  • 父母都工作,这他们的家庭生活增添了困难。
    Both parents work, which add complications to their family life.
  • 本公司认为贵方开jocab公司的汇票,若能惠予延长60天,可以被应允付清全额。
    We suppose that your draft on Messrs. Jacob & Co. , if attended with sixty days' grace, may be complied with to the full.
  • 他送我们足球赛的门票。
    He complimented us with tickets for the football game.
  • 传达赞扬、关心、注意等情感;
    convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow.
  • 您上点甜点怎么样,算是本店的小小的敬意。
    How about a delicious dessert then, with our compliment?
  • 当一个学生取得好成绩时,教师应该以表扬。
    The teacher should compliment a student when he does well.
  • 别让他的恭维话糊弄住--那些话可当不得真。
    Don't be fooled by all his complimentary remarks they were all said with tongue in cheek.
  • 不,我要去看一出国剧,比利昨天我一张招待券。
    No, I'm going to see a Chinese opera. Billy gave me a complimentary ticket yesterday.
  • 等菜时您上点免费的饮料好吗?
    Would you take some complimentary drink while waiting?
  • 别让他的恭维话糊弄住那些话可当不得真.
    Don't is fooled by all his complimentary remarks they were all said with tongue in cheek.
  • 比尔有一些赠券,如果你他好处,他也许会你两张。
    Bill has some complimentary tickets and if you grease his palm he'll probably let you have a couple.
  • 趁着没忘,送你一瓶柔软调理剂,这是免费赠送的,这是为洗这种毛衣特制的。
    Before I forget, here is a bottle of complimentary wool softening conditioner. It's specially made for washing the sweater of this kind.
  • 举动按某种定的模式行动;举止
    To behave or conduct(oneself) in a given manner; comport.
  • 这些社会最初大都是小城邦社会,建立在无人居住的地区或原先的居民已被赶走的地区,所获得的土地以相等或分级的份额分配社会的各个氏族。
    These, at their origin, were mostly small town-communities, at the first plantation of which, in an unoccupied country, or in one from which the former inhabitants had been expelled, the land which was taken possession of was regularly divided, in equal or in graduated allotments, among the families composing the community.
  • 分配我们的任务是在田里翻埋堆肥。
    We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields.
  • 新问题他添了困难。
    His troubles were compounded by new problems.
  • 通俗的适于传公众的;通俗的
    Comprehensible to or suited to the public; popular.
  • 关于修正或于修正。
    concerned with or providing correction.
  • 发一份文件相关人员
    Sent a memorandum to those concerned.
  • 我已所有有关的人打了电话。,
    I've phoned up everyone concerned.
  • 我们真的不可能在你佣金的问题上作出任何让步。
    It's really impossible for us to make any concession by allow you any commission.
  • 特别是在一些沿海地区的优惠政策,予了投资者很大的利润。
    They have particularly benefited from the concessionary policies implemented in some coastal areas, which bring them good profits.
  • 建屋用地由政府以优惠条件批房屋协会,其他发展成本则全部由房屋协会负担。
    Land was granted to the HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs were borne by the HKHS.
  • 建屋用地是由政府以优惠条件批房屋协会,而其他所有发展成本均由房协负责。
    The land is granted to HKHS on concessionary terms but all other development costs are borne by the HKHS.
  • 劝慰的劝慰的,作为安慰予的;和解的
    Of or offered in propitiation; conciliatory.
  • 简介予或接受简洁的预备性的指令、信息或忠告的行为或步骤
    The act or procedure of giving or receiving concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice.
  • 我将以请求捐款俱乐部结束我的谈话。
    I will conclude my remarks with a request for a contribution to the club.
  • 她胡编了一通瞎话, 说什麽那班火车取消了.
    She'd concocted some unlikely tale about the train being cancelled.
  • 他们我调制了一杯十分奇特的饮料。
    They gave me a very strange concoction to drink.
  • 进了屋先先生脱掉靴子--里面有舒服的泥炭火。还要个理发匠。
    (You will find a fine sea-coal fire, sir.) Fetch barber to Concord.
  • 协和轩客房总是安排邮车旅客,而邮车旅客通常是浑身上下裹得严严实实。因此在乔治王旅馆的协和轩便出现了一种别有情趣的现象:进屋时一律一个模样,出门时却有千差万别。
    The Concord bed-chamber being always assigned to passenger by the mail, and passengers by the mail being always heavily wrapped up from head to foot, the room ha' the odd interest for the establishment of the Royal George that although but one kind of man was seen to go into it, all kinds and varieties of men came out of it.
  • 使成为真实;出真实。
    make real or concrete; give reality to.