  • 她得了血病,可能她没有告诉你。”
    She had leukemia. Maybe she didn't tell you.
  • 热狗这种美国主食,最近与儿童血病联系了起来。
    Hot dogs, an American staple, have recently been linked with leukemia in children.
  • 用来干扰嘌呤新城代谢和严重的血病的药物(商标是巯基嘌呤)。
    a drug (trade name Purinethol) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia.
  • 我呆在医院接受进一步的检查,三天后,我被诊断患了慢性粒细胞血病(简称慢粒),血癌的一种。
    I stayed in the hospital for more testing, and three days later, I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), a cancer of the blood.
  • 这边是一对来自中西部的父母。他们乘飞机来此主要是看看实验室能否制造一个与他们6岁的女儿一模一样的克隆儿。她最近被发现患有非常严重的血病,只有骨髓移植才能挽救她的生命。
    Over here are the Midwestern parents who have flown in specially to see if the lab can make them an exact copy of their six-year-old daughter, recently found to be suffering from leukemia so aggressive that only a bonemarrow transplant can save her.
  • 的投票记录;清无错的驾驶执照。
    a clean voting recor; a clean driver's license.
  • 地说,我愿意留下来。
    Frankly, I'd just as lief stay.
  • 祝你们头到老,幸福美满。
    Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.
  • 天太阳给我们光亮。
    The sun gives us light during the day.
  • (隔离的--有一条黑线穿过的粉色圆钮。退出服务故障--红色圆钮和一个色闪亮螺栓)
    (isolated - pink capsule with a black line through it. Out of service fault - red capsule with a white lightening bolt)
  • 轧光棉布,色薄棉布一种类似上等细麻布的轻质棉布,用于制衣和绷带
    A lightweight cotton cloth resembling lawn used for clothing and bandages.
  • 色的线穿插织成的轻度的纤维织品。
    a lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.
  • 钱布雷绸一种由线穿过彩色纵向线的精细轻织物
    A fine, lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp.
  • “他也长得很漂亮,”伊丽莎回答道,“一个年轻的男人也得弄得漂亮些,除非办不到,那又当别论。
    "He is also handsome," replied Elizabeth, "which a young man ought likewise to be, if he possibly can.
  • 欧洲的一种大丁香,被移植到北美洲,叶心形或卵圆形,花极香、淡紫色或色、圆锥花序大。
    large European lilac naturalized in North America having heart-shaped ovate leaves and large panicles of highly fragrant lilac or white flowers.
  • 排香草一种唇形科新风轮菜属或塔花属的植物,因其芳香的叶和粉红色、淡紫色或色的花簇而栽培
    Any of several plants of the genera Calamintha or Satureja in the mint family, cultivated for their aromatic foliage and clusters of pink, lilac, or white flowers.
  • 百里香亚欧大陆的百里香属几种有香味的草木和低矮灌木,尤指生长在欧洲南部的开有成簇呈头状的色或淡紫色小花的普通百里香
    Any of several aromatic Eurasian herbs or low shrubs of the genus Thymus, especially T. vulgaris, of southern Europe, having small, white to lilac flowers grouped in headlike clusters.
  • 象百合花一样白
    White as a lily.
  • 具有色花朵的睡莲。
    a water lily with white flowers.
  • 石灰和涂浆与水融合而成;用于刷墙和其它表面。
    lime and size in water; used for whitening walls and other surfaces.
  • 云灰岩一种似石炭岩,富含氧化镁的沉积岩
    A magnesia-rich sedimentary rock resembling limestone.
  • 一种类似石灰石的沉积岩,但几乎全部由矿物云石构成。
    a kind of sedimentary rock resembling limestone but consisting almost entirely of the mineral dolomite.
  • 写得明白易懂
    Writes in a limpid style.
  • 用亚麻布造的色物品或衣服。
    white goods or clothing made with linen cloth.
  • 菱形花纹的织物一种图案为小菱形叠复花型装饰的棉布或亚麻布
    A white cotton or linen fabric patterned with small, duplicative diamond-shaped figures.
  • 即使在天也要尽量避免摄入加啡因,因为它的刺激作用在饮用后延续很长时间。
    You may want to avoid caffenie even during the day because its stimulative effects linger long after consumption.
  • 当伊丽莎女王二世宣布21届奥运会开幕时,蒙特利尔已经花费了惊人的12亿美元,这个沉重的债务在赛后很长的一段时间内都没有还清。
    When Queen Elizabeth II declared open the Games of the XXIth Olympiad, Montreal had already spent a staggering $1.2 billion, a debt that would linger on well after their conclusion.
  • 安妮:校园环境也挺好,树木众多,有垂柳、有杨、还有娇贵的玉兰、名贵的银杏......晚饭后,在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。
    Annie: Definitely. The environment of the university is quite good. The trees are clustered here and there with weeping willows,poplars,tender yulan and rare gingko. After supper, walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm.
  • 面状的胶泥,由垩和煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,尤用于填补木制品上的小洞和固定窗上的玻璃。
    a dough-like mixture of whiting and boiled linseed oil; used especially to patch woodwork or secure panes of glass.
  • 油灰面状的胶泥,由垩粉和亚麻油混合而成,用于填补木制口上的小洞和固定窗上的玻璃
    A doughlike cement made by mixing whiting and linseed oil, used to fill holes in woodwork and secure panes of glass.
  • 天使酒一种甜味葡萄酒或甜露酒
    A sweet white wine or liqueur.
  • 香甜的绿色或色的有薄荷味的利口酒。
    sweet green or white mint-flavored liqueur.