  • 迈克尔·穆尔同另一位获得提的导演一同站在颁奖台上,说我们喜欢写实作品,但?quot;我们生活在一个这样的时代,有个人以虚构的理由让我们去打仗。
    Michael Moore brought the other nominated documentary director with him on the stage,saying we like nonfiction,but," We live in a time when we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.
  • 在文件或支票上签
    of documents or cheques.
  • 另一次两女飞行员被击落在德军后方,一连三天躲避敌人的追击,最终徒步返回部队。
    Another night two women were shot down behind German lines but managed to walk back to their unit, dodging the enemy for three days.
  • 总督是由一个贤人组成的提委员会选出来的。
    The doge was elected by a nominating committee of wise men.
  • 警方追踪那名窃贼。
    The police dogged the thief.
  • 一月之后,《再度发誓》在英国又现辉煌,连续两周列排行榜第一,接替了"boyzone"对英国流行音乐顶尖位置的占领。
    A month later “ Swear It Again” repeated the feat in the UK,staying at number one for two weeks and following on from Boyzone's dominance of the UK top spot.
  • 唱法中大音阶中的第五个音节。
    the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization.
  • 九国公约的作用,是以几个帝国主义国家共同控制中国来代替日本独占中国的局面。由于美国的经济实力超过其他国家,这个公约实际上为美帝国主义用“机会均等”的义压倒对手,进而独占中国准备了条件。
    The aim of this treaty was to create a situation in which the imperialist powers had joint control of China and it actually cleared the way for exclusive domination by the U.S. imperialists, the purpose being to frustrate Japan's plans for exclusive domination.
  • 柔然,是北方草原古老民族东胡人(中国古族)后裔,五世纪初兴起于蒙古草原,公元402年建立了强大政权,同北魏(公元386年—公元534年)争夺西域。
    The Rouran were descendants of the Donghu, an ancient people rising on the northern grasslands in the early fifth century. After establishing a powerful regime on the Mongolian grasslands in 402 A.D., they struggled with the Northern Wei (386-534) for domination of the Western Regions.
  • 圣保罗教堂的圆顶闻于世。
    The dome of St. Paul Cathedral is well known in the world.
  • 在美国喷气机阶层中,唐纳德·杜普是最有的一个。
    Donald trump is one of the most famous in the jet set of america.
  • 他的真是麦克唐纳先生,但他的爱称是“麦克。”
    His real name is Mr Mac Donald, but he has the nickname"Mac".
  • 有100多战士赶到现场献血。
    More than 100 fighters hurried to the scene to donate their blood.
  • 还有好几年前,我国收藏家刘作俦的贵书画,准备把它捐献给博物馆时,因条件谈不拢,只好转送给香港。港方为他建立了纪念馆,妥善保存珍藏,传为佳话。
    A few years back, local collector Low Chuck Tiew wanted to donate some priceless paintings to the National Museum, but when they could not reach an agreement, he decided to give the artworks to the Hong Kong Museum of Art which went on to build a gallery to house them.
  • 以资助贫困失学儿童入学为目的的“希望工程”,自1989年以来累计接受海内外捐款近19亿元,资助建设希望小学8355所,资助失学儿童近230万
    A project aimed at helping children from poor families to go to school, the Hope Project has received a total donation of nearly 1.9 billion yuan from both home and abroad since its inauguration in 1989, with which to fund the establishment of 8,355 Hope schools and help nearly 2.3 million children to go to school.
  • 董存瑞作为一人民英雄而流芳百世。
    As a people's hero, Dong Cunrui has a niche in the temple of fame.
  •  1945年,当时的中华全国体育协进会在重庆召开的第二届理监事会议上,我国历史上第一位国际奥委会委员王正廷、著体育家董守义等提出"请求第15届世界运动大会(1952)在我国举行案",获得与会人员一致通过。
    During a China Sport Promotion Committee meeting in Chongqing in 1945, Dong Shouyi, the first Chinese IOC member and well-known sport expert, put forward a program to host the 15th Olympic Games (1952) in China.
  • 保罗是纽约市的一研究生,而唐娜是一金融顾问。他们俩仅仅是无数结为夫妻的表兄妹中的一对。
    Paul, a graduate student in New York City, and Donna, a financial adviser, are just two in a long, flourishing line of kissin' first cousins.
  • 政治论战的中心 D-Fair 过去在爱尔兰 Donnybrook 地方每年一次以酒色、殴斗著的集市; 吵闹的场面, 大混战
    a center of a political donnybrook
  • 一首不知道作者的诗;企业为不知道字的所有者负责;不知姓的捐赠者。
    a poem by an unknown author; corporations responsible to nameless owners; an unnamed donor.
  • 桑提连的字一直在受赠器官单的榜首。19日午夜,符合条件的心肺终于找到了。
    Santillan was at the top of the donor list when the organs became available shortly before midnight Wednesday.
  • 随后,兰克斯博士接到了纽约一个匿人的捐助,世界各地的好心人也纷纷解囊,对笑笑的捐助已经达到110,000多美元。
    Then Dr. Laks received a phone call from an anonymous donor in New York who, with other well-wishers from al1 over the world, kicked Shao -Shao's fund to more than $110, 000.
  • 他们终於逮捕了那个恶昭彰的毒品贩子。
    They finally put the collar on that no torious dope dealer.
  • “这家旅馆是一个叫多丽丝的小组经营的。但是,好像今天她出门到布雷斯特去了。”“大王外出,小鬼跳粱。”妈妈说道。
    "The hotel is run by a Miss Doris. But it seems she's away in Brest for the day." "When the cat's away." Ma said.
  • 对待前人底遗当公平而爱护,因为假如你不这样做,那么这就不啻是一种债务,将来你去位的时候人家一定要偿还你的。
    Use me memory of thy predecessor fairly, and tenderly; for if thou dost not, it is a debt will sure be paid, when thou art gone.
  • 请您在虚线上署名。
    Just put your John Henry on the dotted line.
  • 假如你要租用这辆汽车的活,请在合同上签
    Sign on the dotted line if you want to hire the car.
  • “好吧,先生,如果你在虚线上签个的话,这辆小车就是你的了。”
    "Now, sir, if you will just sign on the dotted line the car becomes."
  • 先生,您一签上大,这车就是您的了。
    The car will be yours, sir, as soon as you sign on the dotted line.
  • 玛莉在剧中扮演那舞蹈演员,兼演剧中的母亲。
    In the play, Mary is playing the part of the dancer and doubling as the mother.
  • 她的生平倍加有趣,因为她年纪那么轻就已成
    Her life is doubly interesting because she became famous so young.
  • 这位候选人过去声令人质疑
    The candidate's doubtful past.