  • 他以小说家闻名。
    He distinguished himself as a novelist.
  • 他以经济学家闻名。
    He is distinguished as an economist.
  • 杰出的著的,特别突出的;优秀的
    Well known and very distinguished; eminent.
  • 他作为一个伟大的作家而闻
    He distinguished himself as a great writer.
  • 她因获得三项奖而出
    She distinguished herself by winning three prizes.
  • 称,称号(用于区分的)字或头衔
    A distinguishing name or title.
  • 培根,弗朗西斯生于1909英籍爱尔兰裔画家,以其扭曲变形并带有恐怖感觉的肖像画最为著
    Irish-born British painter best known for his portraits in which subjects are distorted and invested with feelings of terror.
  • 随从提醒她该喝茶了,她毫不理会,继续跟学生们交谈。
    “ When she was reminded by one of her staff that it was time for tea she wouldn't be distracted from talking to the pupils.
  • 威尼斯史学家弗德里克·连评说:“对个人权力的不信任使威尼斯人要依靠各种委员会与议会。
    Frederic Lane, the great historian of Venice observed: "Distrust of individual power made the Venetians depend on committees and councils.
  • 宇宙间有一个计划(“计划”一词,和“目的”一样,也是我所不欢喜的词)——我的意思是说,宇宙间有一个模型;我们对于这整个宇宙,可以先有一种观念——虽然这个观念不是最后固定不移的观念——然后在这个宇宙里占据我们应该占的地位。
    There is a scheme of things (although "scheme" is another word, like "end" and "purpose", which I strongly distrust) I mean there is a pattern of things in the creation, and we can arrive at some sort of opinion, however lacking in finality, about this entire u-niverse, and then take our place in it.
  • 他的罪是扰乱治安。
    He was charged with disturbing the public peace.
  • 这个城市所有的阿拉伯人,无论是伊斯兰教徒,还是基督教徒,听说犹太人哈卡姆挽救了一个有望的家庭,使其避免了耻辱和分裂的悲剧,都一个传十个地说:“无愧于智者称号的一代人是有福的,拥有像他这样人的民族是幸福的”。
    And all the Arabs of the city, Muslims and Christians alike, who heard how Hakham of the Jews had saved an honored family from shame and disunion, whispered to one another, " Blessed is the generation that was worthy of a Dayan like that and happy is the nation that has the likes of him."
  • 第三十八条 进境供拆船用的废旧船舶,由口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫,发现有本法第十八条规定的录所列的病虫害的,作除害处理。
    Article 38 The old and disused ships entering the country for disassembling purposes shall be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office. In the event that diseases, insect pests or harmful organisms specified in the catalogues mentioned in Article 18 of this Law are discovered, the said ships shall be subjected to a treatment of disinfection and disinfestation.
  • 提高排尿能力的利尿剂(商品osmitrol)。
    a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine.
  • 利尿药(贸易字diuril)在治疗水肿和高血压过程中使用。
    a diuretic drug (trade name Diuril) used in the treatment of edema and hypertension.
  • 治疗高血压的利尿剂(商品esidrixandhydrodiuril)。
    a diuretic drug (trade name Esidrix and HydroDIURIL) used in the treatment of hypertension.
  • 对中国另一跳水选手谭良德来说就没有什么好消息了。
    And there is bad news for another Chinese diver, Tan Liangde.
  • 危险海域;在风大浪急的海面的危险旅程;用一艘小船穿越大西洋的航行是很危险的;一海下潜水员的危险生活;危险的手术后是简略的恢复。
    dangerous waters; a parlous journey on stormy seas; a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat; the precarious life of an undersea diver; dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery.
  • 主持打捞行动的俄罗斯海军官员表示,试图将一百一十八士兵的尸体从沉没的库尔斯克核子潜舰中拖出的潜水人员们,周二已经快要完成在潜舰外壳上凿洞的工作。这个洞口的大小约可让一个人通过。
    Divers trying to raise the bodies of118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said.
  • 双人跳水的独到之处就在于有两运动员一组参与比赛。
    Synchronized diving is unique because it features two divers as a team.
  • 潜水员在水下围着树翩翩起舞,还开了一瓶香槟来庆祝。
    The three divers danced round the tree and opened a bottle of champagne while underwater.
  • 为了彻底地搜寻海底,每两潜水员组成一组,共六组,每天潜入水中,一小时换班一次。
    To make a thorough search, six teams of two divers descended daily , each team working a one-hour shift.
  • 同组的两运动员用相同或相似的动作进行3米跳板或10米跳台跳水。
    The two divers of a team perform either on the 3-meter springboard or 10-meter platform using the same, or similar, dives.
  • 预赛中得分最高的12跳水选手获得决赛资格,决赛的次序与他们在预赛中的最后排相反。
    The twelve divers with the most points in the preliminary contest qualify for the final dive in reverse order of their placings as determined by their total score in the preliminary rounds.
  • 主持打捞行动的俄罗斯海军官员表示,试图将一百一十八士兵的尸体从沉没的库尔斯克核子潜舰中拖出的潜水人员们,周二已经快要完成在潜舰外壳上凿洞的工作。这个洞口的大小约可让一个人通过。
    Divers trying to raise the bodies of 118 sailors from the sunken Kursk nuclear submarine were near to finishing a man-sized hole in the hull on Tuesday, the Russian navy officer leading the operation said.
  • 在完成5跳中的第三跳后,他列第二,可是,结果在跳一个向内翻腾两周半时,裁判对他空中动作的给分都不超过6.5分,因此他与奖牌无缘。
    He was second after the third of five dives, only to fall out of a medal spot with an inward, 2 1/2 somersault that drew scores no higher than 6.5 for execution.
  • 国内知企业发行的其价值和股息均有保证的普通股;高价低收益。
    a common stock of a nationally known company whose value and dividends are reliable; typically have high price and low yield.
  • 间谍把秘密计画泄漏给敌人。
    The spy divulged the secret plans to the enemy.
  •  当看到乔安娜不断加长她的杀人单,而随着每次谋杀,监视者对她越来越迷恋的时候,你会开始觉得晕眩。
    As Joanna adds more men to her hit list, with each murder somehow drawing The Eye closer to her heart, you will start to feel dizzy;
  • 医生,我想说的是,我觉得自己的一生就像是在铁轨上的一枚硬币。而那辆'oleunionpacific(列车称)每天都会开过,来来回回,从我身上辗过,但我不会失去光泽。我不会失去光泽。《越狱》
    What I'm trying to tell you, Doc,is I just feel like I've been a penny on the train tracks my entire life.And that 'ole Union Pacific just keeps on coming, every day,back and forth, just running me down, running me over,but I will not flatten. I will not flatten.
  • 近年来在西安,进入高新区创业的各类科技人员4.5万人,其中博士488人,副教授以上的近8000人,留学回国人员130多,从东南沿海返回的有400多
    Now in Xi'an, there are nearly 45,000 scientific and technological personnel pioneering in hi-tech zones of middle Shaanxi, among which 488 with doctoral degree, 8,000 with associate professors or higher titles, over 130 personnel returning home from developed countries and more than 400 returned from coastal cities in Southeast China.
  • 没有了自己的个性,无论你为他买多少参考书,或给他报多少堂某某博士开的创意课程,教他如何才能有创意,他所做出来的东西也不过是属于别人的。
    A person deprived of his individuality can expect to produce nothing but copies of others' work. No amount of reference books or lessons on creativity given by doctorate-holders will help them.