  • 虽然最近我们有一些好消息,但在这关键时刻,我认为最重要是我们不要过份乐观,我相信明年仍然是困难的一年,我们需要继续调整我们的生产成本令香港的经济更有效率及更具竞力。
    Although the news lately are somewhat better. I think it is important that at this juncture, we do not carry away with too much optimism. Next year, I believe, will continue to be difficult and we need to continue to adjust our costs to become more efficient and competitive.
  • 中国共产党在革命斗中的伟大的历史成就,使得今天处在民族敌人侵入的紧急关头的中国有了救亡图存的条件,这个条件就是有了一个为大多数人民所信任的、被人民在长时间内考验过因此选中了的政治领导者。
    The Party's great historic achievements in its revolutionary struggles have provided the prerequisite for the survival and salvation of China at this critical juncture when she is being invaded by a national enemy; and this prerequisite is the existence of a political leadership enjoying the confidence of the vast majority of the people and chosen by them after long years of testing.
  • 他是从芝加哥来的;他从小生长在生存竞激烈的地方。
    He's from chicago; he grow up in a real jungle.
  • 生存是残酷竞的实质。
    Survival is the name of the game in the jungle.
  • 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。
    In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities.
  • 请问中国在解决克什米尔端、缓和印巴局势、消除其对本地区的和平与稳定构成的威胁方面,将如何发挥作用?
    I would like to know what kind of role China can play to reduce this tension and resolve the Kashmir problem, which is a major threat to peace and stability in the region.
  • 11.巴基斯坦通讯社记者问:您刚才提出,中国致力于推进世界和地区的和平与稳定,印度和巴基斯坦是中国邻国,他们因为克什米尔端问题关系紧张。
    Q: (Associated Press of Pakistan) You have just mentioned that China holds for peace and stability in the world and especially in Asia. As you know, in your neighbor, there is great tension between Pakistan and India due to Kashmir issue.
  • 中国希望印巴两国继续进行和平谈判,取用和平的、政治的办法解决彼此间的议。
    As far as their disputes such as the problem of Kashmir are concerned, because peace is to be valued most, it is China’s hope that India and Pakistan will continue to work to bring about a political settlement of the problem peacefully and resolve their disputes.
  • 恐怕我刚和凯特吵过:我认为她不应该退出会议。
    I’m afraid I’ve just had words with Kate: I didn’t think she should have left the meeting.
  • 竞争激烈。
    Competition is very keen.
  • 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞激烈,本公司目前无法提高销售极限。
    Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale max cannot increase as competition keener here.
  •  开放带来竞,竞的结果是消费人有更多的选择,益了渴望信息的胃口,经营者必须在素质和盈利兼顾下,占领有限的市场,也就是“叫好又叫座”,确实是一场硬战。
    Yet opening-up is sure to bring in keener competition as well as richer options to satisfy the audience's appetite. It will be a tough challenge for the media operators to secure market shares by providing quality products while staying in the black, or to remain "both popular and profitable", as they say.
  • 他们继续在街上吵。
    The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street..
  • 罗勃特·肯尼迪遇刺时,在民主党总统候选人提名竞中处于领先的地位。
    Robert Kennedy was the front runner in the Democratic nomination when he was assassinated.
  • 约翰·肯尼迪是一位战英雄,普利策奖获得者,五十年代大部分时间里的参议员。
    John F.Kennedy was a war hero, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, a U.S. senator for most of the 1950s.
  • 约翰·肯尼迪是一位战英雄,普利策奖获得者,五十年代大部分时间里的参议员。
    John F. Kennedy was a war hero, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, a US senator for most of the 1950s.
  • 隐喻语尤指古英语和古斯堪的纳维亚语诗中,一种比喻性的,在表名字或名词时常用的复合表达方式,如“剑的风暴”是“战”的隐喻语
    A figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry; for example, storm of swords is a kenning for battle.
  • 这个论点一直为政治家们论不休。
    The argument was kept alive by the politicians. (喻)
  • 眼下人人追求目前的短暂利益,社会价值鼓励竞,强调功利与效率,学校重视学业表现,在力求更快更新更好的大前提下,我们再回过头来说,我们也重视德智体群美,有说服力吗?
    Instead, we see fast and immediate profits being sought after by all, social values keyed to competition, and utility and efficiency stressed in every pursuit.In education particularly, the top priority is given to young people's academic performance, with efforts put in constantly to make them work faster and faster, better and better.And under the circumstances, we claim that we believe in all-round education which values morality, physique, aesthetic feeling, and human interaction as well as intelligence of the educated. Can people be convinced?
  • 他死於战争。
    He was killed in the war.
  • 尸体尤指战中被杀者的尸体
    Corpses, especially of those killed in battle.
  • 由于4×10公里接力(北欧式)是唯一一个参赛选手之间肩并肩互相竞的滑雪项目,因此只有在这项比赛中才有希望出现一个精彩的冲刺动作。
    Since the 4 × 10 kilometer relay (Nordic) is the only skiing event in which the participants actually race against each other, it is also the only event which has the potential for a truly exciting finish.
  • [谚]战是帝王的娱乐。
    W-is the sport of kings.
  • 在昔日,小国的国王常常向其邻国发动战
    In former times, kings of small states used to make war regularly on their neighbours.
  • 一亮出刀来, 那场论就演变成武斗了.
    The argument turned into a fight when knives were produced.
  • 我时常觉得应该像教训淘气孩子那样让政治家停止吵。
    I often feel that politicians should have their heads knocked together, like naughty children.
  • 在酒店外论著的一小群人
    A knot of people arguing outside the pub
  • 调解人精通化解端的程序,因此被视为双方的顾问。
    The mediators are seen as a resource person for the parties, someone knowledgeable and skilled in a process for resolving conflicts.
  • 一月三十一日辞去曼哈顿联邦检察官职位的共和党员朱利亚尼一直在取支持,可能竞选市长。可是他昨天坚持他没有攻击葛德华。
    Giuliani, a Republican who resigned as Manhattan U.S. attorney Jan.31, has been lining up support for a probable mayoral campaign. But he insisted yesterday he had not been attacking Koch.
  • 纽约朝鲜战退伍军人纪念委员会昨天在市政府得到五万元的“强心剂”(补助)。
    The New York Korean Veterans Memorial Commission got a$50, 000 shot in the arm at City Hall yesterday.
  • 一节只简单提到朝鲜战的历史课
    A history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict.
  • 我们结束了朝鲜战
    We ended the Korean War.