  • 他对我们说他是国人,可是很快就被揭穿了,因为他把几个词的音发得明显地不符合国习惯。
    He told us he was an Englishman, but was soon caught out when he pronounced some words in an apparently un- English way.
  • 最令国人苦恼的事莫过于无法给他人"定位"--而如果将他人的位定错了那就更加难受了。
    Nothing upsets an Englishman so much as not being able to " place" another --or worse,making a mistake about another' s social position.
  • 汤姆显然很喜欢自己的家,喜欢有自己的秘密,他说:“国人的家就是他的城堡这句老话对我再恰当不过了。”
    Tom clearly enjoys his home and his privacy. He says, “The old bit about an Englishman’s home being his castle fits me to a T.”
  • 据法国的运动休闲用品商业联合会统计,法国年人均体育消费512法郎;德国为507法郎;意大利为500法郎;荷兰为469法郎;国为438法郎。
    According to the French Sports Leisure Goods Commerce Union, the average annual sports consumption of every Frenchman is 512 Francs, 507 Francs for every German, 500 Francs for every Italian and 469 Francs for every Englishman.
  • 假如真是这样的话,那么这位不动感情的国人(指雷诺兹)犯的错误归根结底也不算太大了,他在卡诺瓦临死之际,询问其兄弟是否“有意继续那桩营生(指雕塑)!”
    If this were really so, that stolid Englishman might not have been so very far wrong after all, who, on Canova's death, inquired of his brother whether it was "his intention to carry on the business!"
  • 国来的人称国人。
    People from England are called Englishmen.
  • 国人是自由的继承者。
    Englishmen are the heirs of liberty.
  • 惟有疯狗与国人会在中午的烈日之下跑到外头去。
    Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.
  • 当然国人不可能非常相信气象预报员。
    Certainly Englishmen cannot have much faith in the weathermen.
  • 国人常以烤面包加果酱结束早餐。
    Englishmen often end up their breakfast with toast and marmalade.
  • 嘘!(微笑)可别让国人听见我说这话!
    Li Hush! (smiles) Don't let my any Englishmen hear that!
  • 他们是最早飞越大西洋的两个国人。
    They are the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic.
  • 他们是最早飞越大西洋的两个国人。
    They is the first two englishmen to fly the atlantic.
  • 他们是首次飞越大西洋的两个国人。
    They were the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic.
  • 惟有疯狗与国人会在中午的烈日之下跑到外头去。
    Mad dog and englishmen go out in the mid day sun.
  • 国人常以烤面包加果酱结早餐。
    To their breakfast, Englishmen often land up with toast and marmalade.
  • 两个国人见面,头一句话就是天气。
    When two englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.
  • 大多数国男士从不与其他男士拥抱或亲吻,那是留给足球运动员和外国人去做的。
    Most Englishmen never hug or kiss other men. They leave that to football players and foreigners.
  • 只限于国人使用的语表达(特别是和美国语相对照的)。
    an expression that is limited to English as spoken by Englishmen (especially as contrasted with American English).
  • 也许那就是为什么国人讲国外的气候,但国只有天气的原因吧。
    And maybe that is why Englishmen say that other countries have a climate, but in England, they have weather.
  • 国人是决不会成为奴隶的;他们可以随心所欲地去作政府和舆论容许他们去做的任何事情这样的国人其实是不自由的,萧伯纳是说反话。
    Englishmen never will is slaves; they is free to do whatever the government and public opinion allow them to do.
  • 令人费解的是,他们对他的行为表示接受,似乎他们知道应该使所有正派的国人不时听一听良心的谴责。
    The curious thing is that they accept his manner as if they knew that all good Englishmen should be made to listen to the voice of conscience from time to time.
  • 孙林,一个学电子学的学生,敲怀特教授的门;教授是一位国老太太。
    Sun Lin, a student of Electronics, knocks on the door of prof. White, an eldery Englishwoman.
  • 商务中心提供展览期间的复传真、电话、e-mail、刻字等各种服务。
    The business center will provide reprography, fax, telephone, E-mail, engraving, and other various services.
  • 当然,实际上他们应该感谢美国印刷局里心灵手巧的人们为他们塑造了俊的相貌。
    In reality, of course, they have the clever men and women at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to thank for their handsome features.
  • 假使明天会有一场地震席卷国,国人也会设法在颓垣败瓦中找个地方见面饮宴来庆祝这件大事的吧。
    If an earthquake were to engulf England tomorrow, the English would manage to meet and dine somewhere among the rubbish, just to celebrate the event.
  • 通过了语考试该会增加你获得这个职位的机会。
    Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.
  • 比方说,你能够容忍一只猫对于一个爱猫的女性来说,会比用photoshop9寸美化程序要重要。
    Your ability to tolerate a cat, for instance, can often be more important to a cat-fancying woman than nine inches of photoshop enhancement.
  • "谜"伴随着专辑《公元1990》(《谜1》)的发行诞生于1990年。专辑中的两首单曲在11个国家的排行榜上高居榜首,包括国、美国及其诞生地德国。"谜"成为德国有史以来最受欢迎的乐队。
    ENIGMA arrived in 1990 with the release of MCMXC A.D.(ENIGMA 1),two singles of which topped the charts in 11 countries,including the UK,USA and their home country Germany where they became the fastest selling band in German history.
  • 这个语晚会很棒/很有意思。
    The English evening performance is wonderful/very enjoyable.
  • 争取、美、法同情我们抗日,在不丧失领土主权的条件下争取他们的援助。
    Enlist the sympathy of Britain, the United States and France for our resistance to Japan, and secure their help provided that it entails no loss of our territory or our sovereign rights.
  • 因为他和国人有来往, 所以他的语突飞猛进.
    His English improved enormously because of his association with British people.