  • 用或者像用了饰钮或钉头来点缀、饰;通常用于组合词。
    dotted or adorned with or as with studs or nailheads; usually used in combination.
  • 下风板,减横漂板在帆船船体外侧的一对可移动的木质板或金属板的一块,用于减弱顺风漂移
    One of a pair of movable boards or plates attached to the hull of a sailing vessel to reduce downwind drift.
  • 非洲的大型食腐类黑白鹤;体下的软毛经常用作服饰。
    large African black-and-white carion-eating stork; downy under-wing feathers are used to trim garments.
  • 我要订购12张画来饰我们的大楼。
    We want to order a dozen paintings.
  • 车钩缓冲装置
    coupler and draft gear
  • 我们有扎啤和瓶啤酒。
    We have draft and bottle beer.
  • 有的,我们供应生啤酒和瓶啤酒。
    Yes, we have draft and bottle beer.
  • 以一定角画直线的任何三角形起草置。
    any of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified angles.
  • 戴夫穿着女子服去参加化舞会。
    Dave wore drag to the fancy dress party.
  • 他对自己的职责只是一知半解;人无完人;这里的排水置未完成。
    had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities; imperfect mortals; drainage here is imperfect.
  • 一种水由此排出的水渠(尤其是一种用作屋顶沟槽的排水置)。
    a channel through which water is discharged (especially one used for drainage from the gutters of a roof).
  • 贮水池一种用于收集或疏导水的置,如盆或贮水容器
    A structure, such as a basin or reservoir, used for collecting or draining water.
  • 我看够你腔作势的表现了。
    I've had enough of your dramatics.
  • 停止腔作势,开始谈正题
    Cut the dramatics and get to the point.
  • 用国旗饰这幅领袖画像吧!
    Let us drape this picture of our leader in the national flag.
  • 你所关心的那个孤儿现在经营布匹和服,生意很好。
    The orphan in whom you took an interest is now doing well in the drapery way.
  • 人体模型可以放在任何位置,摆成任何姿势,穿上任何服,作为服店的模特儿。
    A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.
  • 他不断地研究油画衣纹、植物、风景、图案和机械置。
    He did endless studies of drapery, plants, landscape, figures and mechanical devices.
  • 饰性挂帘悬挂于窗户、门或是架子顶部的短的饰性垂帘
    A short ornamental drapery for the top of a window or door or the edge of a shelf.
  • 短幔为了掩盖住建筑结构的结合处而特别悬挂在窗户顶部,具有饰性边缘或金属边的短帷幔
    A short drapery, decorative board, or metal strip mounted especially across the top of a window to conceal structural fixtures.
  • 彩色布条国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日饰的彩旗或飘带
    Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.
  • 窗帘钩一种用织物、绳索或金属制成用于把窗帘拉开并挂到一边的饰性的环
    A decorative loop of fabric, cord, or metal for parting and draping a curtain to the side.
  • 让我们尝尝散的吧。
    Let's try the draught.
  • 尝尝桶的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。
    Try some draught Guinness, it'll put hairs on your chest.
  • 让我们去博尔顿·阿姆斯酒店,我想他们那里有散的吉尼斯黑酒。
    Let's go to the Bolton Arms; I believe they have Guinness on draught there.
  • 我以前没有尝过散的吉尼斯黑啤酒,不过我想我会很快习惯的。
    I haven't tried draught Guinness before but I think I could very soon get used to it.
  • 平衡置一种置或结构,比如吊桥,当一端末端降下时,另一边就升起,使保持平衡
    A device or structure, such as a drawbridge, counterbalanced so that when one end is lowered the other is raised.
  • 每个抽屉都上了一把牢固的锁。
    Each drawer is fitted with strong lock.
  • 每个抽屉上都了一把锁。
    Each drawer was fitted with a lock.
  • 她抢过来牵引置拉开了抽屉。
    he grabbed the pull and opened the drawer.
  • 拉线袋用拉线拉紧袋口的一种小袋,尤用于口袋中的零碎物品
    A small bag often closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items in one's pocket.
  • 公主的衣服是由著名的女师缝制的。
    The princess is dressed up by a famous dressmaker.