  • 平面部分由两个平行平面所确定的表面的部分以及由此表面所确定的平面的空
    The portion of such a surface bounded by two parallel planes and the regions of the planes bounded by the surface.
  • 一个空闲的区域(通常是被物体之的一些道路限制的)。
    an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things).
  • 数量、空或者时范围有边界、有界限。
    bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房里,宣布他要结婚了
    He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married
  • 圆环域以两个同心圆为界的图形或两圆之包括的图形
    The figure bounded by and containing the area between two concentric circles.
  • 运转在某一限定的空内象机器部件所做的一样自由地移动或操作
    To move or operate freely within a bounded space, as machine parts do.
  • 被球面限制范围的固体轮廓(包括内部空)。
    a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses).
  • 春到人,祖国和香港的生机无限。
    Spring is in the air. For Hong Kong and Motherland, the prospects for growth are boundless.
  • 柴可夫斯基和这位女恩人之来往的许多书信谈到了人生、音乐和具体的人物。
    Many letters about life, music, and people were exchanged between Tschaikovsky and his Lady Bountiful.
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit are left in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is leif in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套一束花和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is sent in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 几分钟以后,我在林荫大道上踯躅的时候,看到在那个咖啡馆的一大房的窗口,玛格丽特正靠着窗栏,一瓣一瓣地摘下她那束茶花的花瓣。
    A few minutes later, as I loitered on the boulevard, I saw Marguerite at the window of one of the restaurant's large rooms: leaning on the balcony, she was pulling the petals one by one off the camellias in her bouquet.
  • 霍然,那道专用看台的门一下子打开了——这道门本来一直关闭着就很不合时宜,此时此刻打开了就更不合时宜了——监门猛然响亮地宣布:“波旁红衣主教大人驾到!”
    the door of the reserved platform which up till then had remained inopportunely closed, now opened still more inopportunely, and the stentorian voice of the usher announced “His Eminence Monseigneur the Cardinal de Bourbon!
  • (二十七)抗日民族统一战线的中集团是民族资产阶级和上层小资产阶级。
    27. The intermediate section of the Anti-Japanese National United Front is composed of the national bourgeoisie and the upper stratum of the petty bourgeoisie.
  • 她总是努力干上一阵,然后一呆就是很长时
    She has bouts of hard work followed by long periods of inactivity.
  • 一场比赛用多长时
    How long does a bout last?
  • 圣诞节期她得了一场流感。
    She had a bout of flu over Christmas.
  • 女王走进房时,每个人都鞠躬致敬。
    Every one bowed as the Queen walked into the room.
  • 在船中部位于船头和船尾的中位置
    Midway between the bow and the stern.
  • 他鞠了一个躬就离开了房.
    He made a bow and left the room.
  • 他鞠着躬把我送出房
    He bowed me out of the room.
  • 鲍伊镇购物中心有4000多个停车位;商店后面的停车场被分成10个小型停车场,场内又特别设计了一个个小型隔,这样就避免了大型购物中心那种所有车辆停放在一起的场面。
    While the Bowie center has more than 4,000 parking places, the lots are specially designed in smaller segments, divided into 10 mini-lots behind the stores, thus avoiding massive mall-style parking.
  • 把碗放在中间。
    Set the bowl in the centre.
  • 位置线,区域线板球场上标识投球手和击球手位置的线或这些线中任意两条的区域
    One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines.
  • 雇员们若能努力提升自己的技能与知识,那不但会保住自己的饭碗,还能接增加国家的生产力,以助国家渡过经济难关。
    If our workers are able to upgrade their skills and knowledge, not only can they preserve their rice bowls, but they can also increase our country's productivity and thus indirectly help to overcome our current economic difficulties.
  • 雇员们若能努力提升自己的技能与知识,那不但会保住自己的饭碗,还能接增加国家的生产力,以助国家渡过经济难关。
    If our workers are able to upgrade their skills and knowledge, not only can they preserve their rice bowls, but also they can also increase our country's productivity and thus indirectly help to overcome our current economic difficulties.
  • 职业拳击赛职业拳击手之为金钱进行的比赛
    A match fought between professional boxers for money.
  • 拳击选手的比赛;通常在拳击场地进行。
    a match between boxers; usually held in a boxing ring.
  • 在这期,中国爆发了太平天国运动、义和团运动以及推翻了封建清王朝的辛亥革命。
    The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Boxers Movement and the Revolution of 1911 which overthrew the Qing Dynasty broke out during this period.
  • 在这期,中国爆发了太平天国运动、义和团运动以及推翻了封建清王朝的辛亥革命。
    The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, the Boxers Movement and the Xinhe Revolution which overthrew the Qing Dynasty broke out during this period.
  • 抽屉家具中可被拉出和推进的盒状小
    A boxlike compartment in furniture that can be pulled out and pushed in.