  • 一个重复使用、有吸收性的小垫;它可用来吸收月经。
    a disposable absorbent pad; worn to absorb menstrual flow.
  • 没多久就看得出这只小德国杂种牧羊狗会长成一条大狗,大到不再和特克斯及黄猫同享一间狗屋。
    It was soon obvious that the little German shepherd crossbreed would be a large dog --, too large to continue sharing a doghouse with Tex and the yellow cat.
  • 和其他任何方法一样,static方法也创建自己类型的命名对象。所以经常把static方法作为一个“领头羊”使用,用它生成一系列自己类型的“实例”。
    Like any method, a static method can create or use named objects of its type, so a static method is often used as a “shepherd” for a flock of instances of its own type.
  • 华文力强的学生够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
    Easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system.
  • 接受力,吸收力接收、容纳或吸收的
    The ability to receive, hold, or absorb.
  • 不能忍受额外的困苦
    Couldn't absorb the additional hardships.
  • 歹徒尽量与警长谈话以拖延时间,希望他的同伙及进赶到来救他。
    The outlaw talked against the clock with the sheriff, hopping that his gang would come and rescue him.
  • 我们不承担这些费用。
    We will not absorb these charges.
  • 那个聪明的男孩把他老师所教他的所有的知识都吸收了。
    The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher could give him.
  • 这并不解除你的全部责任。
    This cannot absolve you from all responsibility.
  • 图勒古希腊地理学家们认为的世界上有人居住的最北地区。据推断可是不列颠北部的冰岛、挪威或席德兰群岛,人们对此有不同看法
    The most northerly region of the habitable world to ancient Greek geographers. Posited as an island north of Britain, it has been variously identified with Iceland, Norway, and the Shetland Islands.
  • 的确,在该公司108年的历史当中,常常不愿在任何方面领先。柯达本来在60年代复印机市场上成为xerox强大的竞争对手;可是柯达不此之图,在复印机最后行将完成阶段竟花了10年之久。
    Indeed, for most of the company's 108-year history, it shied away from being first with anything. Kodak could have given Xerox a run for the dry copier market in the 1960's; instead. Kodak spent a decade putting the finishing touches on its copiers.
  • 这就是非常错误和不允许的了。
    This is absolutely wrong and intolerable.
  • 你不包庇该罪犯而不起诉他。
    You can't shield this criminal from prosecution.
  • 这种汤简直不能喝。
    This soup is absolutely foul.
  • 绝不花钱大手大脚。
    Absolutely cannot spend money lavishly.
  • 那绝对不可能!
    How absolutely impossible that is!
  • 这些树林挡住旱风,保护农田。
    These tree will shield off arid wind and protect the field.
  • 在我看来,可他在试图保护某个人。
    It occurred to me that perhaps he was trying to shield someone.
  • 那是完全不可能的。
    It is absolutely impossible.
  • 这绝对不可能。
    It's absolutely impossible.
  • 而对于年龄稍大的孩子来说,家长想让他们不看电视似乎难度更大,总不把他们关在自己的卧室直到战争结束吧。
    Shielding older children from graphic war imagery is significantly more difficult, short of locking them in their bedrooms until the end of the war.
  • 事实上,这三个程序是国际上近几十年来在核反应堆工程设计、核反应堆辐射屏蔽安全分析等核研究领域中广泛应用的标准程序。
    In fact, the three codes are standard ones extensively used worldwide for decades in nuclear reactor engineering design, nuclear reactor radiation shielding safety analysis and other fields of nuclear energy research.
  • 政府职能转变
    Transform shift the government functions
  • 3、将智工作人员升格为高水平的分析家。
    3.Shift knowledge workers into high-level thinking
  • 的神(指基督教的上帝)。
    God has absolute power over all.
  • 外宾:我换个包房?
    Can I make a shift into another compartment?
  • 帮忙搬一下这些书吗?
    Could you give a hand with shifting these books?
  • 如果不打时,就应不失时机,迅速地转移到另一方向去。
    if not, they should lose no time in shifting elsewhere.
  • 我的秘书真是个难可贵的人。
    My secretary is an absolute gem.
  • 有的地方冰面闪烁着黑色的光芒,而在别的地方它清澈晶莹,像一面透镜那样把景色放大。
    The ice was shimmering black in some places and other places was clear and magnifying as a lens.
  • 窃贼可是沿着排水管爬上去并撬开窗户进屋的。
    Thieves probably got into the house by shinning up a drainpipe and forcing open the window.