  • 我们已接受你铝板每吨500美元的价格。
    We have accept your price of $500 per metric ton for aluminum sheet.
  • 来也匆匆,去也匆匆,只为了两年一度的聚会,校友们千里迢迢地从世界各地赶到一个约定的地聚会。
    It seemed as though the participants had come and left in great haste. Nevertheless, the biennial event never fails to draw alumni from all over the world to meet and catch up with one another.
  • 他总是在同一地用餐。
    He always dines at the same place.
  • 没想到这竟引发出我在装饰、点缀面的天赋,各种各样的东西,从孤挺花到枫树的叶芽,都成为我手下的装饰材料。
    This arranger of mine had developed a flair for decorating, using everything from amaryllis to the buds of a maple tree.
  • 在残疾儿童的保护面,国家在较短的时间内还难以筹集到更多的经费,充分满足保护残疾儿童的实际需要;
    As for the protection of disabled children, the state is not able to amass in a short period enough money to fully satisfy the actual needs in the protection of these children.
  • 那个年轻政客在操纵舆论面是个外行。
    The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion.
  • 换一句话说,我主张各面的人士都有业余活动的习惯。
    That is lo say, I am for amateurism in all fields.
  • 金融风暴不断蔓延,导致通货紧缩,亚洲没有一个地能够幸免;这场风暴仍未平息,由俄罗斯以至巴西等较远的市场,看在眼里,都不寒而栗,惊骇万分。
    No one has been immune from the deflation and contagion of this turmoil, and distant markets from Russia to Brazil watched with tremor and amazement how this drama is still unfolding.
  • 你的向感可真行,杜威先生。
    Your sense of direction is amazing, Mr. Dewey.
  • 这种交易竞然出现在警察严密注视的地,实在令人惊讶不已。
    Amazingly,the dealing took place despite a heavy police presence.
  • 我妈妈家的人都特别自负、争强好胜,不过都用在了好的面。
    Everyone on my mom's side of the family is,in the nicest possible way,amazingly conceited and competitive.
  • 这里是亚马逊河水流入大海的地
    This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea.
  • 亚马逊网上书店是这面的先驱者,她发明了"只按一下"的购买模式。
    Amazon.com is a pioneer in this area, with innovation such as the "1-Click" buying model.
  • 网站也在开发全新的法让用户分享和获得信息。例如,amazon.com提供“购买圈”,有相同嗜好的用户可以在那里联系在一起,讨论他们喜欢的书籍和音乐。
    And sites are creating whole new ways for users to share and gain information, Amazon.com, for example, offers "purchase circles" where users with similar tastes can hook up and discuss books and music they like.
  • 野生动物保护协会的乔治·阿马托和研究生迈克尔·罗素最早开始了研究圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的工作。当时岛上有一群鹦鹉爱好者问了他们一个看似非常简单的问题:“有没有简单的法来分辨鹦鹉的雌雄?
    George Amato of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a graduate student, Michael Russello, initially started working with the St. Vincent Amazon parrots when a consortium of parrot enthusiasts on the island approached them with a seemingly simple question: Is there an uncomplicated way to tell which birds are male and which are female?
  • "大使先生,"佩尔特打断了他的话,"打个简单的比
    “Mr.Ambassador,”Pelt interrupted,“consider a simple analogy.
  • 总统致函女大使,请她在便的时候尽快到访。
    The president sent a letter to the ambassadress, requesting her to call at her earliest convenience.
  • 按照北京市文物局制定的《“古都奥运”文物保护计划》,加大文物保护力度,妥善保护北京古都景观和文物古迹,充分展示北京的历史文化风貌,为2008年奥运会增添东文化的神韵。
    Efforts will be strengthened to effectively protect the cultural relics and properly maintain the historical sites in Beijing in accordance with the “Cultural Relics Protection Plan for the Olympics in This Ancient Capital”, formulated by the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau. This shall be done to demonstrate Beijing’s history and traditional culture as well as to provide an Eastern ambience to the 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 它并不存在含混不清的地,所以200后面的一个l大可省去。
    there’s no ambiguity, so an L after the 200 would be superfluous.
  • 漏洞逃避困难的一个办法,尤指在合同或法律词句中的疏漏或含糊不清,提供了一种逃避遵守的
    A way of escaping a difficulty, especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance.
  • 向虽在一个时期中是不变更的,然而大向内的小向则是随时变更的,一个向受了限制,就得转到另一个向去。
    Though the main direction does not change in a given period of time, within its ambit the secondary directions may shift at any moment; when we find ourselves checked in one direction, we must turn to another.
  • 它与新加坡存在这种关系已经好多年了,这个南面的城市国家曾经雄心勃勃,通过补贴和惠赠的法,企业获得资金管理人才,芯片制造者和软件销售商,新加坡现在仍然在继续追赶香港,但并没有严重的威胁香港的亚洲商业中心地位。
    It has had that relationship with Singapore for years . The southern city?state has ambitiously courted fund managers, chip markers a nd software vendors with subsidies and freebies, but Singapore continues to chas e without seriously threatening Hong Kong's Asian business?hub status.
  • 战士埋伏在丛林中等待敌人。
    Our soldiers lay in ambush in the jungle for the enemy.
  • 艾米丽雅从小就表现出在飞行面的兴趣。
    Amelia right from the start showed an interest in flight.
  •  地各级人民政府应当采取措施,改造中、低产田,整治闲散地和废弃地。
    Local people's governments at all levels shall adopt measures to ameliorate medium-and low-yielding land and consolidate idle and scattered and abandoned land.
  • 第三十二条 县级以上地人民政府可以要求占用耕地的单位将所占用耕地耕作层的土壤用于新开垦耕地、劣质地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。
    Article 32 The local people's governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land, poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration.
  • 政府专门制定了在荒山、荒坡、荒滩地区植树种草实行“谁开发,谁经营,谁受益,长期不变,允许继承”的政策,鼓励人民群众植树造林和种草,保证了人民群众在改善生态面应有的权益。
    With regard to tree-planting and grass-growing on barren mountains, hillsides and beaches, the government has enacted a special policy featuring “the lasting and inheritable practice of whoever reclaims the land shall be entitled to operate and get benefit from it.” This has encouraged local people to plant trees and grow grass, and guaranteed the rights and interests due to them in eco-environmental amelioration.
  • 老师劝他改变生活式。
    The teacher advised him to amend his way of living.
  • 他将必须改善其生活式。
    He will have to amend his style of living.
  • 信用证名称有误,请以电报更下为:西太平洋贸易有限公司。
    Your credit incorrectly ads cal amend read west pacific trading company limited.
  • 第135号信用证,总额有误,请电改。增加50美元。总额为550美元。
  • 因此,请速修改来证金额,即增加为我出口成品的总金额。
    We therefore have to request you to amend your L/C immediately by making up the deficient amount.