  • 設於日本以及日産設於田納西州的工廠都有生産的sentra[尖兵轎車],其售價1985年7月為5499美元。現在價格為6499美元——可是如果售價緊隨日元升值,現在應售11000美元。
    A Sentra, which is made both in Japan and at Nissan's Tennessee plant, carried a base price of $ 5,499 in July 1985. It now costs $6,499 –but would cost about $ 11,000 had its price risen in tandem with the yen.
  • 男孩子們在比賽規上發生了爭吵
    The boys get into a tangle over the rules of the game
  • 男孩子們在比賽規上發生了爭吵。
    The boy got into a tangle over the rules of the game.
  • 顧無數以反共為第一任務之人,放棄抗戰工作,人民起而抗日,多方壓迫製止,此放棄民族主義也;
    Yet many people, making anti-communism their first duty, are giving up the war effort and doing everything possible to suppress and hold back the people as they rise to resist Japan, which is tantamount to abandoning the Principle of Nationalism;
  • (二)張國燾的機會主義,是革命戰爭中的右傾機會主義,其內容是他的退卻路綫、軍閥主義和反黨行為的綜合。
    The opportunism of Chang Kuo-tao, however, was Right opportunism in the revolutionary war and was a combination of retreatist line, warlordism and anti-Party activity.
  • (道教)宇宙的根本原
    (Taoism) the ultimate principle of the universe.
  • 我用了些時間學習遊戲規,大概現在已經掌握了.
    It took me a while to learn the rules of the game but I think I've got them taped now.
  • 無條件最惠國待遇是嚮締約國提供給予第三國的一切關稅優惠,這是在1948年簽訂的《關稅及貿易總協定》中所包括的一項原
    Under the unconditional form , any tariff concessions granted to a third party is granted to the party, a principle that was included in the 1948 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
  • 上述報價在下周三下午四時前有效,但進口稅率如發生變動,由你方負擔。
    Above offer valid next Wednesday 4th p.m but any import tariff change your risk and account.
  • 上述報價有效期為兩周,至六月四日下午5時止,但進呂稅率如發生變動,由貴公司負擔。
    Above for valid two weeks ending June 4 5pm but any import tariff change yr. risk n a/c
  • 上述報價有效期為兩周,至六月四日下午5時止,但進呂稅率如發生變動,由貴公司負擔。
    Above for valid two weeks ending June 4th 5 p.m but any import tariff change yr. risk n a/c.
  • 把面包泡進飲品裏來吃,屬不良嗜好,惟其味道不錯。
    Dunking is bad taste but tastes good.
  • 鄰近的紅磡、土瓜灣、馬頭角及九竜城區共260公頃的現有市區,可進行市區重建。
    The adjoining 260 hectares of existing urban areas at Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Ma Tau Kok and Kowloon City offer opportunities for urban renewal.
  • 年內,經落馬洲、文錦渡及沙頭角三個陸路關卡過境的車輛數目大增,平均每日有26035輛,而一九九六年有24361輛。
    Vehicular traffic through the three control points at Lok Ma Chau, ManKam To and Sha Tau Kok increased substantially from a daily average of24 361 vehicles in 1996 to 26 035 in 1997.
  • 過境乘客方面,落馬洲通道每日平均乘客數目由13700人次增至兩萬人次,而每日文錦渡及沙頭角乘客數目分別維持在2200及3000人次。
    In 1998, the average daily passenger flow at Lok Ma Chau crossing increased from 13700 to 20000, while that for the Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok crossings was maintained at 2 200 and 3 000 respectively.
  • 每個孩子都必須學習這些原
    Every child must be taught these principles.
  • 創造人類,是一美好而又富於獨創性的想法,但加上羔羊未免多餘。
    To create man was a fine and original idea; but to add the sheep was a tautology.
  • 稅務局:因稅種不同而不同。比如營業稅是次月十日內,而個人所得稅是七日內。不過期限的最後一日如果是節假日,可以順延。
    Tax official: it depends on different taxes.for business tax, it is due within the first 10 days of the following month.but for individual income tax, it is within the first7 days.if the deadline fall in the vacation or holiday, it can be put off in turn.
  • 稅收中性原則
    neutral principle of taxation
  • 必須繳納的稅款;由社會強加的規
    the imposed taxation; rules imposed by society.
  • 這個地方出租車不停車,否會阻礙交通。
    Taxis can't stop in this area or it would block the traffic.
  • 傑夫:為此,1969年國際羽毛球聯合會修改了比賽規,由口個區的優勝隊和上後冠軍隊及本後舉辦國的隊共六個隊進行淘汰賽,决出冠軍。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series.Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • 傑夫:為此,1969年國際羽毛球聯合會修改了比賽規,由四個區的優勝隊和上屆冠軍隊及本屆舉辦國的隊共六個隊進行淘汰賽,决出冠軍。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series. Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • 應該設想,經過技術改造,文化和技術操作水平較高的工人應當是大量的,否不能操作新技術、新工藝和新設備。
    After technological upgrading, large numbers of workers with relatively high educational and technological levels should appear, otherwise new technologies and equipment cannot be used.
  • 同時,要按照打破壟斷、鼓勵競爭的原,通過聯合、兼併、改組,形成技術水平高、有競爭能力的企業集團。
    In addition, following the principle of breaking up monopolies and encouraging competition, we should work to form technologically advanced, competitive enterprise groups through association, merger and reorganization.
  • 團结一致,以身作青少年有時會偏愛父親或母親。
    Show a united front. Teen-agers sometimes favor one parent over the other.
  • 請立即電告設計號,否裝運期將被延誤
    TEL DESIGN NOSIMMDLY OTHRWS SHIPT BE DELAYED-telegraph design numbers immediately, otherwise shipment( will be) delayed
  • 電文通過電傳打字機從一地傳送到另一地,或者由電傳打字機從另一地接收,這就叫作“電傳”。
    A message sent out at one place to another or received from another place through a Tele-printer is called Telex.
  •  有些人講故事時身着民族服裝,另一些人采用表演的方式。
    Some tellers make their stories more lively by performing in native dress, and others act out their characters.
  • 這兩個女人都具有適當的脾性,雖她們並不是特別受過高深教育的人,也不是優秀的詩人。
    Both these women had the right temperament, although they were not particularly educated or good poets.
  • 假如說中國是一個半封建的缺乏民主的國傢,反映到黨內的是:共産黨員一般缺乏民主的習慣,缺乏民主政治鬥爭的常識與鍛煉。
    If we say China is a semi-feudal country and a country that lacks democracy, it is reflected in our Party by the fact that, in general, Party members are not used to the practice of democracy and lack knowledge of and tempering in the struggle for democracy.
  • 某些政府因恐伊朗獲勝,當伊拉剋使用化學武器時,因循遷就,並找尋錯綜復雜的外交藉口而不予理會。這不但蔑視道德,也有違戰略原
    Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way, as they did when Iraq used chemical weapons because they feared Iran would win, are not only flouting morality. They are also flouting strategic sense.