  • 孙淑伟和熊倪在男子跳水项目中遥遥领先,而高敏和伏明霞则在子项目上独领风骚。
    Sun Shuwei and Xiong Ni took the lead in the men's diving event while Gao Min and Fu Mingxia were forerunners in the women's event.
  • 23岁的传奇式人物伏明霞和熊倪复出,分别在奥运会子和男子3米板中卫冕成功。
    Twenty-three year-old legend Fu Mingxia and xiong Ni came out of retirement and successfully defended their Olympic title, in the women's and men's 3m springboards.
  • 那个妓和逃犯一起被杀死了。
    The harlot was killed together with the fugitive.
  • 吉姆把他遇到的每一个孩都看得完美无缺,然后当她们不如他所望时他便不公平地责备她们。
    Jim sets every girl he meets on a pedestal and ten blames them unfairly when they don't fulfil his expectations.
  • 墨经拉复仇三神之一
    One of the Furies.
  • 在工作过程中,我曾听到过这么一个小笑话:一个裹着毛皮衣服的人推着她那坐在轮椅里的十几岁的儿子。
    In the course of my work, I once heard this little joke: A woman swathed in furs was pushing her teen-age son in a wheelchair.
  • 有些孩喜欢讲究的衣服。
    Some girls like fussy dresses.
  • 孩长了一头短短的卷发。
    The girls hair stood out in a fuzz round her head.
  • 与盖博搭档最多的是joancrawford,共8次,超过任何其它演员。
    Joan Crawford teamed with Gable eight times, more than any other actress.
  • 人们沉迷于他在银幕上塑造的不同男性形象,盖博-男中子骄子。
    Women swooned at his masculine screen presence and men, well Gable was a man's man.
  • 我从玛侬和玛格丽特,转而想到了我所认识的那些人,我看着她们一边唱歌,一边走向那几乎总是千篇一律的最后归宿。
    Then, from Manon and Marguerite, my thoughts turned to those women whom I knew and whom I could see rushing gaily towards the same almost invariable death.
  • 她是个好人-无人能否认。
    She is a fine woman - that nobody can gainsay.
  • 他在舞会上对妇大献殷勤。
    He was very gallant at the ball.
  • 一个伟大的既做妻子又做母亲的人会很有耐心地坚持做美味而又营养丰富的饭菜。
    an equally gallant little wife and mother uncomplainingly keeping up the production of tasty and nourishing meals.
  • 骑士品质被骑士制度所理想化的品质,如勇敢、彬彬有礼、荣誉感以及对人的殷勤等
    The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.
  • 那个年轻人以向人献殷勤而闻名。
    The young man was noted for gallantry.
  • 他喜欢在他友前逞英雄。
    He likes to display gallantry in front of his girlfriend.
  • 他一生的最初阶段完全消磨在交际场所和与妇们的厮混中。
    the whole of the first portion of his life had been devoted to the world and to gallantry.
  • 在1628年,有一艘大帆船在处航开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。
    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
  • 在1628年,有一艘大帆船在处航开始时就沉没了,这个沉船故事一定是最神奇的海上轶事之一。
    The story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.
  • 他们应少到各处游荡, 多用些时间照看子.
    They should spend less time gallivanting about and more with their children.
  • 她是一个在世间误入歧途的子。
    She was a woman ganging a wee bit gleed in her walk through the world.
  • 婆娘人,尤指饶舌的老妇人
    A woman, especially a garrulous old one.
  • 侍者给她们拿来水时,安?玛丽突然听到身后有急促的喘息声。
    As the waitress set down their water,Ann-Marie heard a gasping sound behind her.
  • 我走的时候,那些孩子们还在胡扯。
    The girls were still gassing when I left.
  • 这个小孩正在采花。
    The little girl is gathering flowers.
  • 正在采花的那个孩是我的妹妹。
    The girl gathering flowers is my younger sister.
  • 新闻记者收集、报道和编辑新闻的
    A woman who gathers, reports, or edits news.
  • 他父母不许我再和他们的儿谈话,因此,我知道打电话和她约会是在经受惩罚性的考验。
    He parents had told me never to speak to their daughter again, so I knew that I was running the gauntlet when I telephoned her to arrange a meeting.
  • 同性恋女子
    A gay or homosexual woman.
  • 在19世纪90年代,士们都戴大帽子。
    Ladies wore large hats in the gay nineties.
  • 同性恋者男同性恋者或同性恋者
    A homosexual person; a gay man or a lesbian.