  • (五七)中国抗日战争的持久性同争取中国和世界的永久和平,是不能分的。
    57. The protracted nature of China's anti-Japanese war is in separably connected with the fight for perpetual peace in China and the whole world.
  • 如果你坚持采取这种态度,我们就不得不请你们开。
    If you persist in taking this attitude, we'll have to ask you to leave.
  • 该大使在被宣布为不受欢迎者后48小时之内开了那个国家。
    The ambassador left the country within 48 hours after he was declared persona non grata.
  • 在心的远景里,那相隔的距显得更广阔了。
    In heart's perspective the distance looms large.
  • 照这样,一切技术、战术、战役、战略原则,一切技术、战术、战役、战略行动,一点也不开战争的目的,它普及于战争的全体,贯彻于战争的始终。
    Thus, no technical, tactical, or strategical principles or operations can in any way depart from the object of war, and this object pervades the whole of a war and runs through it from beginning to end.
  • 或歪曲事实的陈述。
    a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth.
  • 不正当的,堕落的从正确或好的事物上偏的;堕落的
    Directed away from what is right or good; perverted.
  • 正在开体育馆的运动员被孩子们缠住签名。
    Players leaving the stadium had the life pestered out of them by small boys looking for autographs.
  • 这些著名歌星开剧场时,给要求签名的青少年纠缠得不亦乐乎。
    The famous singers leaving the theatre had the life pestered out of them by youngsters asking for autographs.
  • 援助是那么少,那么晚,要不就是急需的地区那么远。这么一来饥荒和瘟疫就已经泛滥成灾了。
    Help has been too little and too late or too far from where it was most needed. The flood-gates of famine and pestilence are already open.
  • 约翰突然去,有些生气的样子。
    John suddenly left, in something of a pet.
  • 瓣的具有分裂的花瓣;多瓣的
    Having separate petals; polypetalous.
  • 婚姻已破裂,妻子申请婚。
    The marriage have break down and the wife petition for divorce.
  • 开家和孩子快3周了,我独自一个人来到这个世界上最浪漫的城市,却感到孤单寂寞,没有丝毫兴奋。
    I was entering my third week away from home and my kids, and I had arrived in the most romantic city in the world, alone. Alone, lonely and petrified.
  • 血液中氢子浓度降低的一种血液混乱症。
    a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale).
  • 血液中氢子增加的一种血液混乱症。
    a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale).
  • 拉瓦锡,安托万·洛朗1743-1794法国化学家,被认为是现代化学的奠基人。他分出空气中的主要成分,证明了氧气在燃烧中所起的作用从而否定了燃素理论,并把化合物进行了分类。拉瓦锡在恐怖统治时期被处死
    French chemist who is regarded as the founder of modern chemistry. He isolated the major components of air, disproved the phlogiston theory by determining the role of oxygen in combustion, and organized the classification of compounds. Lavoisier was executed during the Reign of Terror.
  • 他上大学是在俄勒冈,他父母居住的凤凰城很远。
    He went to college in Oregan, far from Phoenix, where his Parents lived.
  • “叶小娟的音乐把我带回到中国古代,当人们还穿着描龙雕凤的衣服的那个年代。”一个观众评价到,“这是一个逃纷扰的现代生活的绝佳方式。”
    "Ye Xiaojuan's music took me back to the ancient Chinese days,when people still wore long Chinese dresses adorned with dragon and phoenix embroideries,"a viewer remarked,"and it's a great way to escape from the complexity of our modern world."
  • 留声机的唱针突然跳了唱片
    The phonograph needle jumped.
  • 这张拍摄北极熊捕食鲸的照片据信是摄影者现场最近的一张。
    This is believed to be the closest a photographer has ever been to a polar bear hunting whales.
  • 当光子近距的经过原子核时一个伽马射线光子转换为一个正电子和一个负电子的过程。
    the transformation of a gamma-ray photon into an electron and a positron when the photon passes close to an atomic nucleus.
  • 他们的船离开码头。
    They put off from the pier.
  • 就像这样:莉萨说;“我们现在在圣莫尼卡海滩,”在距威尼斯海滩一英里的地方。这儿圣莫尼卡码头很近,旅馆也很气派!
    Typical conversations went like this:"We're staying on the beach at Santa Monica," Lisa would say."We're about a mile from Venice Beach and really close to the Santa Monica pier. The hotel here is just beauiful.
  • 火箭筒一种肩扛武器,由一个金属的光滑长炮管组成,用于在近距发射穿甲火箭
    A shoulder-held weapon consisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor-piercing rockets at short range.
  • 对我说说你自己和你房子等情况。我会在适当的时候对你说的。但现在,我只想让你开这个邋遢地方。
    Tell me all about yourself and your house and everything. I will in good time. Right now, I'm only interested in getting your out of this pigsty.
  • 北美洲太平洋远海岸水域的小沙丁鱼。
    small pilchards common off the pacific coast of North America.
  • 在他开期间工作积压起来了。
    Work has piled up during his absence.
  • 我们把所有的行李塞进车子后就开车开了。
    We piled all the luggage in and drove off.
  • 管制员提供了几种方法:准备好预案,在进程单上记录,当飞机开特定高度时要求飞行员报告。
    Specific tips that controllers offered included: good planning, writing notes on strips, and requesting that pilots report when leaving specific altitudes.
  • 这里的价格太谱了,一杯菠萝汁要4美金。
    The prices here are ridiculous! I paid $ 4 for a pineapple juice.
  • 耳轴链齿脱齿轮,不过不要紧——我们马上可以修好。
    The trunnion sprocket has come off the pinion, but don't worry-we'll soon but that right.