  • 我一贯主张要全麦面包.
    I always insist on wholemeal bread.
  • 温带水域中有攻击性的大鲨鱼;著名的人鲨。
    large aggressive shark widespread in warm seas; known to attack humans.
  • 这位寡妇当了很多苦,真是苦极了。
    The widow was hard up against it, ever so hard.
  • 如果有急病号,那大夫不饭也心甘情愿地去为病人治病。
    THe doctor willingly goes without dinner if it is necessary to attend a patient quickly.
  • 他缺乏意志力,克制不住自己的贪
    He hasn't the willpower to stop eating so much.
  • 看起来枯萎的蔬菜不好
    The vegetables looked unpalatably wilted.
  • 当我告诉他修理费要花多少钱时,我瞧见他了一惊的样子。
    I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
  • 孩子们一会儿就把他们盘子里的东西光了。
    The children finished the food on their plate in a wink.
  • 工党在选举中获胜,真让我惊、高兴、烦恼等.
    To my surprise, delight, annoyance, etc the Labour Party won the election, ie Their winning caused me surprise, delight, etc.
  • 杰夫:有两名队员承认,该队确实在严格的医学指导下进行系统服药,更令人惊的是,他们还透露,费斯蒂纳队还成立了“药物基金”,由队员贡献的一部分奖金组成,用以购买先进药品。
    Jeff: Two riders admitted that the team had indeed systematically taken drugs under strict medical control. Surprisingly, they also admitted there was a system of funding illegal drugs through the team members' winnings to buy drugs.
  • 来吧,孩子们,专心饭-冬天要把饭好。
    Come on, boys, get stuck in-you need a good meal in wintertime.
  • 有些自作聪明的人说,天才是“留长发、奇怪的食物、独居的人,是说笑话的人调侃的对象”。
    Some wiseacre has said that a genius is a man who "wears long hair, eats queer food, lives alone, and serves as a target for the joke makers."
  • 小孩子们讨东西的情景实在令人心疼。
    The sight of the small children asking for food was enough to wring your withers.
  • 孩子们狼吞虎咽地东西。
    Children wolf down their food.
  • [谚]人对人是狼;人人。
    Man is to man a wolf.
  • 大饥荒,狼吃狼。
    Great famine when wolves eat wolves.
  • 难怪他不饿,他整天在糖果。
    No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.
  • 身在商业界,切记:早起的鸟儿有虫
    In the business world, remember: the early bird get the worm.
  • 他与其说是了早饭不如说只了几口。
    He -ried his breakfast rather than ate it.
  • 被击败,遭到惨败;处于劣势;大其苦头
    Get[have] the worst of sth.
  • 她说她只帮助那些值得她去帮助的穷人(不包括那些她认为好懒做等不配取得帮助的人)。
    She says she helps only the worthy poor.
  • 你要点蛋糕还是并干?
    Would you like some cake or biscuit?
  • 哇!这些小糖果看起来好好!我想要来一点!
    Wow! These little candies look delicious. I think I'll have a couple!
  • 黔敖跟在后面表示歉意,但是这个人始终不肯,便活活饿死了。
    Qian Ao said sorry to him,but he still refused to eat anything.And a few days later,he died of hunger.
  • 黔敖见了,左手拿着饭菜,右手端着汤,喊道:"喂!快来吧!"
    Seeing him Qian Ao shouted out to him:“Come on! You,get something to eat.” Food and soup in both hands.
  • 那饥民抬眼望着黔敖说:"我就是因为不吆喝来的饭菜才饿到这个地步的。"
    The man who was hungry so much stared at Qian Ao and said:“I would rather die than accept the way people shouted out to me to eat.”
  • 真正的英雄,就是要克服困难,准备苦,准备勇敢坚决地打过长江。
    He is a true hero who is ready to overcome difficulties, bear hardships and fight courageously and resolutely to cross the Yangtze River.
  • 吃饱了,谢谢!
    Yes, am full, thanks.
  • 你昨天也是吃这些。
    You had that yesterday.
  • 你吃过饭没有?
    Have you fed yet?
  • 找个座位,然后你就个痛快。你想要点儿牛奶,不是吗?
    Find a seat, then you can dive in. Yon want milk, don't you?
  • 请随意吃。
    Please help yourself to it.