  • 潜意识压抑力阻止困扰或痛苦的思想或以非伪的形式达到意识的感情
    Prevention of disturbing or painful thoughts or feelings from reaching consciousness except in a disguised form.
  • 用同一种料子做的一 套服
    a suit of dittos (=a ditto suit)
  • 褥榻无靠背或扶手的垫沙发或长沙发
    An upholstered sofa or divan without arms or a back.
  • 坚持以质取胜和市场多元化战略,采用国际标准,进一步建立和完善出口营销服务体系,努力促进具有高附加值的电子信息产品和系统备的出口。
    the sector will stick to strategies of win-by-quality and market diversification, further establish and improve the export and marketing service system according to international standard and strive to expedite the export of high value-added electronic information products and system equipment.
  • 徐:随着商品的超级市场经,有包小型化的趋势。
    With the diversified merchandising of supermarkets, there has been a trend toward smaller packages.
  • 与转换电流小部分置平行的低电阻导体。
    a low-resistance conductor connected in parallel with a device to divert a fraction of the current.
  • 那位土地所有者想把那条河流改道来浇灌他的土地,但是当一群武的村民前来表示反对时,他退缩了。
    The landowner wanted to divert the river to irrigate his land but drew in his horns when an armed band of villagers arrived to express their disapproval.
  • 使缴械;使解除武装
    To divest of a weapon or weapons.
  • 她没有把它装好。
    She do not do it properly.
  • 该飞机制造公司的一位官员说,他认为备这种飞机去探则地雷是可行的。
    An official of the aircraft company said he thought outfitting the aircraft to detect land mines was doable.
  • 如果一个植入了绝对芯片的人受伤了,急救室的医生可以用一个看起来像掌上电脑的置读出芯片中的数据,从而快速地获得伤者的医疗背景。
    If a patient with VeriChip were injured, the theory goes, a harried ER doc could quickly access the victim's medi cal back-ground by scanning the chip with a device that looks like a Palm handheld computer.
  • 装卸船只的搬运工
    A dock worker who loads and unloads ships.
  • 一个船只入坞和卸货物的地方。
    a landing for docking and (un)loading ships.
  • 钟逐渐开始普及,它们可以饰得很漂亮。有一只钟的形状就是一个车夫赶着马拉车。
    Gradually, docks began to be popular and they could be beautifully decorated. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse and a driver.
  • 在马赛,一艘大船的进港终究是一件大事,尤其是象法老号这样的大船,船主是本地人,船又是在佛喜造船厂里建造配的,因而就特别引人注目。
    it is always an event at Marseilles for a ship to come into port, especially when this ship, like the Pharaon, has been built, rigged, and laden at the old Phocée docks, and belongs to an owner of the city.
  • 不要按照工程文档安这些机器
    Do not install these machines as per the project documentation
  • 去年的时现在早都过时了。
    Last year's fashions in clothes are dead as a dodo now.
  • 款式相似的套;相似观点的有限循环;猫科成员具有相似的特性;象一个豆荚里两颗相似的豌豆;忠诚的热爱;不真实的品质。
    suits of like design; a limited circle of like minds; members of the cat family have like dispositions; as like as two peas in a pod; doglike devotion; a dreamlike quality.
  • 然而,当今世界上,以大欺小、以强凌弱、干涉内政、侵犯主权、武侵略和占领他国领土等违背联合国宪章和国际法准则的行径仍然存在,局部战争和地区冲突从未停止。
    However, in today's world, acts which go against the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law still exist. These include such practices as the big bullying the small, the strong domineering over the weak, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and violating their sovereignty, and armed aggression and occupation of the territory of other states. Local wars and regional conflicts have been incessant.
  • 多米尼加人民武起义
    Armed Uprising of Dominican People
  • 不要装傻
    Don't act the fool.
  • 一台辅助发动机。
    Rig up a donkey engine
  • 电工装好了门铃。
    The electrician hooked up the doorbell.
  • 蜂鸣器可以发出嗡嗡声的一种电子信号置,如门铃
    An electric signaling device, such as a doorbell, that makes a buzzing sound.
  • 手头总需备些糖果或一分的硬币施舍给那些穿着奇异服、扮作妖怪的小矮人,这些小矮人上门要求“给些糖果”。
    Candies or pennies should always be on hand to dole out to the oddly dressed midgets, doubling for goblins, who ring his doorbell and demand "Trick or treat".
  • 用一件军装装饰门口
    Emblazon a doorway with a coat of arms.
  • 我们一起想出了安好它的办法。
    Together we doped out how it could be fixed.
  • 玛丽正在饰她的帽子。
    Mary was doping up her hat.
  • 圆锥饰多利安式顶盘的一系列小型,水滴状的
    One of a series of small, droplike ornaments on a Doric entablature.
  • 三槽板多利安柱式檐壁上的建筑饰,包括一块微凸的长方形石板,板上有两条平行垂直的凹槽和两边两条相应的斜削的半槽,半槽将排档间饰分开
    An ornament in a Doric frieze, consisting of a projecting block having on its face two parallel vertical glyphs or grooves and two half grooves or chamfers on either vertical end, that separates the metopes.
  • 1994年秋天,我开着一辆老式旅行车到达我的大学新生宿舍,车里满了我的新衣服、好多双鞋子和我最为得意的一台小冰箱大小的计算机。
    In the fall of 1994,I arrived at my freshman dorm in my old station wagon filled with new clothes,too many shoes,and my proudest possession: a computer the size of a small refrigerator.
  • 一圆形或椭圆形的饰窗
    A round or oval dormer window.