  • 这种房子够利用太阳的热辐射来加热屋子;它的吸热材料是由大块的玻璃构成的。
    a house designed to use solar radiation for heating; usually has large areas of glass in front of heat-absorbing materials.
  • 食虫的够捕昆虫或其它小的有机体,并从其中吸取营养的;食虫的
    Capable of trapping insects or other small organisms and absorbing nutrients from them; insectivorous.
  • 食虫的,捕捉或吸收昆虫的,如瓶子草
    Capable of trapping and absorbing insects, as the pitcher plant.
  • 没有力吸收或者吸取(液体)。
    not capable of absorbing or soaking up (liquids).
  • 巴西榈巴西羽叶棕榈(巴拉苏奥比尼亚棕奥比尼亚棕属)有硬壳果实,其种子产生可食用菜油
    A Brazilian feather-leaved palm(Orbignya barbosiana) having hard-shelled fruits whose seeds yield an edible vegetable oil.
  • 吸收剂够吸收的物质
    A substance that is capable of absorbing.
  • 一架大炮发射炮弹。
    A cannon throws shells.
  • 测量某种物质(如光)在通过特定物质时电磁辐射强度衰减率的单位;被单位质量或厚度的吸收物所吸收的入射辐射
    a measure of the rate of decrease in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation (as light) as it passes through a given substance; the fraction of incident radiant energy absorbed per unit mass or thickness of an absorber.
  • 黑体吸收全部入射辐射的理论上的理想物体
    A theoretically perfect absorber of all incident radiation.
  • 雪莱的一生可也不是无可责难的,但那并不贬低他作为一个诗人所取得的成就。
    Shelly may not have lived a blameless life, but that does not take from his achievement as a poet.
  • 膨润土,斑脱土由火山灰形成的一种具有吸附力的铝硅酸盐粘土,用于各种粘合剂、水泥和陶瓷填料
    An absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash and used in various adhesives, cements, and ceramic fillers.
  • 一种类似粘土的有吸收力的土壤,用于漂洗(收缩和加厚)毛纺织物,亦用作吸附剂。
    an absorbent soil resembling clay; used in fulling (shrinking and thickening) woolen cloth and as an adsorbent.
  • 雷暴雨时,千万不到树下去躲雨。
    Never shelter under a tree during thunder-storms.
  • 毛巾、纸巾一块用来擦洗或干燥的布或纸,吸收水分的
    A piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for wiping or drying.
  • 由火山灰形成的一种具有吸收力的铝硅酸盐粘土。
    an absorbent aluminum silicate clay formed from volcanic ash.
  • 一种多孔的硅石,有很强的吸收力。
    a porous form of silica that is highly absorbent.
  • 利用吸收力的不同分离混合物的过程。
    a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency.
  • 年内,社署增设了340个庇护工场名额、580个辅助就业名额、147个展中心名额、50个精神病康复者训练及活动中心名额、40个中途宿舍名额、400个长期护理院名额、360个弱智人士宿舍名额和60个辅助宿舍名额。
    In 2001, there were an additional 340 places in sheltered workshops, 580 places in supported employment, 147 places in day activity centres, 50 places in training and activity centres for ex-mentally ill persons, 40 places in halfway houses, 400 long stay care home places, 360 places in hostels for the mentally handicapped, and 60 places in supported hostels.
  • 他们可以暂时不考虑这些困难,但要永远回避是不可的。
    They may shelve the difficulties for a while, but they can't put them by indefinitely.
  • 华文力强的学生够很容易地吸收华族文化价值观的精髓。
    Students of advanced Chinese language abilities can easily absorb the essence of the cultural value system.
  • 使书架放大部头的书
    Fitted the shelves for large books.
  • 碳链不再吸收更多氢的脂肪酸,主要存在于动物脂肪中。
    a fatty acid whose carbon chain cannot absorb any more hydrogen; found chiefly in animal fats.
  • 像海绵一样吸收液体并在挤压时释放出来。
    like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressed.
  • 我说,这个问题可以挂起来,如果我们这一代不解决,下一代会比我们聪明一些,总找到解决的办法。
    I replied that the problem could be shelved and that if our generation could not solve it, the next generation would be wiser and would eventually find a way to do so.
  • 空气的温度越高,它吸收的水蒸气就越多。
    The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor can it absorb.
  • 架子的两端必须做成直角以便和墙放齐。
    The ends of the shelves must squared off to fit the wall.
  • 有力量、力或者趋势吸收或吸取(液体)。
    having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up (liquids).
  • 要是心愿指望,羊倌个个当国王。
    If wish may prevail, shepherd will be king.
  • 要是心愿指望,羊倌个个当国王。
    If wish may prevail, shepherd will is king.
  • 无须牧羊人带路,羊儿就通过入口,它们认识回家的路。
    The sheep don't need the shepherd to take them through the gateway; they know their way home.
  • 够吸收另一物质的物质。
    a material having capacity or tendency to absorb another substance.
  • 碳链再吸收更多氢的脂肪酸。
    a fatty acid whose carbon chain can absorb additional hydrogen.