  • 这个班级整个地失控了,他们大吵大闹的声音在学校的另一端都听见。
    The class got out of control, and the shindy they kicked up could be heard at the other end of the school.
  • 地板蜡能增加亮光。
    Wax applied to a floor heightens the shine.
  • 不育没有生育力或生育力减低
    Absent or diminished fertility.
  • 任何人都不可将这盏明灯熄灭。
    And no one will keep that light from shining.
  • 我们应该牢记在心的是,找不到证据并不证明证据是不存在的。
    Absence of evidence, it should always be remembered, is not evidence of absence.
  • 无尿症不能形成尿液
    The absence of urine formation.
  • 大船上都有救生船,这样船沉没时水手就逃生。
    Ships carry lifeboat so that the crew can escape if the ship sink.
  • 由于舱位严重不足,我们要到9月26日才装运这批货物。
    Due to a serious shortage of shipping space, we cannot ship these goods until september 26th.
  • 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮,这可是严重的。
    I think I have an abscess on my gums.This could be serious.
  • 斯塔凡格挪威西南部一城市,位于卑尔根以南,北海一入口处。它可建于8世纪,是有造船厂的加工业中心。人口92,012
    A city of southwest Norway south of Bergen on an inlet of the North Sea. Probably founded in the eighth century, it is a processing center with a shipbuilding industry. Population,92, 012.
  • 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮,这可是严重的。
    I think I have an abscess on my gums. This could be serious.
  • 上次装运的货再卖一批吗?
    Can last shipment be duplicated?
  • 希望你们立即装货启运。
    We will like to ask you to effect shipment promptly.=prompt shipment required.
  • 贵方够更快一点装运吗?
    Can you possibly effect shipment more promptly?
  • 你们否再提前一点交货呢?
    Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly?
  • 没有正当理由,不擅自剥夺公民的权利。
    The rights of citizens must not be abridged without proper cause.
  • 只要做到上述各点,他就在短期游历中受益良多。
    Thus he may abridge his travel, with much profit.
  • (指船和艇)可漏的。
    (of ships and boats) permitting leakage.
  • 公民权利不擅予削减。
    The rights of citizens must not be abridged.
  • 遇难船上的幸存者把救生艇中的水舀干,希望平安抵达海岸。
    The survivors of the shipwreck bailed out their lifeboat in the hope of reaching the shore safely.
  • 经过五年的研究,一位教授和他的助手确信那块石头非常像一艘古代失事船只上的锚或其他器具,时间可追溯到2000年前。
    After five years research, a professor and his assistant became convinced that the stone was most likely an anchor or other device from an ancient shipwreck, possibly dating as far back as 2,000 years.
  • 路这样窄,几乎不可让两个人并排行走。
    The path was so narrow that it hardly admitted of two persons walking abreast.
  • 加尔维斯顿美国得克萨斯州东南部的一座城市,位于休斯敦东南偏南,在加尔维斯顿岛上的加尔维斯顿湾的入口处,在墨西哥湾的臂湾中。西班牙探险家卡韦萨·德巴卡可于1528年在此岛上船舶失事。人口59,070
    A city of southeast Texas south-southeast of Houston on Galveston Island at the entrance to Galveston Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico. The Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca may have been shipwrecked on the island in1528. Population,59, 070.
  • 规模较小的船厂建造和维修工作艇和游乐船只。
    Smaller shipyards are able to build and maintain workboats and pleasure vessels.
  • 我们决不逃避我们的清洁工作。
    We mustn't shirk our cleaning job.
  • 只要把责任推给别人,他就推给别人。
    If he could shirk off the responsibility upon the others, he would.
  • 反过来说,运用不当,就是负的一面大过正的一面的贬义词,负面的怕输心理却抹杀某人对某事的想象力,严重的干扰到他自身的创造力,导致多一事不如少一事的“无过论”这种负面的怕输心理。
    When applied wrongly, however, kiasuism can become a negative mindset, which tends to stifle imagination and suppress creativity. Kiasu people are likely to shirk work or responsibilities for fear of failure, and adopt a "work less, err less" mentality.
  • 随时代前进的人才是明智的人。
    He who keeps abreast with times is wise.
  • "如果孩子的信念使它康复,"我对雪莉说,"那它就会很快恢复成原来的'小淘气'。
    " If a child's faith can make him well," I remarked to Shirley," then he'll recover four times over."And he did.
  • 买一件新衬衫吗?
    Could I buy a new shirt?
  • 外宾:请人给我洗一下衬衣吗?
    Could I have my shirt washed?
  • 由于研磨或腐蚀而造成表面粗糙、因而漫射光线的玻璃。
    glass that diffuses light due to a rough surface produced by abrasion or etching.