  • 但是,当前有效需求不足的矛盾仍比较突出。
    However, the problem of insufficient demand is still prominent.
  • 通过化疗破坏骨髓及其中的癌细胞,后注入捐赠者健康的骨髓。
    At the time, the only known cure for CML was a bone? marrow transplant, in which the marrow and cancer cells it contains are destroyed by chemotherapy and replaced with healthy marrow from a donor.
  • 他们不知道:我们固应该尊重过去流血的经验,但是还应该尊重自己流血的经验。
    They fail to see that although we must cherish the earlier experience thus acquired, we must also cherish experience acquired at the cost of our own blood.
  • 搬离旧家已十四年,但当年在15层楼高长长的公共走廊上的温馨回忆,却依清晰地印在脑海里。
    IT HAS been 14 years since my family moved out of our old flat, but I still cherish a vivid and sweet memory of life in the long common corridor high on the 15th floor.
  • 马头形的国际象棋棋子;能水平走两个方格垂直走一个方格(反之亦)。
    a chessman in the shape of a horse's head; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa).
  • 胸前或眼前球单脚跳起,把球自地抱在怀里。
    Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your chest.
  • 你显有心事, 何不一吐为快?
    You're obviously worried about something; why not get it off your chest?
  • 举一个有名的例子,切斯特菲尔德爵士在给他的孩子的信里,提出很多有用的劝告,但是他的孩子总是不以为
    A famous example of this is the letters Lord Chesterfield wrote giving good advice to his son. They are considered the outstanding examples of good advice. Unfortunately, the son paid absolutely no attention to what his father told him.
  • 你先把这些事实仔细想一想,后将意见告诉我。
    Just chew those facts over, and let me know your opinion.
  • 这件事我要仔细考虑几天,后告诉你我的看法。
    I will chew it over for a few days and let you know my opinion.
  • 硬面包圈一种浇上糖浆的,质地坚韧耐嚼的环状卷饼,由不着色的酵母面做成,只需简单地将酵母面放入近于烧开的水中,后烘烤
    A glazed, ring-shaped roll with a tough, chewy texture, made from plain yeast dough that is dropped briefly into nearly boiling water and then baked.
  • 否则,“吾恐季孙之忧,不在颛臾,而在萧墙之内”,反动派必是搬起石头打他们自己的脚,那时我们就爱莫能助了。
    Otherwise, "Chi Sun's troubles, I am afraid, will not come from Chuanyu but will arise at home"; in other words, the reactionaries will be lifting a rock only to drop it on their own toes, and then we will not be able to help them even if we would like to.
  • 如像水口圩和团村这一类的仗,本来一般算作胜仗,而且还算作大胜仗的(前者击溃陈济棠二十个团,后者击溃陈诚十二个团,而我们历来就不欢迎这种胜仗,在某种意义上简直还可以说它是败仗。
    In the past, battles such as those of Shuikouhsu and Tuantsun were generally deemed victories or even big victories (in the former we routed twenty regiments under Chen Chi-tang, in the latter twelve regiments under Chen Cheng), but we never welcomed such victories and in a certain sense even regarded them as defeats.
  • 他在去芝加哥途中突来访。
    He blew in on his way to Chicago.
  • 进入九十年代以来,中国虽处于1949年后第三次人口出生高峰期,20—29岁生育旺盛期的妇女人数平均每年超过1亿人。如此庞大的生育人群,其生育潜力是巨大的。
    China has been through the third post-1949 peak period of births from the beginning of the 1990s, the community of women in their prime of fertility (aged 20 to 29) has exceeded 100 million each year on average, and such a huge childbearing community has a great birth potential still.
  • 乳溢乳汁自流出,与分娩及喂奶无关
    Spontaneous milk flow not associated with childbirth or the nursing of an infant.
  • 而,为什么有的没有留下后代者却留下了流芳百世的功业?因为他们虽未能复制一种肉体,却全力以赴地复制了一种精神。
    And surely a man shall see the noblest works and foundations have proceeded from childless men; which have sought to express the images of their minds, where those of their bodies have failed.
  • 磨碎的红辣椒的粉末,混合有孜芹、大蒜和牛至。
    powder made of ground chili peppers mixed with e.g. cumin and garlic and oregano.
  • 她感到自己的身体突变冷了。
    She felt her body chill suddenly.
  • 生面团卷起来,放在冰箱里冷冻,后切片烤制。
    dough formed into a roll and chilled in the refrigerator then sliced and baked.
  • 贝基:这件事,你对韦斯特太太可只字别提,不她会赶到唐人街专门为你买绿茶。
    Don't breathe a word of it to Mrs. West, or she would be rushing over to Chinatown to get it specially for you.
  • 大约20名唐人街制衣工人——他们说老板突关闭工厂,令他们在圣诞节一筹莫展——昨天要求付给他们40000元欠薪。
    About 20 Chinatown garment workers — who said their boss abruptly closed up shop, leaving them high and dry at Christmas — yesterday demanded $40,000 in back pay.
  • 如果你问居住在纽约唐人街、温哥华或檀香山的华人:“你是华人吗?”他们都会给你一致的答案:“当
    Asked of a New York Chinatown Chinese, a Vancouver Chinese or a Honolulu Chinese: "Are you a Chinese?", will get you the same answer, "Of course!"
  • 如果你问居住在纽约唐人街、温哥华或檀香山的华人:“你是华人吗?”他们都会给你一致的答案:“当!”
    The question, "Are you Chinese? " however, asked of a NewYork Chinatown Chinese, a Vancouver Chinese or a Honolulu Chinese will get you the same answer, "Of course!"
  • "当安全,"凯瑟琳插嘴道,"他们做了许多实验。
    "Of course,"Katherine chipped in4,"they have done a lot of experiments.
  • 我们三下五除二地刮掉汽车挡风玻璃上的霜冻,后就迫不及待地钻进汽车里。
    After hurriedly chipping the frost off the windshield, we bundled into the car.
  • 拉妮雅一直在打破约旦的某些禁忌。虽处事低调但却态度坚决;
    In a low? key but determined way, Rania is chipping away at certain Jordanian taboos.
  • 而,许多支持这些芯片的电路还是集成电路。
    However, many of the supporting circuits for these chips are also integrated circuits.
  • 这种石头是由湖底掘出来的;有时如果它们的线条有改正的必要,那么,人们就会把它们琢磨一下,使它们十全十美,后再放进水里浸一年多,让那些斧凿的痕迹给水流的波动洗掉。
    Such rocks were dug out of the bottom of the lake, and sometimes when something was needed to correct their lines, they would be chiseled until they were perfect and let down into the water again for a year or so, so that the chisel marks might be obliterated by the movement of water.
  • 林肯——从来没有人认为他是个长相不错的人,所以在过去几十年里印制的5美元钞票上也确没有把他描绘成相貌堂堂的人——在新版钞票上,突变成了一个轮廓清晰、颇具政治家风度的人。
    Lincoln, who was never regarded as much of a looker and certainly wasn't depicted as such on the $5 bill that has been printed for the past several decades, suddenly looks chiselled and fittingly statesmanlike on the new note.
  • 我依记得亚洲学生起先组织的几次聚会,邀请了许多美国人来参加、但只有部分美国人到场了,而他们很快又借口离去,因为他们既不能参与我们关于食物的闲聊,也不喜欢我们做的炒菜。
    I still remember the first few get-togethers for the Asian students to which many Americans were also invited. Those who showed up soon left since they could not join our chitchat about great food, nor could they enjoy the stir-fried food we made.
  • 骑士作风——到处从别人的城堡把漂亮的姑娘们解救出来,后把她们带回自己的城堡里来。
    Chivalry: go about releasing beautiful maidens from other men 's castle, and take them to your own castle.