Chinese English Sentence:
  • “这是种怪论,”她,“而且前后所毫无关联。”
    "This is a strange remark," said she, "and apropos de bottes."
  • 关于好嫉妒之人暂且就到这里。
    Thus much for those, that are apt to envy.
  • 一般地,人们总想得到他们不能得到的东西。
    Generally speaking, people are apt to wish for what they can't have.
  • 正如bretz所,疤地恰如其名,它们代表了地球表面一道无法愈合的伤疤。
    As Bretz remarked, the Scablands are aptly named, for they represent an unhealed wound in the skin of the Earth.
  • 它的对象与目标扩大了,也在国家建设中扮演新角色,新闻及艺术部长杨荣文准将为今年的运动主持开幕时的演讲,可已经为这演化作一总结。
    The campaign has expanded its target group and its goals and has also assumed a new role in nation building. The transformation is now complete, as aptly summarised and articulated by Minister for Information and the Arts BG George Yeo during the launch this year.
  • 如果孩子确有某种超群的天才,那当然应该扶植发展。但就一般情况,下面这句格言是很有用的:“长期的训练会通过适应化难为易。”
    It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children were extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it; but generally the precept is good, optimum elige, suave et facile illud faciet consuetudo.
  • 生长于静止的或缓慢流动的淡水或微咸的淡水中;对于冷水池塘和养鱼缸来是一种有用的充氧器。
    found in still or slow-moving fresh or brackish water; useful oxygenator for cool water ponds and aquaria.
  • 具着无限的忍耐的上帝带他到一个水族馆去,指着那些檀香山鱼的华丽的颜色和形状给他看,可是那个人他对此不生兴趣。
    God took him to an aquarium, and showed him the gorgeous colors and shapes of Hawaiian fishes, and the man said he was not interested.
  • :"这就激起了阿拉伯人民的强烈义愤。"
    "This, " he declared, "has aroused the bitter indignation of the Arab people."
  • 现在,对阿拉伯妇女——更不用阿拉伯国家的王后——来的“正常”行为方式,常常并非最为公众所接受。
    The " natural" course of action for an Arab woman these days never mind an Arab queen is often not the most accepted one.
  • :“这就激起了阿拉伯人民的强烈义愤。”
    "This," he declared,"has aroused the bitter indignation of the Arab people."
  • 这个阿拉伯人:“可是根据我们的宗教令……”,他瞥了一眼法官。
    The Arab started to say, " But, according to our decree..." and peeked at the Kadi.
  • 居住在阿拉伯和北非,阿拉伯语的人。
    an Arabic speaking person who lives in Arabia or N Africa.
  • 印度西部一地区,在阿拉伯海沿岸的孟买以北,古吉特拉语。
    a region of western India north of Bombay (bordering the Arabian Sea) where Gujarati is spoken.
  • 阿拉伯传中的鸟,定期自焚并从死灰中复生;多数法认为,他每500年重生一次,每次只有一只。
    a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years.
  • 阿拉伯语和英语都一样自如.
    He speaks Arabic and English with equal ease.
  • 阿拉伯语的人阿拉伯语民族的一个成员
    A member of an Arabic-speaking people.
  •  请求书、明书、权利要求书、附图和摘要应当分别用阿拉伯数字顺序编号。
    The request, description, claims, drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.
  • 大是地多人多,地多还不如是山多,可耕地面积并不多。
    When we say it is a major country, we mean it has a huge population and a vast territory, although it has more mountains than arable land.
  • 不过这些影响对想成为套期交易商或华尔街律师的人来可能是负面的。”
    "Although they could be bad for somebody who's tring to be an arbitrage trader or Wall Street lawyer."
  • 1986年决赛的奇迹再次重演,这次德国获胜,马拉多纳“黑手党”赢了,他陷入了一个阴谋。
    The final of Mexico 1986 was repeated, but this time Germany won, thanks to a favorable arbitrage and to a doubtful penalty. Maradona said that the " mafia " won and that there was a plot against him.
  • 所谓因地制宜,就是那里适宜发展什么就发展什么,不适宜发展的就不要去硬搞。
    The latter means developing what is appropriate for a specific locality and not arbitrarily attempting what is unsuitable.
  • 但是,虽政府或国家有权决定应该有什么样的制度,可它们却不能任意确定这些制度起作用的方式。
    But though governments or nations have the power of deciding what institutions shall exist, they cannot arbitrarily determine how those institutions shall work.
  • (三)党内批评要防止主观武断和把批评庸俗化,话要有证据,批评要注意政治。
    and (3) in inner-Party criticism, guard against subjectivism, arbitrariness and the vulgarization of criticism; statements should be based on facts and criticism should centre on politics.
  • 这就是,如果我方提出仲裁,仲裁地点就在法国。相反,如果贵方提出交付仲裁,仲裁地点就在中国。
    That is to say, if we submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is in France and if you submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is in China.
  • 腾格拉尔故意阻止卡德鲁斯,后者却要下去的样子带着醉鬼的拗性,已把头探出了凉棚。
    said Danglars, pretending to restrain Caderousse, who, with the tenacity of drunkards, leaned out of the arbor.
  • “是的,”腾格拉尔,一面把信移开了,使他拿不到,“我刚才所所做的不过是开开玩笑而已,假如唐太斯,这位可敬的唐太斯遭到了什么不幸,我会第一个感到难过的,你看,”他拿起了那封信,把它揉成一团,抛向凉棚的一个角落里。
    "Yes," said Danglars, taking it from beyond his reach; "and as what I say and do is merely in jest, and I, amongst the first and foremost, should be sorry if anything happened to Dantès--the worthy Dantès--look here!" And taking the letter, he squeezed it up in his hands and threw it into a corner of the arbor.
  • 这些传教士对法国的了解仅限于有关圣女贞德的传
    These churchmen's acquaintance with France stopped short at Joan of Arc.
  • “我们认为这些青铜是运往布林迪斯的,”阿普利亚的考古负责人吉瑟皮·安德阿斯。他认为船在公元三世纪到六世纪的某个时候遭遇到了风暴。
    "We like to think the bronzes were being carried into Brindisi," says Giuseppe Andreassi, archaeological superintendent of Apulia, who believes that the boat was caught in a storm sometime between the third and sixth centuries A.D.
  • (改组印度考古学部)要明得失二者之间的关系并不难。你不能不打破鸡蛋而有炒鸡蛋。我敢肯定最后端出来的炒鸡蛋足以证明把许多鸡蛋打破是有道理的。
    (reorganizing the Indian Archaeological Department) It is not difficult to count both the losses and the gains. You can't have omelettes without breaking eggs, and I have no doubt that the omelette which eventually emerged justified the breaking of a good many eggs.
  • 这项重要发现对本地考古学来是一项突破,并有助我们了解本港早期居民的生活情况。
    This important discovery is a breakthrough in local archaeology and will shed light on the livelihood of Hong Kong's early settlers.
  • 根据当地民间传,1886年的时候当地一位主教在涌动的熔岩前举起圣安东尼的塑像,阻止了熔岩的前进,而使这座城镇幸免于难。
    According to folklore, the town was saved in 1886 after the local archbishop held a statue of St Anthony before advancing lava.