| - 因為現在這份景象正被無知與懷疑包圍,即便是巨大的聲浪、政治傢的指示、將軍的指揮棒都不能使它摧毀。
For it is the citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and of mistrust which do not fall before the trumpet's blasts, or the politicians' implications, or even the general's batons. - 我將嚮大傢舉出部分例子,這些事實是人力方面的。
I will cite some examples, and these are from human sources. - "作為一個公民,你必須遵守法律,否則你將會受到懲罰。"
"As a citizen, you must obey the law or you will be punished." - 但與新加坡不同的是,華文在臺灣是單一語言,所有的學科,包括數學、自然(科學)、社會(好公民)等,都以華文進行教學,即使將來把英文教育提前到小學開始,但因臺灣采用的是註音符號,而不是以英文標示的漢語拼音,因此,並沒有混淆的顧慮。
What makes Taiwan different from us is that Chinese is the sole language of the Taiwanese. All course materials, including mathematics, natural science, civics and so on, are conducted in Chinese. Even if Taiwan advances the teaching of English to primary schools, their students are unlikely to get confused over the learning of English and Chinese, as they learn Chinese with the help of phonetic symbols, not romanised pinyin. - 到那個時候,道德勢必完全摧毀,一切生産力量因此勢必完全消失,國傢的財富、文化和權力也將不復存在,除此以外,還有什麽別的後果可期望呢.
What else than the total destruction of all morality, and with it of all productive forces,and therefore of all the wealth, civilisation, and power of the nation? - 亞洲、非洲、澳洲所接受的將是英國的文化,許多以英國為榜樣的新國傢將陸績出現。
Asia,Africa, and Australia would be civilised by England, and covered with new states modelled after the English fashion. - 現在已經可以有把握地預言,再過幾十年以後,由於交通工具的進一步改善,世界上的文明國傢通過物質和文化方面的交流而聯合在一起的密切程度,將不亞於一個世紀以前英國各郡的聯合,或者還比它們更為密切些。
It may be already foreseen with certainty, that after a lapse of a few decades the civilised nations of the earth will, by the perfection of the means of conveyance, be united as respects both material and mental interchange in as close a manner as (or even closer than) that in which a century ago the various counties of England were connected. - 學校將有助於使那兒的野蠻部落文明化。
Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there. - 女人將會是最不可能為男人所開化的東西。
Woman will be the last thing civilized by man. - 女人將會是最不可能為男人所開化的東西。
Woman will is the last thing civilized by man. - 仲裁費用將由原告(被告)負擔。
The expenses for arbitration shall be borne by the claimant( respondent). - 他們擔心他將對他們守口如瓶。
They are afraid he's going to clam up on them. - 他將身子伸出窗外,看到吵鬧的人群朝著市長叫喊
Hanging out of the window he saw the clamant crowd shouting at the mayor - 他將身子伸出窗外,看到吵鬧的人群朝著市長叫喊。
Hanging out of the window he see the clamant crowd shout at the mayor. - 編劇人員因此也將大大增加,因為點擊鼠標者為逃避無聊生活而大聲叫嚷需要新的劇本。
Script? writers will also be in high demand, as mouse potatoes clamor for new story lines to escape from their droned? out existence. - 全軍都開始叫嚷着要將壕塹填平。
The whole army begins to clamour for the fosse to be filled up. - 我們內部,因大城市的喪失和戰爭的睏難,動搖分子將大倡其妥協論,悲觀情緒將嚴重地增長。
Owing to the loss of big cities and the hardships of war, vacillating elements within our ranks will clamour for compromise, and pessimism will grow to a serious extent. - 警察即將取締街道上的非法證券交易。
The police are going to clamp down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets. - 警察即將取締這一地區的犯罪活動。
The police are going to clamp down on criminal activity in this area. - 鐵鉗,夾子將兩個或兩個以上部分夾在或扣在一起的裝置;鉗子
A device that holds or fastens two or more parts together or in place; a clamp. - 可以很快做到的是:全國的學校、社團將晚晴園當作歷史大課堂,組織學生、會員前去參觀學習。這樣,晚晴園今後就不會門前冷落車馬稀。
To maintain a steady flow of visitors, one possibility is to turn the memorial hall into a “history classroom” where tours for students and members of clan associations could be arranged. - 法官馬上將犯人送進監獄裏。
The judge clapped the criminal in prison. - 請惠寄紅葡萄酒價格表,如能告知最好的交易條件,將非常高興。
I shall be glad if you will send me your price-list of claret, and state your best term. - 請惠寄紅葡萄酒價格表,如能告知最好的交易條件,將非常高興。
I shall be glad if you will send me your price - list of claret, and state your best term. - 舉個例子將有助於澄清我的意思。
An example will help to clarify what I mean. - 但是,對於幾百萬不確定是贊成還是反對長期荷爾蒙替代療法的婦女來說,新發現確實是首次將問題明朗化。
But for millions of women juggling the pros and cons of long-term HRT,the new findings offer something virtually unprecedented,which is clarity. - 剋拉剋將軍:哦,是的。
Gen. Clark: Oh, yes. - 剋拉剋將軍:這區別大了。
Gen. Clark: There is much difference. - 剋拉剋將軍:如今不是這樣了。
Gen. Clark: It's not true now. - 剋拉剋將軍:是的,我的兵喜歡我。
Gen. Clark: Yes. My soldiers like me. - 剋拉剋將軍:最有效的武器是觀點。
Gen. Clark: The most effective weapon is the idea. - 剋拉剋將軍:一個士兵他首先應該技術過硬。
Gen. Clark: A soldier first he should be technically confident.