  • 公司的联合抵制可能会有一定作用,为了要求更短的保护期限,也许并不需要签订协议。
    A boycott of companies that do not sign on to a pledge to endorse a shorter term could work.
  • 萨姆有时调停我姐姐和她男朋友之的矛盾。
    Sam sometimes goes between my sister and her boyfriend.
  • 里只剩下我和我的男友托德了。
    My boyfriend Todd and I were the only ones left.
  • 在等她男朋友时,她用织毛线来消磨时
    While waiting for her boyfriend she killed time by knitting.
  •  "这部片子是我儿时的梦想,我在脑海里对每个角色都有细致的刻画,"张艺谋说,"我一直相信人世有真英雄。
    "This film was my boyhood dream, I have a precise mental image of every character," said Zhang, "I always believed in true heroes.
  • 古老的房予得用木板加固了。
    The old house has to be braced up with boards of wood.
  • 我在马路边的那家旧货商店里,无中发现了这个银手镯。
    I stumbled across this silver bracelet in the junk shop down the road.
  • 只有年龄在20-30岁之的人才可以申请。
    Only people in the age-bracket 20-30 need apply.
  • 只有年龄在2030岁之的人才可以申请.
    Only people in the age bracket 20 30 need apply.
  • 尽管现在经济发展,人民富裕,随便问一个新加坡人,恐怕至少都出国去过一、两个地方,但出国并不必然地等于开阔视野。尤其是如果出国的目的只是去,流连于小摊小贩之;或者只是用照相机、摄像机记下“某某到此一游”,并以此作为谈资吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are well-travelled. But travelling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go on shopping trips, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 尽管现在经济发展,人民富裕,随便问一个新加坡人,恐怕至少都出国去过一、两个地方,但出国并不必然地等于开阔视野。尤其是如果出国的目的只是去shopping,流连于小摊小贩之;或者只是用照相机、摄像机记下“某某到此一游”,并以此作为谈资吹本;
    True, living in a wealthy state, many Singaporeans are good travelers, traveling in one or two places abroad at least. But traveling alone may not broaden their vision, particularly if they just go shopping there, visiting stalls and booths in a foreign land, and taking photos or making video-tapes to record their tour so that they can brag about it later.
  • 芬克,麦克1770?-1822以枪法、斗技和吹牛而出名的美国拓荒者和民英雄人物
    American frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio.
  • 一条穗带,通常在袖子上,表示军衔或者服役时
    a piece of braid, usually on the sleeve, indicating military rank or length of service.
  • 猴子在树枝荡来荡去。
    Monkeys areswinging from branch to branch.
  • 鸟儿在树枝飞来飞去。
    The birds flitted from branch to branch.
  • 假如你能勇敢地抗比你强大得多的对手,你的事迹有可能在晚的新闻中占一席之地。
    If you struggle bravely against overwhelming odds, you're liable to end up on the evening news.
  • 如同在一幅中式调的画中,您再泯除中心钟乐里一切过于沙哑、过于尖锐的声音;那么,请您说说看,世上还有什么声音更为丰富,更为欢悦,更为金灿,更为耀眼,胜过这钟乐齐鸣,胜过这音乐熔炉,胜过这许多高达三百尺的石笛同时发出万般铿锵的乐声,胜过这浑然只成为一支乐队的都市,胜过这曲暴风骤雨般的交响乐!
    extinguish, as in a half shade, all that is too hoarse and too shrill about the central chime, and say whether you know anything in the world more rich and joyful, more golden, more dazzling, than this tumult of bells and chimes;--than this furnace of music,--than these ten thousand brazen voices chanting simultaneously in the flutes of stone, three hundred feet high,--than this city which is no longer anything but an orchestra,--than this symphony which produces the noise of a tempest.
  • 出没于墨西哥与巴西之的北部海湾。
    found from the northern Gulf of Mexico to Brazil.
  • 维拉罗伯斯,海特1887-1959巴西作曲家,他的作品受到巴西传统民乐影响,包括交响曲、歌剧及歌曲
    Brazilian composer whose works, including symphonies, operas, and songs, were influenced by Brazilian folk traditions.
  • 小小的误会引起了他们之的不和。
    A trivial misunderstanding caused a breach between them.
  • 这房长15英尺,宽10英尺。
    The room is15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.
  • 两国之爆发了战争。
    Hostilities have broken out between the two countries.
  • 警察驱散了两个黑帮的殴斗。
    The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs.
  • 间断,中断
    A break or gap.
  • 午餐时的、喝咖啡时的休息
    A lunch, coffee break
  • 考虑到破损情况;估计旅行所需时时考虑到尖峰时交通堵塞的情况
    An allowance for breakage; made allowances for rush-hour traffic in estimating travel time.
  • 长间隙击穿
    breakdown of long air gap
  • 更令人激动的是斯拉米的最新发现:一种分子“破坏者”,这种药物实际可以破坏糖一蛋白质之形成的化合键,从而逆转老化过程。
    Perhaps more exciting is Cerami's recent discovery of a molecular "breaker" -- a drug that may actually reverse the aging process by cracking sugar-protein links once they foim.
  • 我可以在房里进早餐吗?
    Can I have breakfast in my room?
  • 是吃早餐的时间了。
    It's time for breakfast.
  • 早饭时间到了。
    It is time for breakfast.
  • 是吃早餐的时间了。
    It 's time for breakfast.