  • 伊朗和伊拉克之间的战于1988年8月份结束。
    The war between Iran and Iraq ended in August 1988.
  • 通过与伊朗的战,他可能会干掉控制着伊朗的激进的毛拉。
    By going to war with Iran, he could bleed the radical mullahs who had seized control of Iran.
  • 这些场景就是伊拉克战的惨痛现实。
    This is the bitter reality of war in Iraq.
  • 但萦绕在每个人心头的却是伊拉克的战
    But it was the war on Iraq that was on everyone' s mind.
  • 伊拉克政权一直利用外交作为取时间和优势的策略。
    The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain time and advantage.
  • 非正规军;非正规战
    irregular troops; irregular warfare.
  • 假设不相干的论据可以证明议中的论点的谬论。
    the fallacy of supposing that an argument proving an irrelevant point has proved the point at issue.
  • 更糟糕的,是“反恐”战将演变为一场“文明冲突”,美国再是船坚炮利,无往不摧,仍然无法取得对十几亿穆斯林的“攻心”胜利。
    Worse still, with the War on Terror soon becoming a Conflict of Civilisations, American military power, no matter how strong or irresistible, will still fail to win the hearts and minds of the more than one billion Muslims.
  • 但必须实行无男女、信仰、财产、教育等差别的真正普遍平等的选举制,才能适合于各革命阶级在国家中的地位,适合于表现民意和指挥革命斗,适合于新民主主义的精神。
    But if there is to be a proper representation for each revolutionary class according to its status in the state, a proper expression of the people's will, a proper direction for revolutionary struggles and a proper manifestation of the spirit of New Democracy, then a system of really universal and equal suffrage, irrespective of sex, creed, property or education, must be introduced.
  • 并不奇怪,这不过是大狗小狗饱狗饿狗之间的一点特别有趣的斗,一个不大不小的缺口,一种又痒又痛的矛盾。
    No, it is not strange at all, but merely a particularly interesting example of a fight between large and small dogs, between well-fed and ill-fed dogs. It is not a big rift, but neither is it small; it is at once an irritating and painful contradiction.
  • 大革命后期,我们党犯了陈独秀右倾机会主义的错误,就是怕同资产阶级作政治上的斗,怕触动它,不敢发动群众,等到蒋介石一背叛就使大革命失败了。
    In the later stage of the Great Revolution our Party was misled by Chen Duxiu's Right opportunistic error, when we were afraid of engaging in a political struggle with the bourgeoisie, afraid of irritating it, and not daring to arouse the masses into action. Consequently, the Great Revolution ended in defeat as soon as Chiang Kai-shek betrayed it.
  • 两国之间存在着涉及那个岛屿归属的领土端。
    The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island.
  • 他们提出为社会主义而进行斗的决心。
    They pledged their determination to carry on the struggle for social ism.
  • 统治着第五次反“围剿”时期的所谓“正规战”的战略方针,否认这种流动性,反对所谓“游击主义”。
    The exponents of the strategy of "regular warfare" which dominated our fifth counter-campaign denied this fluidity and opposed what they called "guerrilla-ism".
  • 如果这些天打开电视,你几乎随时可以看到体育比赛,就像看到反恐战的最新报道一样。
    If you turn on the TV these days you are almost as likely to see a sporting event as to see the latest about the war on terror-ism.
  • 没有这些条件,中间势力就会动摇起来,或竟变为顽固派向我进攻的同盟军;因为顽固派也正在极力取中间派,以便使我们陷于孤立。
    If these conditions are lacking, the middle forces will vacillate or even become allies of the die-hards in the latter's attacks on us, because the die-hards are also doing their best to win over the middle forces in order to isolate us.
  • 对于伪军伪组织,我们在政治上必须采取反对的立场,至于对具体的对象,要分别情况采取打击或取的方针,而以瓦解其组织,减弱其反动性,以孤立日寇,利于革命抗日工作为目的。
    With regard to puppet troops and organizations, we must oppose them politically, but in dealing with individuals, we should use force or persuasion as appropriate. The purpose of doing this is to break up these organizations and make them less reactionary, and to isolate the Japanese invaders for the benefit of the revolutionary anti-Japanese work.
  • 坚持这种有理、有利、有节的斗,就能发展进步势力,取中间势力,孤立顽固派,并使顽固派尔后不敢轻易向我们进攻,不敢轻易同敌人妥协,不敢轻易举行大内战。
    By keeping to this kind of struggle, waged on just grounds, to our advantage and with restraint, we can develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, and we can also make the die-hards think twice before attacking us, compromising with the enemy or starting large-scale civil war.
  • 我们的任务,是坚持地猛力地执行中央“发展进步势力”、“取中间势力”、“孤立顽固势力”这三项唯一正确的方针,用以达到克服投降危险、取时局好转的目的。
    Our task is persistently and vigorously to carry out the threefold policy laid down by the Central Committee, which is the only correct policy, namely, to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, for the purpose of averting the danger of capitulation and bringing about a turn for the better in the situation.
  • (八)在发展进步势力,取中间势力,孤立顽固势力的斗中,知识分子的作用是不可忽视的,顽固派又正在极力取知识分子,因此,取一切进步的知识分子于我们党的影响之下,是一个必要的重大的政策。
    8. In our struggle to develop the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces, we must not overlook the role of the intellectuals, whom the die-hards are doing their utmost to win over;therefore it is an important and indeed an essential policy to win over all progressive intellectuals and bring them under the influence of the Party.
  • 这些阶层的取,是孤立顽固派的一个重要的步骤。
    Winning over these sections is an important step in isolating the die-hards.
  • 因此在政治上要善于利用敌人内部的矛盾,取或联合其较好的部分,中立其动摇的部分,孤立和打击其最反动的部分。
    Therefore, politically we should make the best use of contradictions among the enemies, winning over or uniting with those who are not hostile to us, persuading the vacillating ones not to oppose us, and isolating and striking at the most reactionary ones.
  • 顽固派在反共方面也有两面性,因此我们的政策也有两面性,即在他们尚不愿在根本上破裂国共合作的方面,是加以联合的政策;在他们对我党和对人民的高压政策和军事进攻的方面,是进行斗和加以孤立的政策。
    As their opposition to the Communist Party has also a dual character, our policy, too, should have a dual character;in so far as they are still unwilling to break up Kuomintang-Communist co-operation altogether, it is one of alliance with them, but in so far as they are high-handed and launch armed attacks on our Party and the people, it is one of struggling against them and isolating them.
  • 历史上不论中国的战也罢,印度的战也罢,都是孤立的。
    In the past, China's wars, and India's too, were wars fought in isolation.
  • 最终,以色列应该同意撤回到1967年中东战之前的界限以内。
    Ultimately, Israel should agree to pull back to the lines it held before the 1967 Mideast war.
  • 1967年6月阿以紧张状态爆发成短暂战;以色列在地中海形成强大的力量。
    Arab-Israeli tension erupted into a brief war in June 1967; Israel emerged as a major power in the Middle East.
  • 在这个充满男人的冲动和好斗意气的战氛围中,以巴双方的社会生活都被搅得乱七八糟,面对亲人的丧失、悲伤和恐惧,母亲们在竭力承担着她们看护者的角色。
    When Palestinian and Israeli societies are being ripped apart by the testosterone and machismo of wartime,mothers are struggling to keep alive their nurturing role amid the loss,grief and fear.
  • 基辛格的成就包括:恢复美国与中华人民共和国的关系,通过在巴以战(1973)交战双方间进行"穿梭外交"调停停火。
    Among Kissinger’ s achievements were the restoration of U.S.relations with the People’ s Republic of China and the arrangement by“shuttle diplomacy”of a cease fire between the Israelis and the Arabs in the Arab Israeli War of 1973.
  • 在这次战中意大利宣布中立。
    Italy declared for neutrality in this war.
  • 如果把新阶段的任务分别来讲,那末,在敌人后方,一定要坚持游击战,粉碎敌人的“扫荡”,破坏敌人的经济侵略;
    To itemize the tasks of the new stage, in the enemy's rear we must keep up guerrilla warfare, smash his "mopping-up" campaigns and defeat his economic aggression;
  • 目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的论。
    There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers.
  • 期间敌台被干扰。
    The enemy's radio was jammed during the war.