  • 美国禁酒期偷运玉米威士忌
    bootleg corn whiskey during Prohibition
  • 边境(尤指英格兰和苏格兰之的)居民。
    an inhabitant of a border area (especially the border between Scotland and England).
  • 有争议的边界地区两国都宣称拥有主权的两国之的一块土地
    A tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both.
  • 她在康复期做些什麽来消磨时呢?
    What did she do to pass the time (ie to make the period of boredom less tedious) while she was convalescing?
  • 消磨或者度过,像厌倦或者以一种令人愉快的方式;关于时
    spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner; of time.
  • 里的气氛很沉闷,男的是因为自己一筹莫展而局促不安,女的是因为这个讨厌的家伙的来访而心情烦躁。
    Everything about the scene exuded boredom which stemmed, on the man's side, from an embarrassing awareness of his own dullness and, on the woman's, from the visit of this lugubrious personage.
  • 看他们那滑稽的动作,听他们那响亮的笑声,以及与同伴们在大厅两头相互取笑的呼喊声,一下子就可以知道这些年轻的学子并不像其余观众那样烦闷和疲倦,他们为了取乐,非常善于从眼皮底下的情景中发掘一幕精彩的戏出,借以打发时,耐心等候另一出戏的上演。
    By their aping gestures, their yells of laughter, by their loud interchange of opprobrious epithets with comrades at the other side of the Hall, it was very evident that these budding literati by no means shared the boredom and fatigue of the rest of the gathering, and that they knew very well how to extract out of the scene actually before them sufficient entertainment of their own to enable them to wait patiently for the other.
  • 位于大伦敦泰晤士河上的一个区;本初子午线即°经线穿过此地;时就是相对于格林威治标准时来确定的。
    a borough of Greater London on the Thames; zero degrees of longitude runs through Greenwich; time is measured relative to Greenwich Mean Time.
  • 卢顿英格兰东南部自治城市,位于伦敦西北偏北,詹姆斯一世在位期发展了妇女头饰制造业。人口164,200
    A borough of southeast England north-northwest of London. A millinery industry was established here during the reign of James I. Population,164, 200.
  • 这两个年轻人的家庭之的关系不很友好。
    The families of the two young souls were not on borrowing terms.
  • 他在波士顿小住期遇见了他未来的岳父。
    He meets his future father-in-law during his visit to boston.
  • 我们什么时到达波士顿呢?
    What time do we get t Boston?
  • 请问去波士顿下一班火车是什么时
    When is the next train for Boston?
  • 开往波士顿的火车什么时开呢?
    What time does the train for Boston leave?
  • 通用公司的刘先生将于3月20日早晨至波士顿会合,他已经在波士顿订好下周一周的旅馆房
    General company Mr. liu rl join at boston on mar 20 morning he lardy rsv hotel at boston full next week
  • 作者从事植物研究工作,在工余时义务为学校、自然组织和朋友充当向导,带领他们参观自然生态区。
    The writer is a botanist by profession. He also volunteers as a nature guide during his free time to schools, nature groups and friends.
  • 到了子夜,我向每个人告辞,这位植物学家在主人面前,对我极度恭维,说我「极富激励性」。
    Midnight came, I said good night to everyone and departed. The botanist then turned to our host and paid me several flattering compliments. I was “most stimulating.
  • 没有装满的瓶子;没有占满的空
    an unfilled bottle; unfilled spaces.
  • 在更快的处理器和对称多处理(smp)加速应用的同时,i/o就成了最终用户与信息之的瓶颈。
    While faster processors and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) speed applications, I/O creates a bottleneck between end users and the information.
  • 围绕电动汽车和新型清洁燃料汽车在推广使用中的技术瓶颈,加强技术攻关,到2008年,确保奥运会期接送运动员所使用的汽车,奥运场地使用的特种车辆和部分公交车辆采用电动汽车,使北京成为我国使用电动汽车的示范城市;确保北京大部分公共汽车和出租车使用清洁燃料,使北京城市汽车排放达到当时世界通行的机动车污染物排放标准。
    Around the technical bottleneck of adopted and popularized electric motor automobile and new type clean fuel automobile we should strengthen technical study, and by the year 2008, and ensure that during the Olympic Games the bus that is used to meet and see off sportsman or sportswoman, or special vehicles and partial public traffic vehicles will be adopted as electric motor automobiles in the Olympic Games' ground, so Beijing will be a demonstrative city of used electric motor automobile in China, and ensure most of bus and hired cab will use clean fuel and make bus exhaust reach the standard of international current bus pollutant discharge in Beijing city.
  • 根据脑电图(eeg)解释,宽吻海豚一生中要花掉33.4%的时睡觉。
    Bottlenose dolphins, based on electroencephalogram (EEG) readings, spend an average of 33.4 percent of their day asleep.
  • 大多数经济学家说,加利福尼亚的经济衰退尚未度过难关。预计经济复苏最早将在1995年,在以前可能恶化。
    Most economists here say that California's economic slump has not bottomed out and that it may grow worse before the earliest projected recovery in1995.
  • 很少人持乐观看法,认为市况很快就会复原。第一波士顿[财务]公司总裁兼总经理考克斯说,“目前市况不振。这种情况我预料还要继续一段时。我预料要经过一段相当时才能挽回颓势。”
    Few are optimistic that the business will bounce back quickly. "Business is down, and I would expect it to stay down for some time," said Archibald Cox Jr., the president and chief executive of the First Boston Corporation. "I expect that it will take a meaningful period of time before we right the ship."
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地进了房
    He came bouncing into the room.
  • 孩子们蹦跳着进入房
    Children bouncing into the room.
  • 国与国之的边界或沿边界的地区。
    an international boundary or the area along such a boundary.
  • 范围;区域被该界限围合的空
    The space enclosed by such a boundary.
  • 没有隔的连接在一起;在共同的边界之内。
    connecting without a break; within a common boundary.
  • 刻度线,分度线指示这种隔的界限的标记
    A mark indicating the boundary of such an interval.
  • 他蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房里, 宣布他要结婚了.
    He bounded into the room and announced that he was getting married.
  • 圆形区,圆形空被圆所包围的一个平面区域
    A planar region bounded by a circle.
  • (管)腔,细胞壁周围的空
    The cavity bounded by a plant cell wall.