  • 莱文农说司已生产出与常规电池相类似的可产生1.5伏电压的超薄电池。
    Levanon says the company has produced thin batteries that can generate about 1.5 volts -- similar to most conventional batteries.
  • 纸张电池司生产电池的化学原料是大家熟知的常规电池原料,锌和二氧化锰的混合物。
    The chemicals used in Power Paper's battery are a combination of zinc and manganese dioxide-well-known elements used in other conventional batteries.
  • 与常规电池的电解质不一样的是,纸张电池司的产品环保安全,它也不需要常规干电池所用的那种坚硬的金属外壳。
    And unlike conventional battery electrolytes, the Power Paper creation is environmentally safe and doesn't require a hard metal case typical in ordinary dry-cell batteries.
  • battery公园到了。
    Here we are-Battery Park.
  • 九号公路战役
    No.9 Highway, Battle of
  • 这一座座华丽馆的后面,是巧夺天工的圣波尔行宫的围墙,它伸向四面八方,广阔无边,形式多样,时而像一座城堡,有着断垣、绿篱和雉堞,时而像一座女修道院,隐没在大树之中。圣波尔行宫广大无比,法兰西国王在这里足可以冠冕堂皇地安顿二十二位诸如王太子或勃艮第爵这样身份的王亲国戚,以及他们成群的仆役和侍从,且不谈那班大领主了;皇帝来巴黎观光时也在这里下榻;还有社会名流在这行宫里也各有单独的宅邸。
    Behind these palaces, extended in all directions, now broken,fenced in, battlemented like a citadel, now veiled by great trees like a Carthusian convent, the immense and multiform enclosure of that miraculous Hotel de Saint-Pol, where the King of France possessed the means of lodging superbly two and twenty princes of the rank of the dauphin and the Duke of Burgundy, with their domestics and their suites, without counting the great lords, and the emperor when he came to view Paris, and the lions, who had their separate Hotel at the royal Hotel.
  • 德国西南部的一个州,以啤酒闻名;德国宝马汽车司所在地。
    a state in southwestern Germany famous for its beer; BMW stands for Bavarian Motor Works.
  • 不要在共场合大哭。
    Don't bawl in public!
  • 炮台园曼哈顿岛南端的园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地
    A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in1808 for the defense of the harbor.
  • 在港湾内外航行不在海上.
    Sail in and out of the bays not on the open sea.
  • 中国沿海共有160多处海湾和几百里深水岸线,许多岸段适合建设港口,发展海洋运输业。
    More than 160 bays are spread along China's coasts, plus the deep-water stretches of coast with a total length of several hundred kilometers. Many spots along the coastline are suitable for constructing harbors and developing marine transportation.
  • 司机:15路到海滩园去。
    That goes down the Beach Park.
  • 年内,土木工程署完成了西贡区内的三个众码头、沙螺湾灯塔及筲箕湾系泊柱墩的建筑工程。
    In 1998, it completed three public piers in the Sai Kung area, one light beacon at Sha Lo Wan and two dolphins at Shau Kei Wan.
  • 爵夫人用珠宝装扮自己。
    The duchess bedeck herself with jewel.
  • 两旁是破旧寓的街道
    A street of bedraggled tenements.
  • 查尔斯把他的办室和寝室都收拾得很干净。
    Charles keep both his office and bedroom neat.
  • 这间卧室可以装备成一门办室。
    The bedroom can be fitted up as an office.
  • 第二,睡前避免研究厚厚的文等紧张的精神活动。
    2.Try to avoid intense mental activities such as studying your stock portfolio before bedtime.
  • 英国电能司powergen委托的一项调查结果发现《哈里·波特》和从前那些更有历史的经典读物已经掀起了一场名副其实的"睡前读书革命"。
    A poll commissioned by UK electricity utility PowerGen found that Harry Potter, as well as older classics, had created a veritable bedtime reading revolution.
  • 他决定笔直穿过园。
    He decided to strike a bee line across the park.
  • 看见我站在共汽车站附近,就直向我走来。
    He made a beeline for me when he saw me standing at the bus-stop.
  • 这些年轻人一到园,便直奔游泳池。
    As soon as they reached the park, the young people made a beeline for the swimming pool.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声宣布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22分在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109里,实际距离为123.58里,时间为50小时22分。
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the in-ternational judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng de-clared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline dis-tanee was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • 王平:接着,在预定地点,开水域游泳国际裁判朱玉成大声宣布:“张健8月8日从旅顺下水,今天上午10时22分在蓬莱上岸,直线距离为109里,实际距离为123.58里,时间为50小时22分。
    Wang Ping: Following that, at the predetermined place, the international judge of swimming at open water area Zhu Yucheng declared loudly: "Zhang Jian entered into the water at Lushun on August 8 and at 10:22 this morning went shore at Penglai. The beeline distance was 109 kilometers,the fact distance was 123.58 kilometers and the time was 50 hours 22 minutes. It is in accordance with the predetermined requirements.
  • 属于民,关于民,适于民。
    of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals.
  • 然而在驾驶共汽车前,他们必须通过专门测验。
    Before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.
  • 他帮苏姗与共汽车司机成为朋友,以便他们能关照她,给她预留座位。
    He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could watch out for her,and save her a seat.
  • 如果一个穷汉子想娶一位主为妻,则无异乎懒蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。
    If a poor man asked to marry a princess, that would be like begging for the moon.
  • 我才开始学这种乐器,要为众演奏还得用几年时间。
    I'm only a beginner on the instrument, it will be years before I'm ready to play for the pubic.
  • 这家司建立在一个稳固的基础上
    A business begun on a good footing.
  • 代表美国司做事的初级律师
    Solicitor acting on behalf of the American many
  • 授权某人代表司行事
    To authorize someone to action the company's behalf.