  • 那种否定新的历史件的观点,就是割断历史,脱离实际,搞形而上学,就是违反辩证法。
    To ignore the new historical conditions is to cut things off from their historical context, to divorce oneself from reality, and to abandon dialectics for metaphysics.
  • 这是两截然相反的路线。
    These are two diametrically opposed lines.
  • 都不对。她是从纽约来的。而且在头发上系一蓝色的发带——噢,diane,我要挂电话了。
    Hardly. She's form New York and has a blue streak in her hair and- oh, Diane, I'd better go now.
  • 因此,在阶级斗争存在的件下,在帝国主义、霸权主义存在的件下,不可能设想国家的专政职能的消亡,不可能设想常备军、公安机关、法庭、监狱等等的消亡。
    Therefore, so long as class struggle exists and so long as imperialism and hegemonism exist, it is inconceivable that the dictatorial function of the state should wither away, that the standing army, public security organs, courts and prisons should wither away.
  • 第二,我们必须坚持无产阶级专政。
    Second, we must uphold the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  • 这词典有十四万多目。
    This dictionary has over 140000 entries.
  • 亚当·斯密对于英国的航海例曾作出耸动一时的论断,我们只要在这方面回想一下就够了。
    Let us here only call to mind the remarkable dictum of Adam Smith on the English Navigation Laws.(3*)
  • 在华盛顿有一传统格言:要么抛头露面,要么得势弄权,二者不可兼得。基辛格却公然蔑视这种传统。
    Yet Kissinger succeeded in defying an old Washington dictum that you can have in the capital visibility or influence,but not both.
  • 对于合同中这一款的确切释义他们的看法互不一致。
    They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.
  • 我们认为,这里也有不同观念、不同社会件的问题。
    This represents different values and different social conditions.
  • (数学)解一组微分方程的规定件。
    (math) a condition specified for the solution to a set of differential equations.
  • 对我们来说,很难决定走哪一路。
    It was difficult for us to decide which road to take.
  • 很难上发条的钟
    A clock that winds with difficulty.
  • 鬼线衍射光栅中的不完整衍射引起一虚幻的鬼线
    A false spectral line caused by imperfections in the diffraction grating.
  • 扩散扩散的过程或扩散的
    The process of diffusing or the condition of being diffused.
  • 囚犯挖了一地道逃跑了。
    The prisoner escaped by digging an underground tunnel.
  • "为了铺设污水管道,我们必须在河床下面开一通道。"
    We shall have to dig under the river to lay the sewage pipe.
  • 他们正在凿山建一隧道。
    They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel.
  • 他们正在挖掘我们屋外的那路。
    They're digging up the road outside our house.
  • 一种插入身体管道,如尿道,以便扩张、检查或加入药品的一根细长、可弯曲的圆柱形工具
    A slender, flexible, cylindrical instrument that is inserted into a bodily canal, such as the urethra, to dilate, examine, or medicate.
  • 大学里应当有一批热爱本职工作、勤勤恳恳为教学和科研服务的人,把这方面的工作管起来,使教学和科研人员能够集中精力做好业务工作,不要让他们为了设备和工作件问题到处奔跑。
    they have an immense load, and their work directly involves the implementation of policies. These departments in our colleges and universities should be staffed by people who love their jobs and are ready to work diligently in the service of teaching and scientific research. This will make it possible for those engaged in teaching, study or research to devote their energies to their professional work instead of running around looking for necessary equipment and suitable working conditions.
  • 在光符识别中,一种具有一定的相对大小和线粗细的字符体例。
    In OCR, a character style with given relative dimension and line thicknesses.
  • 线分成两段之间的比或平面图二维之比。
    the proportional relation between two divisions of line or two dimension of a plane figure such that short : long :: long : (short + long).
  • 设计可以是三维特征,例如一件物品的外形或表面;或二维特征,例如式样、线或颜色。
    The design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
  • 休眠指某些昆虫在应付不利环境件时,暂停生长或演变,减少生理活动的时期
    A period during which growth or development is suspended and physiological activity is diminished, as in certain insects in response to adverse environmental conditions.
  • 我发现存在着一报酬递减的规律,人到老年时这一规律对他就变得很应验。
    There is a law of diminishing returns that becomes operative in old age, I find.
  • 即使考虑到土地报酬率递减的因素,也是有件实现的。
    So to achieve the target is totally possible even if the factor of diminishing land returns rate is considered.
  • 生蔬菜切成一口大小的长,作为蘸料食用。
    raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip.
  • 我的这条牛仔裤脏了.
    These jeans of mine are dirty.
  • 她缺乏经验,这是个很不利的件.
    Her lack of experience is a severe disability.
  • 委员会负责监察《性别歧视例》、《残疾歧视例》及《家庭岗位歧视例》的施行。委员会也致力消除基于性别、残疾及家庭岗位的歧视,并提倡人人享有平等机会,无分性别、伤健及家庭岗位。
    Overseeing the implementation of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, the Disability Discrimination Ordinance and the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, the commission works towards the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of gender, disability and family status and promotes equality of opportunities between women and men, between persons with and without a disability and irrespective of family status.
  • 政府已制定《残疾歧视例》,让残疾人士可以根据法理,杜绝歧视和侵犯残疾人士的情况。
    The Disability Discrimination Ordinance has been enacted to give people with disabilities legal reasons to fight against discrimination and harassment.