  • 当然,喜欢烟、爱国歌曲,和载着国旗飞行的直升机,也是让我感到雀跃的原因。
    A love for fireworks, National Day songs and the flag-bearing helicopters had everything to do with it.
  • ?务及石矿部亦协助民政事务局和海事处审核有关烟表演的申请,并提供技术支援。
    The division also provides technical support to the Home Affairs Bureau and the Marine Department in assessing applications for fireworks displays.
  • 具有象岗岩一样属性的事物(具有坚硬、不弯曲、坚定的属性)。
    something having the quality of granite (unyielding firmness).
  • 首先,让我们看看要多少钱。
    First off, let's see how much it'll cost.
  • 她说,学校的健康统计数字表明,这钱得值。
    School fitness statistics, she says, show that ifs money well spent.
  • 枝形吊灯一种枝形装饰性的照明装置,装有一灯泡或蜡烛并悬挂在天板上
    A branched, decorative lighting fixture that holds a number of bulbs or candles and is suspended from a ceiling.
  • 那种开紫的植物是菖蒲。
    That plant with purple flowers is flag.
  • 衣墨西哥人墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿奇装异服并属于附近帮派的青年
    A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang.
  • 从女性角度来看,最好的礼物是那些普通的小礼品,而不是什么哨艳丽的东西。
    The best gifts, from a woman's point of view, are those that are on going, rather than flamboyant.
  • 在南美洲长有长的易弯曲的枝条和每期华丽丛生的的长青灌木或乔木的属。
    small genus of South American evergreen shrubs or small trees with long willowy branches and flowers in flamboyant terminal clusters.
  • 我们的园被红色郁金香点缀得一片火红。
    Our garden flames with red tulips.
  • 路的两旁有花草。
    The road is flanked with trees and flowers.
  • 当暴露在离子辐射中时发出火
    light flashes when exposed to ionizing radiation.
  • 与美国电影工业有关的艳丽哨的作风或氛围
    A flashy, vulgar atmosphere or tone, held to be associated with the U.S. film industry.
  • 别把自己看作一朵,你可能下次会错。
    Don't flatter yourself, you could be wrong next time.
  • 你说的我很理解,伯恩先生。钱包瘪了,大家就会少钱。
    Your point is well taken, Mr Bowen, and people will spend less when their wallets get flatter.
  • 言巧语了,吹捧是不会使你捞到好处的。
    Cut out the soft soap; flattery will get you nowhere!
  • 以啤酒花调味
    To flavor with hops.
  • 见于橙中的一种香的黄色的油,用于香水中,亦作调味品。
    an odoriferous yellow oil found in orange flowers and used in perfumery and as a flavoring.
  • 葫芦巴一种象三叶草的欧亚植物(葫芦巴属葫芦巴),长有白和刺激性有香味的种子,用作调味品
    A cloverlike Eurasian plant(Trigonella foenum-graecum) having white flowers and pungent, aromatic seeds used as flavoring.
  • 这个瓶因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。
    The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable.
  • 棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉和亚麻
    The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax.
  • 欧洲的一年生假亚麻,具有小的白;从新石器时代就开始种植来获取纤维和富含植物油的种子;广泛种植于北美。
    annual European false flax having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil-rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America.
  • 匠用责骂声赶走了那男孩,并叫他不要再在坛上走。
    The gardener sent the boy off with a flea in his ear and told him not to walk on the flower beds again.
  • 有粉斑的,有斑的;有斑点的
    Flecked with spots; mottled.
  • 一种蓟般冠,肉质叶子和心可食用。
    a thistle-like flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart.
  • 球兰属的任一种植物,肉质叶,朵通常分泌蜜汁。
    any plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.
  • 青色的灰色而带有深色斑点的
    Gray with a mottled pattern of darker gray markings.
  • 儿到处散发着芳香。
    The flowers fling their fragrance all around.
  • 用来在燧发枪中击打出引火火的火石。
    the piece of flint that provides the igniting spark in a flintlock weapon.
  • 引火燧石用来在燧发枪中击打出引火火的燧石
    The piece of flint used to strike the igniting spark in a flintlock.
  • 奥尔巴尼美国佐治亚州西南部弗林特河沿岸的城市,位于哥伦布的东南部。它是山核桃和生种植区中的工业和制造业中心。人口78,122
    A city of southwest Georgia on the Flint River southeast of Columbus. It is an industrial and processing center in a pecan- and peanut-growing area. Population,78, 122.