  • 他们要求最的可允许的数量。
    They claimed on the maximum allowable amount.
  • 最多允许带多少?
    What is the allowance?
  • 免费携带行李限额是少?
    What about the allowance baggage?
  • 所提赔偿要求完全不合理,我方最赔偿1%。
    Suggest allowance totally unreasonable our best 1%
  • 行李的重量限额是少?
    What's the allowance of luggage?
  • 请问行李限重是少?
    What's the baggage allowance, please?
  • 免费行李限量多少?
    What's the free baggage allowance?
  • 行李的重量限额是少?
    What 's the allowance of luggage?
  • 你知道行李的重量限额是少吗?
    Do you know what the luggage allowance is?
  • 新法律在允许各商行给产品定价的自由上比以前少得了。
    The new law allows firms a lot less latitude than before in fixing the price of their goods.
  • 杂合语言允许采用种编程风格;
    A hybrid language allows multiple programming styles;
  • 民主政治就是允许很不同的意见。
    Democracy allows for many differences of opinion.
  • 只要时间允许个包可以发送出去。
    Many packets can be sent as time allows.
  • 把(种金属)制造成合金。
    make an alloy of (metals).
  • 合金两种或种金属所合成的金属
    An alloy of two or more metallic elements.
  • 为使钢更适于某些特定的用途,可以在钢中加入种合金元素。
    A number of alloying elements can be added to steel in order to make it suitable for specialized application.
  • 芳香的西印度的树,可产出香果浆果。
    aromatic West Indian tree that produces allspice berries.
  • 腊梅科中的一个双子叶植物属;香果。
    a magnoliid dicot genus of the family Calycanthaceae including: allspice.
  • 磨碎的、干的、西印度香果树的浆果状果实;使人想起桂皮、肉豆蔻和丁香的混合味道。
    ground dried berrylike fruit of a West Indian allspice tree; suggesting combined flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves.
  • 为了吸引更的顾客,我们进了各种面霜。
    In order to allure more customers, we've stocked all types of crème.
  • 对于每年大约18万中的许游客来说,生物圈2号的吸引力在于它作为太空旅游者的一个实验性的生活环境的首要使命。
    For many of the 180,000 or so annual visitors, part of Biosphere 2's allure lies in its first mission as an experimental habitat for space travelers.
  • 在九六至九七年度,艺术中心又举办项极富趣味的演艺节目,其中包括"得美达周五舞台"、"中国旅程97"及"小亚细亚97──亚洲小剧场网络";而艺术教育课程则有"香港国际诗歌节"、"时装人气五十年"(出版)及"亲子艺术课程"等。
    In 1996-97, the centre also held performing arts programmes which included Demi Soda Onstage, Journey to the East 97 - Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Little Asia '97 and Art Education programmes such as In Transit In Transition: A Poetic Encounter in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Fashion Allure 50 Years (Publication), and Parents & Children Art Activities.
  • 剧中处幽默地提到人类的弱点。
    There are many humorous allusions to human foibles in the drama.
  • 他的著作里用了很典故。
    His writings are full of classical allusions.
  • 高的粗糙的美洲药草,有手掌状的叶子和许小白雌雄异体的花;在美国中部和东部的冲积土壤中可见。
    tall coarse American herb having palmate leaves and numerous small white dioecious flowers; found wild in most alluvial soils of eastern and central United States.
  • 大熔化锅有时可能会产生一些奇怪的混合餐馆,如古巴—越南、墨西哥—意大利、或者匈牙利—波黎各餐馆。’
    The great melting pot occasion-ally produces some odd restaurant bedfellows, such as Cuban-Vietnamese, Mex-Italian, or Hungarian-Puerto Rican.
  • 我在年鉴中找到了许戏剧方面的资料。
    I found many subjects of theatre in almanac.
  • 年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。
    He pursues his hobby of collect old almanac for so many year.
  • 在西方国家,很人只是凭着万能的金钱取得成功的。
    In the Western countries, many people are successful just by means of the almighty dollar.
  • 因为我已在你们和全能的上帝面前,宣读了我们的先辈在170年前拟定的庄严誓言。
    For I have sworn betbre you,and almighty God, the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.
  • 因为我已在你们和全能的上帝面前,宣读了我们的先辈在170年前拟定的庄严誓言。
    For I have sworn betbre you, and almighty God, the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.
  • 差不是该走的时候了.
    It's almost time to go.