  • 这位公主的衣裳是由著名的服师缝制的。
    The princess is dressed by a famous dressmaker.
  • 束一个人的衣着或衣着的风格
    A person's dress or style of dress.
  • 这件连衣裙易於装箱.
    This dress packs easily.
  • 迷你童;迷你短裙。
    a mini dress; miniskirts.
  • 很漂亮的洋装。
    That's a nice dress.
  • 不管是盛舞步、障碍赛还是三日赛,骑手和赛马只有很好地合作,才能以得好成绩。
    Whether it is dressage, show jumping, or three-day event, good results won't occur unless the rider and the horse cooperate well.
  • 歌舞队的人都扮成仙子。
    The chorus is dressed as fairies.
  • 盛装打扮
    Dressed up fit to kill.
  • 用丝带和荷叶边饰得很华丽
    Gaily dressed in ribbons and flounces.
  • 她女扮男装。
    She was dressed as a man.
  • 内嵌有柚木饰的红木衣柜
    A mahogany dresser with an inlaid teak design.
  • 我们必须在卧室放一张床和一个梳台。
    We have get to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.
  • 我们必须在卧室放一张床和一个梳
    We have got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom
  • 这只老式的松木梳妆台已被整修一新,但上了这些不值钱的塑料拉手后,他似乎显得有些不伦不类,真是因小失大。
    The old pine dresser had been lovingly restored but they spoiled the ship for a ha'porth of tar by fitting it with cheap plastic handles.
  • 香丸一种芳香物质的混合物,封在袋子或盒子里来防止气味或感染,从前佩戴在人身上,但现在一般放在梳妆台的抽屉或小橱里
    A mixture of aromatic substances enclosed in a bag or box as a protection against odor or infection, formerly worn on one's person but now usually placed in a dresser drawer or closet.
  • 她古怪的着方式引起了过路人的注意。
    Her queer way of dressing attracted the attention of the passerby.
  • 她用太多的时间扮自己。
    She spends too much time (in) dressing herself.
  • 大多数人都喜欢以流行的方式扮自己。
    Most of the people like dressing themselves in fashion.
  • 为工作精心着装。
    Dressing Up for Work
  • 她用太多时间扮自己。
    She spends too much time dressing herself.
  • 他们正在为演这出歌剧化
    They are dressing up for the opera.
  • 她的法兰克并不爱她呀。……那些用尽裁缝全套技术来剪的服……现在对她又有什么意义呢?
    Her Frank did not love her. What to her now was…clothing that ran the gamut of the dressmaker's art…
  • 特别是对于女职员,为生意场合精心着与为纯粹社交场合精心着并不一样。
    For women especially,dressy clothes for business occasions are not the same as dressy clothes for purely social occasions.
  • 为工作精心着与轻松着一样不易,为办公场合精心着一番包括与客户共同进餐,在老板家吃饭,参加宴会、客户举办的晚会或办公室节日等等。
    Dressing up for work can just as hard as dressing down.Dressy office occasions include dinner with a client,dinner at the boss's house,a banquet,a client's party,or an office holiday.
  • 作为涂层来保护或饰表面的一种物质(尤其是悬浮在液体上面的一种色素混合物);干了之后形成一层坚硬的保护层。
    a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating.
  • 他们在大石头上钻孔以便炸药。
    They drilled boulder's for inserting dynamite.
  • 海上移动式钻井装置
    offshore mobile drilling units
  • 这辆车有前轮驱动置。
    This car has front-wheel drive.
  • 使机动化用机动车辆
    To supply with motor-driven vehicles.
  • 在驾驶操纵机动车辆的机械置;在驾驶
    Operating the steering mechanism of a vehicle; driving.
  • 他扭着嘴出一副可笑的样子。
    He screwed up his mouth in a droll fashion.
  • 这一套,不但汪精卫在演出,更严重的就是还有许多的张精卫、李精卫,他们暗藏在抗日阵线内部,也在和汪精卫里应外合地演出,有些唱双簧,有些红白脸。
    The drama is being acted out not only by Wang Ching-wei himself, but, what is more serious, by many others like him who are concealed within the anti-Japanese front and are collaborating with him in a kind of duet or joint performance, with some wearing the white make-up of the stage villain and others the red make-up of the hero.