Chinese English Sentence:
  • 她拎着一个篮子。
    She was carrying a basket.
  • 把你的鸡子儿全放进一只篮子里去,然后——好好守篮子吧。
    Put all your eggs in one basket, and—watch the basket.
  • 把你的鸡子儿全放进一只篮子里去,然后—好好守篮子吧。
    Put all your egg in one basket, and watch the basket.
  • 如果再让我抓你偷橙子,我将狠揍你一顿。
    If I catch you in stealing the orange again, I'll give you a basting.
  • 轮着击球
    To have a turn at bat.
  • 我仍等轮到自己执棒击球。
    I was still waiting for my turn to bat.
  • 我们急切地等待结果。
    We waited for the result with bated breath.
  • 我们屏息等待法官的裁决。
    We waited for the judge's decision with bated breath.
  • 我用两只粘面糊的手指夹起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫然不知所措。
    I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 我用两只粘面糊的手指夹起听筒,当听出是bates太太的声音时,我茫然不知所措。
    Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the reciver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Mrs Bates.
  • 你不能光身子在这里游泳。
    You must not bathe here in the buff.
  • 地中海环抱意大利的海岸。
    The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shore of Italy.
  • 你不能光身子在这儿游泳。
    You must not bathe here in buff.
  • 我要与你一同站立在高山上我要与你一起沐浴在大海中我要像这样永远的躺直到天空崩落在我身上---<trulymadlydeeply>
    I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me
  • 这人双手沾满着血。
    The man had his hands bathed in blood.
  • 这个地中海国家的海滨充满阳光。
    The shores of this Mediterranean country were bathed in sunlight.
  • 有一道沟堑,又宽又深,冬汛②水涨,水急流速,环绕整个巴黎的城墙根;
    A large, deep moat, with a brisk current during the high water of winter, bathed the base of the wall round Paris;
  • 这些dna链被挂到一块覆盖金片的玻璃上,然后反复地浸入不同的酶溶液中,这些溶液中的酶与dna发生相互作用,剔除掉不合格的答案。
    Those DNA strands were fastened to a piece of glass covered with a thin sheet of gold, then bathed repeatedly in different solutions of enzymes that interacted with the DNA to weed out the wrong answers.
  • 浴室镶着瓷砖。
    The bathroom is faced with tile.
  • 用昂贵的固定物美化浴室
    Tried to glamorize the bathroom with expensive fixtures.
  • 迈克尔从浴室里出来,裹一条毛巾。
    Michael emerged from the bathroom swathed in a towel.
  • 彼得从浴室里出来,身上紧紧裹一条浴巾。
    Peter emerged from the bathroom swathed in a towel.
  • 或者说嫌犯用这个故事暗示了自己的作案手法?像故事中的兔子那样唱歌,就像《蝙蝠侠》中的反派一样?
    Or was the sniper perhaps giving the police a clue to his technique, like a villain on "Batman," with the words of the rabbit's song?
  • 跟着某人的指挥棒转
    dance to sb.'s baton
  • 一名指挥带领军乐队。
    A baton twirler led the brass band.
  • 指挥用指挥棒打拍节。
    With his baton the conductor was beating time.
  • 她仗她那些有钱的亲戚而不必工作,得以坐享清福。
    She avoided have to work by batten on her rich relatives.
  • 打击者靠近本垒板站
    The batter crowded the plate.
  • 大风袭击着树木。
    The winds battered the trees.
  • 救火员破门而入,从燃烧的大楼里救出了孩子们。
    The firemen battered the door down and saved the children from the burning building.
  • 警察破门而入,从正燃火的建筑物中救出小孩。
    The police battered the door down and saved the children from the burning building.
  • 流浪汉破旧帽子下面的蓝眼睛闪烁光芒,长浓密灰色大胡子的脸上绽放出笑容。
    From beneath his old battered hat the hobo's blue eyes sparkled.A smile broke through his heavy gray beard.