for a brief time. - 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
A brief, indefinite interval of time. - 他有许多要说明的,但又没时间开长会,所以只好把一份长汇报削短成半小时的简介。
He had a lot to explain, and no time for more than a short meeting. Thus a lengthy briefing had to be telescoped into half an hour.